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词汇 plouffe
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Among those coming to the White House, in addition to the new chief of staff William Daley, is former Obama campaign manager David Plouffe.
在白宫新人中,除了威廉.戴利担任新办公厅主任以外,还包括曾任奥巴马竞选主管的大卫.普劳夫。 voanews

Appearing on“ Fox News Sunday, ” Plouffe said that upper- income Americans need to contribute to deficit reduction.

David Plouffe, the man who managed Mr Obama's presidential campaign, has sent millions of emails to encourage them to support the White House's agenda.
曾负责奥巴马总统竞选活动的大卫•普老夫,已经向这些人发送了数百万份电子邮件,怂恿他们支持白宫的议案。 topsage

The man who led the successful Obama presidential campaign, David Plouffe, will help the party prepare for Congressional elections in November.
成功地主导奥巴马总统竞选活动的大卫。普洛非将帮助民主党准备11月间的国会选举。 kekenet

“ Technology has always been used as a net to capture people in a campaign or cause, but not to organize, ” says Obama campaign manager David Plouffe. “ Chris saw what was possible before anyone else.”
“技术总是一张只用来记录人们在运动或行动的网,而不是用来组织,”奥巴马的竞选运动管理人 David Plouffe这么说,“ Chris看到的是别人未见的可能。” yeeyan

“ We believe that it's next to impossible for Senator Clinton to close the delegate count,” Obama campaign manager David Plouffe told reporters the morning after the Potomac primaries.
“我们相信克林顿议员应该不会有太大的胜算了。”奥巴马的竞选经理 David Plouffe在今天上午的波多马克初选后告诉记者。 yeeyan

And to my campaign manager, David Plouffe, the unsung hero of this campaign, who built the best, the best political campaign, I think, in the history of the United States of America.
和我的竞选顾问大卫- Plouffe,此次竞选的无名英雄,我认为,是他打造了美利坚合众国历史上最好的,最好的政治竞选。

But Plouffe said Clinton was not in a position to carry through on her promises because she had taken contributions from special- interest lobbyists.

But Plouffe, sounding very much like the jubilant CEO of a super- successful startup, is clear: “ We were very lucky that Chris gravitated to the campaign early.”
但是 Plouffe说起话来象个喜气洋 洋的初创即获得巨大成功的 CEO,他明白,“我们很幸运 Chris在早期就被吸收到竞选运动中。” yeeyan

David Plouffe, a White House adviser, told ABC yesterday it was not clear if there would be enough House Republicans to get a deal through.
白宫顾问 David Plouffe昨天告诉 ABC记者说还不确定众议院是否有足够的共和党议员支持这个协议。 yeeyan

David Plouffe, the man who managed Mr Obama’s presidential campaign, has sent millions of e- mails to encourage them to support the White House’s agenda.
奥巴马的竞选经理大卫•普劳夫 David Plouffe已发送上百万封邮件,鼓励他们支持白宫议程。 ecocn

In this case, however, Plouffe may inadvertently be onto something.
不过,就普劳夫的例子而言,他可能无意之间透露了一些东西。 yeeyan

Mr Obama’s former campaign manager, David Plouffe, is e- mailing millions of Obama supporters to encourage them to put pressure on their congressional representatives to pass the budget.
奥巴马的前竞选主管大卫•普劳夫,给上百万的奥巴马支持者发邮件来怂恿他们给他们选区的国会代表施加压力以使预算通过。 ecocn

Mr Obama's campaign manager David Plouffe once dubbed Mrs Clinton“ one of the most secretive politicians in America today”.
奥巴马的竞选经理大卫•普劳夫曾称克林顿夫人为“当今美国最偷偷摸摸的政治家之一”。 yeeyan

On January10th David Plouffe, the manager of Barack Obama’s presidential campaign, reported for duty as an adviser.
在1月10日,巴拉克-奥巴马的竞选团队经理大卫-普劳夫 David Plouffe报到担任顾问。

On the same program, Obama campaign manager David Plouffe said Democrats are focusing their final efforts on voters who have not made up their minds.
在同一个电视访谈节目中,奥巴马竞选团队负责人戴维。普罗夫表示,民主党方面最后的努力重点是说服那些还没有拿定主意的选民。 neworldedu

They have a long-standing relationship with AKP&D Message and Media, a campaign consulting firm led by David Axelrod and David Plouffe among others.
他们跟由大卫·艾克斯罗德和大卫·普乐菲执掌的政治运动咨询公司“ AKP&D信息媒体”有长期的合作。 yeeyan

To coincide with the anniversary of Mr Obama's election, a new book by his campaign manager, David Plouffe, is being published.
为了迎合奥巴马选举胜利一周年纪念,由他的竞选经理大卫·普劳夫 David Plouffe撰写的新书正在出版之中。 yeeyan

Twenty-two states will vote for Democrats. David Plouffe, Mr Obama's campaign manager, expects to have75,000 volunteers helping out, but there is a lot of ground to cover.
有22个周将参加民主党的初选,奥巴马竞选班子的领导人大卫•普鲁夫称,将有7万5千名志愿者参与到工作中来,然而仍有很多工作需要处理。 ecocn

What Plouffe observed was a young technologist who got the bigger picture.
而 Plouffe观察到的是一个年轻的技术员看到了全景。 yeeyan

White House adviser David Plouffe said Sunday on CNN's “ State of the Union” that President Obama this week will outline his plan for long-term deficit reduction.




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