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plight 英plaɪt美plaɪtAHDplīt ★★☆☆☆高四研GIST宝八COCA¹⁰⁷⁶⁹BNC⁸⁰¹⁷iWeb¹²¹⁰⁸Economist⁹⁴³³ 基本双解英英词源搭配记法近义反义句型例句Thesaurus例句 n.困境⁹⁰;苦境⁵n.誓约²vt.宣誓²;订婚¹复数plights名词plighter过去分词plighted现在分词plighting三单plights 困境困难生活
n.名词 S境况,困境a bad situation or state Noun: a situation from which extrication is difficult especially an unpleasant or trying one;finds himself in a most awkward predicament the woeful plight of homeless people a solemn pledge of fidelity Verb: give to in marriagepromise solemnly and formally;I pledge that I will honor my wife 来自古英语pliht,有风险的承诺,危险,风险。来自原始日耳曼语*pleg,承诺,责任,担保。来自原始印欧语*dlegh,忙于,从事于,责任,承诺。来自原始印欧语*del,长的,词源同long, play, pledge。引申词义誓言,誓约,特别是郑重的誓言,如订婚。来自古法语pleit,情况。来自拉丁语plicare,卷入,卷进,词源同ply, complex。后主要用于指坏的情况,引申词义苦难,困境。词义部分受到上一词义的影响。 long来自古英语lang,长的。来自原始印欧语*dlonghos。来自原始印欧语*del的扩大形式,长的,字母d脱落,词源同indulgent, play, pledge。引申词义渴望。 play来自古英语plegan,忙于,从事,演奏音乐,玩耍。来自西日耳曼语支*plegan,忙于,从事于。来自原始印欧语*dlegh,忙于,从事于。来自原始印欧语*del,长的,词源同long, indulgent, pledge。并引申诸相关词义。 pledge来自古法语plege,保证。来自原始日耳曼语*plego,责任,担保。来自原始印欧语*dlegh,忙于,从事于,责任,承诺。来自原始印欧语*del,长的,词源同long, play, plight。引申词义请求,许诺,誓言等。plen-全体的,全部的来自拉丁语plenus,满的。来自原始印欧语*pele,装满,填满,词源同full, fill。plight one's troth发誓plight your troth盟誓plight one's faith to担保plight one's faith发誓 钱博士pligh=plic-,折叠,合拢+t拉丁语动词的过去分词后缀,等于-ed,在此构成名词,表示动作完成后的状态→被折叠的状态→被困住的状态⇒困境,困苦 词根plic- /plect-编织,折叠,合拢来自拉丁语,最终源自原始印欧语词根*plek-编织原始印欧语词根*pel-(2折叠的派生形式)。词根plic-的过去分词形式为plicat-,词根plect-的过去分词形式为plex-。GRE红宝书原指: 带有风险的承诺或保证, 引申为困境, 现在又引申为订婚p破, light灯: 家里有一盏破灯-困境 音:破 + light 一个破灯,困境中我发誓要努力,不怕吃苦pligh=plic-,折叠,合拢+t拉丁语动词的过去分词后缀,等于-ed,在此构成名词,表示动作完成后的状态→被折叠的状态→被困住的状态⇒困境,困苦。形近词alightv.落下;blightv.使枯萎;slighta.轻微的近义词 pinch捏troth真实muddle混乱scrape刮掉engage雇佣pledge发誓dilemma困境trouble困难quandary困惑difficulty困难predicament困境complication复杂betroth 同 … 订婚affiance 与 … 订婚 用作名词n.Alexander is in a miserableplight.亚历山大陷入了可怜的困境。 动词89%,名词11% 用作名词The Government seems to be closing its eyes to theplightof the unemployed.政府似乎对失业者的困境熟视无睹。 The television pictures brought home to us all theplightof the refugees.我们从电视上知道了难民所处的一切困境。 Theplightof the refugees really wrung my heart.难民处境惨苦真叫我牵肠割肚。 Theplightof the refugees arouses the compassionate old man.难民的困苦唤醒了那位有同情心的老人。 Theplightof the famine victims commands everyone's sympathy.饥民的苦境值得大家同情。 The crew were in a sorryplightby the time they reached shore.船员们抵达岸边时境况已十分悲惨。 The poor girl was in a terribleplight.这个可怜的女孩处境极其恶劣。用作及物动词Iplightthat I will always be faithful to my work.我发誓我会一直忠诚于我的工作。 Sheplightedherself to him.她和他订婚了。noun.dilemma, difficulty;situation 同义词 condition,predicament,quandary,troublecircumstances,corner,extremity,fix,hole,impasse,jam,perplexity,pickle,pinch,scrape,spot,state,straitsbad news,double trouble,tight situation 反义词 advantage,solution,benefit,boon,good fortuneblessing afflictionnoun hurt condition;something that causes hurt adversity,anguish,calamity,cross,crux,depression,difficulty,disease,disorder,distress,grief,hardship,illness,infirmity,misery,misfortune,ordeal,pain,plague,scourge,sickness,sorrow,suffering,torment,trial,tribulation,trouble,woe betrothalnoun marriage affiancing,betrothing,engagement,espousal,plight,promise,troth,vow casenoun plight, circumstance, conditions context,contingency,crisis,dilemma,event,eventuality,fact,incident,occurrence,plight,predicament,problem,quandary,situation,state conditionnoun circumstances action,ballgame,case,estate,happening,how it goes,how things are,how things stack up,lay of the land,like it is,mode,order,plight,position,posture,predicament,quality,rank,repair,reputation,riff,scene,shape,situation,size of it,sphere,spot,standing,state,state of affairs,status,status quo,trim,way things are,way things shape up,where it's at cornernoun predicament box,difficulty,dilemma,distress,fix,hole,impasse,impediment,jam,knot,pickle,plight,scrape,tight spot covenantverb agree bargain,concur,contract,engage,pledge,plight,promise,stipulate,swear,undertake,vow The oil producers are not alone in their plight. 