

单词 plotting
释义 plot·ting 英'plɔtiŋ美'plɔtiŋ 高COCA¹⁶²⁸⁵BNC¹⁴⁹³²iWeb³¹²²¹Economist⁸⁹⁹⁹
名词 plot:
a secret scheme to do something especially something underhand or illegala small area of ground covered by specific vegetationthe story that is told in a novel or play or movie etc.a chart or map showing the movements or progress of an objectremote plotting路线遥测, 航向遥绘…pressure plotting绘制压力分布图…plotting apparatus测图仪器,航迹绘…curve plotting曲线绘制plotting chart空白定位图continuous plotting连续标绘plotting scale比例尺,刻度尺,制图…control plotting控制点展绘plotting instrument绘图仪,立体测象仪…plotting paper坐标纸plotting unit描绘设备manual plotting手工作图topographic plotting地形描绘plotting board绘图板plotting device曲线绘制仪,绘图仪…direct plotting直接标绘discrete plotting断续标绘plotting tablet标图板plotting table输出函数表,标绘板,…plotting sheet空白定位纸
plott-,-ing动名词⇒n.测绘⁵⁰标示航线;求读数⁵⁰近义词 secrecy秘密intrigue欺骗trickery欺骗conspiracy阴谋maneuvering机动huggermugger杂乱scheming诡计多端的manoeuvring军调遣

The police had a tip that they wereplottinga riot.警方得到了他们在策划着暴动的情报。
He is responsible forplottingthe reefs on the chart.他负责在海图上标出暗礁的位置。
They wereplottingthe overthrow of the government.他们正在策划推翻政府。
They areplottinghow to murder him.他们在密谋如何杀害他。as in.deep
同义词 acute,sharp,trickycunning,designing,keen,knowingartful,astute,canny,contriving,crafty,foxy,guileful,insidious,intriguing,shrewd,sly,wily
反义词 aboveboard,frank,honestartless,openas in.Machiavellian
同义词 cunning,expedient,opportunistartful,astute,calculating,conniving,contriving,crafty,deceitful,devious,shrewd,sly,underhanded,unscrupulous,wilyas in.sly
同义词 canny,impish,ingenious,intriguing,mischievous,roguish,shrewd,smart,subtlearch,artful,astute,bluffing,cagey,calculating,captious,conniving,covert,crafty,crooked,cunning,deceitful,deceptive,delusive,designing,dishonest,dishonorable,dissembling,double-dealing,elusive,foxy,furtive,guileful,illusory,insidious,mean,scheming,secret,sharp,shifty,slick,smooth,sneaking,stealthy,traitorous,treacherous,tricky,underhand,unscrupulous,wily
反义词 foolish,inept,stupidhonest,open,simple,straight,straightforwardas in.sneaking
同义词 arch,bluffing,calculating,conniving,crooked,designing,dissembling,intriguing,mean,scheming,slick,smart,smoothartful,astute,cagey,canny,captious,covert,crafty,cunning,deceitful,deceptive,delusive,dishonest,dishonorable,double-dealing,elusive,foxy,furtive,guileful,illusory,impish,ingenious,insidious,mischievous,roguish,secret,secretive,sharp,shifty,shrewd,sneaky,stealthy,subtle,surreptitious,traitorous,treacherous,tricky,underhand,unscrupulous,wily
反义词 aboveboard,artless,honestas in.outlining
同义词 aligning,banding,bounding,charting,circumscribing,delimiting,delineating,depicting,designing,diagramming,drafting,drawing,girdling,mapping,planning,projecting,tracingdrawing up
Machiavellianadjective scheming
deepadjective scheming, devious
outliningnoun sketching
aligning,banding,bounding,charting,circumscribing,delimiting,delineating,depicting,designing,diagramming,drafting,drawing,drawing up,girdling,mapping,planning,plotting,projecting,tracing
slyadjective clever, devious
sneakingadjective sly
arch,artful,astute,bluffing,cagey,calculating,canny,captious,conniving,covert,crafty,crooked,cunning,deceitful,deceptive,delusive,designing,dishonest,dishonorable,dissembling,double-dealing,elusive,foxy,furtive,guileful,illusory,impish,ingenious,insidious,intriguing,mean,mischievous,plotting,roguish,scheming,secret,secretive,sharp,shifty,shrewd,slick,smart,smooth,sneaky,stealthy,subtle,surreptitious,traitorous,treacherous,tricky,underhand,unscrupulous,wily And we saw that by plotting how far the drunk was after each time unit.

