

单词 Plotinus
释义 Plo·ti·nus 英pləʊˈtaɪnəs美ploˈtaɪnəsAHDplō-tīʹnəs COCA¹²⁴⁶⁶⁷BNC⁶⁷⁷⁹⁸

Roman philosopher born in Egypt who was the leading representative of Neoplatonism 205-270Form of Platonism developed byPlotinusin the 3rd century AD and modified by his successors.西元3世纪时由柏罗丁创建的一种柏拉图主义的形式,后经他的继承者们修改。
The theory of soul is a very important part ofPlotinus' philosophy which is also one of the central theses of Greek philosophy.灵魂学说在普罗提诺哲学中具有举足轻重的地位,它也是希腊哲学中的一个主要论题。
Plotinus, the most important philosopher in ancient Greek, has been neglected for a long time in the field of philosophy in China.摘要普罗提诺是晚期希腊最重要的哲学大师,但在国内长期处于被忽视的地位。
Plotinus, the initiator of the Neoplatonism considers that the root of beauty isthe logos of Gods.His aesthetic thoughts are based on his philosophy calledEmanationism.新柏拉图主义创始人普洛丁认为神明理性是一切美的总根源,他的“流溢说”哲学构成了他的美学基调。
Both Greek Christian and Latin Christian theological paradigms in Late Antiquity are related closely withPlotinus' Neo-Platonism, their theologies are based onPlotinus' philosophy.古代晚期的希腊基督教和拉丁基督教神学典范与普罗提诺的新柏拉图主义都有密切的关系,他们以普罗提诺的哲学为神学基础。
KeywordsPlotinus;soul;Intellet;the One;body;self;world;knowledge;mysticism;普罗提诺;灵魂;心智;太一;身体;自我;世界;知识;神秘主义; The same, in truth, that is found in Proust's work or in the landscape of Plotinus: a nostalgia for a lost paradise.
事实上,普鲁斯特的作品或普罗提诺的风景画中也均有相同的发现——对失落天堂的留恋之情。 yeeyan

A school of philosophy that flourished from the second to the fifth centuries AD It was founded by Plotinus and was influential for the next thousand years.
一所学校的理念,蓬勃发展,从第二届到第五届百年专案,它是由普罗提诺和影响力,为明年5000年。 blog.sina.com.cn

As in Christian theology, Plotinus believed in a tripartite of divinities, these being the One, the Intellect and the Soul.
正如在基督教神学中,普罗提诺相信一种神圣的三位一体,即太一、精神和灵魂。 yeeyan

His Trinity, which closely resembles that of Plotinus, fails to preserve the equality of the Three Persons, although he tries to safeguard himself on this point.
他的三位一体说和普罗提诺的说法极其类似,他在这一点上虽试图维护自己,但他的说法却未能保持三位的同等性。 blog.sina.com.cn

The ancient aestheticians, such as the Plato and Plotinus, were apt to believe that the beauty is an object's attribute. Therefore, there is an objective universality for the beauty.
柏拉图、普罗丁等古代美学家,都倾向于认为美是对象的一种属性,所以美就具有客观的普遍性。 fabiao

Plotinus tries to find a new route between these two tense theories in order to sum up their fruits and solve the problems of each.
普罗提诺的灵魂学说就是要在这两者的紧张冲突中寻找新的路径,以便综合前人成果,解决他们各自所遗留下来的难题。 cnki

Plotinus' ethics of mysticism occupies an important position in the history of Greek ethics, it is a conclusion and outlet of late Greek moral thoughts.
柏罗丁的神秘主义伦理学说在希腊伦理学发展史上有着重要的地位,因为它是晚期希腊道德思想的一种归结,也是一种出路。 cnki

Plotinus turned instead to writing.
于是,普诺提诺转向了写作。 blog.sina.com.cn




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