然而陷入困境的并不只是石油生产国。 edu.sina.com.cn The real attention has to be on the plight of Zimbabweans. 真正的关注点应该放在津巴布韦国家的困境上。 yeeyan “ These communities, which could be just years from fragmentation, want their cultural plight to be known to the rest of the world,” he said. “这个群落也许几年之后就会分崩离析,人们希望世界其他地区的人能够了解他们的文化困境。”伦纳德说。 yeeyan A campaign to visit the lawyer to draw attention to his plight has caught on and intensified over recent weeks, though none have succeeded and many visitors have been met with violence. 最近数周,拜访这位律师以引起公众对其困境的关注成为一个运动并逐渐升级,尽管没有人能获成功,许多访问者也遭受到了暴力对待。 yeeyan As teenagers they had heard radio broadcasts of Qaddafi sympathizing with the plight of the Tuareg and exhorting them to come to Libya, where he would help them fight for their rights. 当他们还是青少年时,听到广播里说卡扎菲同情图阿雷格人的困境,劝告他们来利比亚,这样他可以帮助他们为自己的权利而斗争。 yeeyan But the plight of the Darfuris is worse. 但是,在达尔富尔的困境更差。 ecocn But he thinks his co- religionists have won respect for their willingness to work with other faiths in easing social problems, including the plight of migrants. 但他认为,他的教友们在缓解社会问题包括改善移民的困境上与其它宗教信仰合作的意愿已经赢得了尊重。 ecocn But she brought the plight of the gorillas to everyone's attention. 但是她让每个人开始关注大猩猩的困境。 yeeyan He said his aim is to deliver an environmental message highlighting the plight of the world's lowest and saltiest body of water, which is rapidly drying up. 他说他的目的是要传递一个环境讯息,以此来强调世界上最低最咸的水体所处的困境,因为这水体正在迅速的干涸。 yeeyan He would be a tragic figure, a one- man paradise lost, if his plight were not so common. 他会是个悲剧人物,如果他的困境不是那么普遍的话,就是一个人的失乐园。 yeeyan If Kashmiris thought the army and India’s politicians were concerned about their plight, they might be less resentful. 如果克什米尔人认为印度军队和政治家们关注他们的困境,他们可能会不那么反感。 ecocn Nobody asked them before making plans and they have no access to the “ family that governs Sri Lanka” to explain their plight. 在做规划的时候,没人问过他们,他们无权使用“家庭治理斯里兰卡”的权利,来解释自己的困境。 ecocn Not even the devout deny the plight of the Ganges now. 甚至是最虔诚的教徒都不否认恒河现在的困境。 yeeyan One can certainly empathize with the plight of the refugees. 当然人们会对难民的困境怀有同情心。 yeeyan Outsiders may do more to help— at least to tackle the desperate plight of civilians. 局外人也许能给予更多的帮助——至少可以缓解平民的绝望困境。 ecocn The image of congested vessels may look impressive, but the vessel owners are certainly not happy with their plight. 这种堵塞的船现象看起来令人震撼,但是船主们当然对他们的困境感到郁闷。 hxen The story is about the plight of Kosovo’s wine industry. 这篇报道讲述的是科索沃酿酒业如今的困境。 ecocn They do not, however, seek to exploit the plight of the main group to have experienced discrimination in Australia: its oldest inhabitants, the aborigines. 然而,他们不会利用那个在澳洲经历了长久歧视的主要群体的困境:最古老的居民,土著居民。 ecocn They watched the relay on TV from tents and temporary shelters, excitement over the Olympics overwhelmed by anxiety over their plight. 他们在帐篷和临时住所里通过看电视观看火炬传递,奥运的喜悦超越了对困境的忧虑。 kekenet This had been my plight. 我的境况就是如此。 yeeyan This photo story illustrates the plight of the displaced people and efforts to protect their health now and into the future. 本照片故事反映流离失所者的困境以及为了维护其目前和今后的健康所作的努力。 who We hope that now, more than ever, the plight of these people and of the aid groups helping them are not forgotten. 我们希望从现在开始,这些处于困境中的人和那些帮助这些人的救援小组的故事与以往相比更不会被忘记。 yeeyan What can be learned from the plight of all these stars? 从这些明星经理们的困境里可以学到什么呢? ecocn Yet the plight of the news business does not presage the end of news. 但新闻产业如今面临的困境并不预示着新闻的终结。 ecocn |