Its failure so far to accommodate itself to the new establishment in Baghdad has been expensive too, with Iraq’s rulers accusing it of plotting recent deadly bombings.
到现在,叙未能很好地与伊拉克新政府建立关系的代价也不菲,伊拉克指责其策划了近期的几起惨重炸弹爆炸案。 ecocn

One of the keys to a successful career is making the right decisions at critical junctures, whether you're fielding a job offer, asking for a promotion or plotting your next move.
成功的职业至关重要的一点是在关键时刻做出正确的抉择,这种关键时刻也许是你在求职,晋升或者是策划你的下一步行动。 hjenglish

A25-year-old Afghan immigrant who used to work at Denver airport pleaded guilty, in a civilian court hearing, to plotting to bomb the New York subway last year.
一名25岁阿富汗移民当庭否认罪名。 该移民曾在丹佛机场工作过,被民事法庭怀疑曾于去年密谋在纽约地铁站制造爆炸案。 ecocn

And then it will plot it, and we'll get to, before this lecture's over, how the plotting works.

As I mentioned already, it takes care of all the details of rendering the map and dually provides an API for plotting geo- spatial locations on that map.
正如我已经提到的,它负责了所有呈现地图的所有细节并会提供一个 API来绘制地图上的地理空间位置。 ibm

China, Russia, Japan and several of the most powerful Gulf States are actively plotting to end the decades- old practice of buying and selling oil in dollars, the Independent claimed today.
英国《独立报》今天称,中国、俄罗斯、日本及一些最强大的海湾国家正在积极策划,意欲结束过去数十年来以美元进行原油贸易的惯例。 yeeyan

In our initial exploration of the temperature data sets, we noticed an anomaly while plotting histograms.
在我们对温度数据集进行的最初的探索中,在绘制直方图时我们注意到有一个异常。 ibm

Is that what you and the master were plotting about?
那是不是就是你和总领在策划的事? yeeyan

It's also plotting an expansion into cities, even neighborhoods where others dare not go.
它正在策划向城市甚至是周围其他人不敢去的地方扩张。 yeeyan

Once Gates left for Harvard, Allen followed him to the Boston- area and they began plotting business ideas.
当年盖茨刚去哈佛,艾伦就跟着他到了波士顿地区,在那里开始策划他们经营理念。 yeeyan

Opposition candidates have tried to scare up support by encouraging conspiracy theories that the president is plotting to remain in power, perhaps by somehow sabotaging the election.
反对派候选人试图通过鼓吹阿罗约的阴谋论,来获取支持,他们认为阿罗约可能正在暗中策划破坏选举,以求继续执政。 topsage

Panetta said the terrorist syndicate“ remains the most serious security threat” to the US, and that the group's leaders, hiding in Pakistan, are plotting new attacks.
潘内达说,基地组织对美国来说“依然是最大的安全威胁”,躲在巴基斯坦的该组织领导人正在密谋新的袭击。 yeeyan

Perhaps, say some dedicated jihadists, it would be better to work on consolidating gains, and appealing to like-minded Muslims, rather than eternally plotting new attacks.
一些专注的圣战主义者说,或许把功夫用在增强实际收益、团结志趣相投的穆斯林主义者会更好,而不是不停地策划新的袭击; ecocn

Republicans were left with few other options other than showing their disdain for the theatrics and plotting next step forwards.
共和党人除了表现出对戏剧的不屑和策划未来的发展并没有更多的选择。 yeeyan

Second, he could not be guilty of plotting a slave rebellion, because he had never incited slaves against their owners.
第二、他不能接受阴谋策划奴隶造反的指控,因为他从来没有煽动奴隶反对他们的主人。 yeeyan

So we've gone from the sublime, of what random walks are good for, to in some sense the ridiculous, the actual syntax for plotting things.

The charges against Roy Bennett, who was chosen to be a deputy minister in the new unity government with Robert Mugabe’s Zanu-PF, ranged from plotting terrorism to weapons and immigration offences.
他被指控犯有罗伊贝内特,谁被选为副部长是在新的团结政府与罗伯特穆加贝的民盟,从策划恐怖主义武器和非法入境罪行。 ebigear

The men were imprisoned for plotting against the government.

They also draw on the little-publicised work of other researchers, especially regarding the plotting in which Mr Chávez was involved as an army officer.
他们同样还利用了其他研究人员的鲜为人知的作品,特别是查韦斯先生以陆军军官身份参与的政治密谋事件。 ecocn

They are plotting against him.

They are plotting his murder.

They were plotting how to obtain the necessary information.
他们正在策划如何获取必要的情报。 kekenet

Use this sort of syntax for a quick- and- dirty one-time change to the default plotting options.
对默认绘图选项的快速而随意的一次性更改则使用此类语法。 ibm

When plotting two or more curves, we need a key or legend to distinguish them.
当绘制两条或多条曲线时,我们需要关键字或图例来对它们进行区分。 ibm

While the president’s death is no shock, plotting and politicking for next year’s polls will intensify.
尽管总统的去世没有引起政坛地震,明年选举的密谋和政治活动将加剧。 ecocn

Plotting the data will then produce consistent results every time.
绘制数据每次都将生成一致的结果。 ibm




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