

单词 attenuating
释义 at·ten·u·ate 英ə'tenjueɪt美ə'tenjueɪt COCA⁹³³⁷⁹BNC⁹⁷²³³⁺Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
reduced in strength;

the faded tones of an old recording

weaken the consistency of a chemical substancebecome weaker, in strength, value, or magnitude近义词 thin薄的lessen减少reduce减少dilute稀释temper脾气offset抵消soothe缓和calm平静的loosen松开assuage缓和decrease减少diminish减少mitigate减轻faded已褪色的rarefy使变稀少water down掺水attenuated削弱的weaken使 … 弱,削弱…minimize将 … 减到最少…lighten使轻松,变得轻松…weakened动词weaken的过去式…take the edge off使钝减弱的程度…

用作动词In a forest, wet wood and needlesattenuatethe signals.在森林中,潮湿的树木与针叶会使讯号变弱。
We are asking a network or system toattenuatecertain frequencies.我们正在要求一个网络或系统去压制某些频率。 For the purpose of operating the neural network, momentum items are added and the attenuating Gaussian noise is introduced.
网络运行中附加动量项和引入逐渐衰减的高斯噪声。 cnki

Meanwhile post- stack noise removing help improve signal-to- noise further, and attenuating noise arousing from processing.
叠后噪音衰减进一步提高剖面信噪比,衰减处理过程带来的噪音,弥补叠前噪音衰减的不足。 cnki

The Audio Echo Filter repeats a sound after a given Delay, attenuating the repetitions based on the Decay Ratio.

The mathematical model with finite solution for bedding plane air-leakage is established, in which the air leakage intensity is regarded as attenuating follows proximately negative exponential law.
建立了层面漏风的定解数学模型,将地表漏风强度近似看作按负指数规律衰减。 cnki

The single- photon sources used in most of the practical QKD systems are obtained through attenuating the weak laser pulse.
实际量子密钥分发系统使用的单光子源主要是由弱激光脉冲经衰减得到。 cnki

Available with color- correcting and signal- attenuating accessories for user- controlled manipulation of light source output.
有颜色校正器和信号衰减附件,用于使用者控制操作光源输出。 dictall

Design of EMC must be considered from three aspects: reducing intensity of interference source, attenuating propagation factor and enhancing anti-jamming capability of interfered equipment.
EMC设计须从减弱干扰源传导源强度、衰减传播因子、提高受扰设备抗干扰能力三方面进行综合考虑。 cnki

Finally, further investigations of microwave attenuating materials used in MWTs were pointed out.
最后结合笔者的认识,讨论了今后微波管用衰减材料的研究方向。 magsci

In the new path which he had entered on, in judging the mistakes of the old regime, as in measuring the glory of Napoleon, he neglected the attenuating circumstances.
他在新走上的那条道路上审判旧秩序时,也正和他衡量拿破仑的光荣一样,忽略了减尊因素。 ebigear

Maximum attenuating speed D of side lobe peak value.
最大的旁瓣峰值衰减速度 D。 cnki

Of an electronic circuit or device; having an output proportional to input; amplifying or attenuating all frequencies equally.
说明一种电子电路或器件,其输出和输入成比例,对所有的频率都放大或衰减同样的倍数。 hotdic

Results show that the acceleration of ground vibration is not all the time being attenuating with increasing distance, but showing some fluctuations.
结果表明,地面振动加速度随距离增加并非一直在衰减,而是有起伏的; boshuo

Signal channel consists of attenuating circuit, impedance transformation circuit and amplification circuit.
信号通道由衰减电路、阻抗变换电路、放大电路等电路组成。 fabiao

The results indicate that the presented method could illuminate the saturation effect in near field and attenuating characteristics of strong ground motion in far field from large earthquake.
结果表明,建议的方法能反映近场强震地震动饱和的效应和大震远场衰减的特点。 d.wanfangdata.com.cn

These findings suggest that aliskiren was as effective as an angiotensin receptor blocker in attenuating this measure of myocardial end- organ damage in hypertensive patients with LV hypertrophy.
这些结果表明阿里克伦在减轻高血压合并左室肥厚患者心脏终末损伤方面,与血管紧张素受体阻滞剂的效果类似。 mdchome

This paper presents a variable rate reaching law for discrete variable structure system based on the attenuating control.
提出离散变结构控制系统基于衰减控制的变速趋近律。 dictall

Attenuating and absorbing of surface wave on targets is vital for targets' stealth.
目标物体上表面波的衰减吸收对目标的隐身起到很大的作用。 cnki




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