

单词 pliosaur
释义 plio·saur 英'plaɪəsəʊə美'plaɪəsoʊə BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹
Researchers got their first glimpse of the beast's remains on the last day of an expedition in 2007, during which they uncovered bones from a smaller pliosaur.
研究人员第一次看到这种野兽化石是在2007年的一次探险的最后一天,那次他们发现了一只稍小点的上龙的骨片。 yeeyan

Richard Forrest, a plesiosaur expert, said the discovery was fortunate because pliosaur skulls were generally found crushed flat.
蛇颈龙专家理查德·福利斯特 Richard Forrest说获得这项发现运气不错,因为一般被发现的上龙头骨都被压扁了。 yeeyan

The skull from the ferocious prehistoric predator the pliosaur is2.4 metres long and could belong to a creature measuring up to16 metres in length from tip to tail and weighing up to12 tonnes.
这块长2.4米的头骨来自于凶猛的史前食肉动物——上龙,该上龙从前端到尾部可能长达16米,重达12吨。 yeeyan

The bone measured15cm across, making it the largest of any pliosaur known, and twice the size of the same bone in T. rex.
这片骨测得宽为15厘米,是所知的上龙中最大的,比霸王龙的大一倍。 yeeyan

The predator has been identified as a new species of pliosaur, a group of extinct aquatic reptiles that had huge skulls, short necks and four flippers to power them through the water.
这种食肉动物已被确认为一种上龙,上龙是一类已经灭绝了的水生爬行动物,有巨大的头骨,粗短的脖子,还有令它们在水里来去自如的四只脚蹼。 yeeyan

The pliosaur's head was twice as big as that of a Tyrannosaurus rex and was filled with an impressive set of12-inch teeth.
这只上龙的头比霸王龙的大一倍,满口是令人印象深刻12英寸长的巨齿。 yeeyan

Using four paddle-like limbs to propel its bulky body through the water, the pliosaur made easy work of passing prey such as dolphin- like ichthyosaurs and even other plesiosaurs.
上龙用桨状四肢来推动其笨重庞大的身躯在水中行进,行走之余便轻易掠食形似海豚的鱼龙,甚至其他蛇颈龙。 yeeyan




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