

单词 plod
释义 plod 英plɒd美plɑdAHDplŏd ★☆☆☆☆高四G宝COCA²⁵⁴¹⁸BNC⁴⁵²²³iWeb²⁵⁰⁸⁶Economist²⁹⁹⁰¹⁺

the act of walking with a slow heavy gait;

I could recognize his plod anywhere

walk heavily and firmly, as when weary, or through mud;

Mules plodded in a circle around a grindstone

可能来自拟声词,模仿沉重的在地上走的声音。plod along沉重缓慢地走…plod away at埋头苦干
GRE红宝书象声词: 重步的声音读: p, loudadj 高声的-沉重的步伐走
GRE难词记忆plod 音“普劳的”→普遍劳动的→吃力干谐音记忆plod音“普劳的”→普遍劳动的⇒吃力干近义词 clump丛grind磨walk步行wade跋涉tramp徒步tread步法slave奴隶sweat汗水pad便签纸lumber木材grub动蛆traipse闲逛slog艰难行进footfall脚步声drudge劳碌的人plodding沉重缓慢的clomp用沉重的步子走…trudge缓慢或吃力地走…footslog在泥污中费力行进…

用作动词They had toplodwearily on up the hill.他们不得不迈著疲倦的步子登上山。
Weploddedon through the rain for several hours.我们在雨中跋涉了几个小时。
Do youplodthrough the day at the office?你是否在办公室里埋头苦干了一整天呢?用作名词I could recognize hisplodanywhere.我能在任何地方辨认出他的沉重脚步声。verb.walk heavily
同义词 lumber,slog,tramp,trudgeclump,drag,flounder,hike,plug,stamp,stomp,toil,trample,tread,wallowschlepp,tromp
反义词 tiptoebreezewalk lightlyverb.work slowly and under duress
同义词 drudge,grind,labor,persevere,scratch,slave,sweat,toilbear down,buckle down,knuckle down,plough through,plug away
反义词 be lazy,idle,lazebreeze,tiptoewalk lightly
clompverb clump
clumpverb make thumping noise
clunkverb clump
crawlverb move very slowly
clamber,creep,drag,drag oneself along,go on all fours,go on belly,grovel,hang back,inch,lag,loiter along,lollygag,move at snail's pace,move on hands and knees,plod,poke,pull oneself along,scrabble,slide,slither,squirm,worm,wriggle,writhe
drudgeverb do menial work
back to the salt mines,dig in,grind away,hammer away/hammer into,keep nose to grindstone,labor,muck,perform,plod,plug away,pound away,slog,sweat,toil,travail
grubverb work very hard
drudge,grind,labor,moil,plod,slave,slog,sweat,toil Do you plod through the day at the office? Are you so tired by the afternoon that exercise is the last thing on your mind?
你是否在办公室里埋头苦干了一整天呢?到了下午,是不是累的够呛,根本不想去锻炼身体了? blog.sina.com.cn

Let Bush plod through his weighty biographies or watch his football games; Barack Obama seconds the sentiment of D. H. Lawrence that “the novel is the one bright book of life.”
那就任布什慢慢啃他的重磅传记去吧,任他看他的足球赛去吧;巴拉克·奥巴马在这方面首肯了英国作家 D· H·劳伦斯的多愁善感:“小说可真是一部缤纷斑斓的生活之书呵。” yeeyan

Let Bush plod through his weighty biographies or watch his football games;
那就任布什慢慢啃他的重磅传记去吧,任他看他的足球赛去吧; gongshe

The secret of good work to plod away and still keep the passion fresh.
做好工作的秘诀在于坚持不懈地干下去并保持热情不减。 iciba

Yet as the case of Gage and numerous subsequent individuals has shown, the self can plod on, albeit changed, after quite radical brain damage.
像盖奇这样的例子以及大量的随后的病例已经表明:在对大脑进行根本性的损伤之后,尽管有所改变,但其自身最终还会缓慢的恢复过来。 ecocn

A squeak of wheels and plod of hoofs came from the road.

At other times they plod along in drawn- out lines, creating deep ruts in the dusty soil.
那时它们的阵线拉得很长,沉重的脚步在尘土里踏出深深的印迹。 iciba

Do you plod through the day at the office?
你是否在办公室里埋头苦干了一整天呢? cri

In the South, where I grew up, such roads are called cow trails because they are frequented by farm equipment and vehicles that plod along at bovine speed.
我在南方长大,那里把这种路叫“ 赶牛小道”,因为路上都是农用设备和车辆,行驶车辆都像牛似的缓慢。 iciba

So, many people plod along through life semi- satisfied with a mediocre existence.
因此,许多人因为不满足于平庸的存在而在生活中行迈靡靡。 yeeyan

Students might have to plod through too much homework, which could easily make them rebellious.

Then we had to plod through my providing a credit card number, e- mail address and directions.
然后我们不得不费劲地弄完手续,提供我的信用卡卡号、电子邮箱地址,我还给他指了到我家的路该怎么走。 edu.sina.com.cn

Thereupon she began to plod back along the road by which she had come not altogether full of hope, but full of a conviction that a crisis in her life was approaching.
因此,她又开始沿着来路往回跋涉,她来的时候本来就没有抱太大的希望,而只是深信在她的人生中又出现了一次危机。 ebigear

They walked in silence, surrounded by the soft plod of their footsteps, the rustling of willows, and the singing of birds who infested the breaks.
他们默默无语地走着,耳边只有自己轻轻的脚步声,柳枝摇曳的沙沙声以及栖息在河湾里的鸟儿欢乐的歌唱声。 ebigear

Those in hard denial will continue to plod through their life as though nothing were happening, walking like automatons amid the din and the melee.
而那些坚决持否定态度之人将会继续努力过自己的生活,仿佛什么都没有发生过,像机器人似的走在嘈杂和混乱之中。 blog.sina.com.cn

Plod onward, and get plenty of rest.
之后,赶,还要充分休息。 blog.sina.com.cn




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