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plen·ti·ful 英ˈplentɪfəl美ˈplɛntɪfəlAHDplĕnʹtĭ-fəl ★☆☆☆☆高四六研IT4八COCA¹⁴³⁷⁸BNC¹¹⁴⁷⁷iWeb¹⁰³⁵⁴Economist⁸⁴⁰⁷ 基本双解英英辨析词源搭配记法近义反义句型例句Thesaurus例句 adj.丰富的⁷⁸;多的¹⁷;充裕的⁵副词plentifully名词plentifulness 多属性营养
adj.形容词 丰富的,大量的in large quantities or numbers Adjective: existing in great number or quantity;rhinoceroses were once plentiful here affording an abundant supply;had ample food for the party copious provisions food is plentiful a plenteous grape harvest a rich supply producing in abundance;the bountiful earth a plentiful year fruitful soil adj.形容词 plentiful, abundant, ample, copious, plenteous这组词的共同意思是“丰富的”。其区别是: abundant指“极为丰富”或“有大量供应”,有时暗示由于过量而导致挥霍浪费; plentiful和plenteous 均指“充足; 丰富”,但不过剩; ample指能“充裕”得满足某一特定的需求; 而copious只表示“量大”,而不一定“丰富”。 abundant,plentiful,ample这些形容词均有“充分的、丰富的”之意。 abundant着重某物极为丰富有或大量的供应。 plentiful普通用词,指某物的数量多得称心如意,不过剩,但较少用于描写抽象之物。 ample指某物不仅满足了需要而且有余。 来自plenty,大量的,众多的。 用作形容词 adj. ~+名词plentiful food丰富的食品~+介词a speech plentiful of humor充满幽默的演说 方振宇词汇奥秘plen满→丰足+ti表示情况、状态+ful…的→丰富的,充足的,大量的 比较记忆plentifullyadv.丰富地,富裕地,充足地非常记忆plenty大量〖熟词〗+i蜡烛〖编码〗+ful俘虏〖拼音〗⇒大量的蜡烛被俘虏吃了钱博士plenti=plenty,丰富+ful形容词后缀⇒丰富的 参考单词plenty丰富。plen满→丰足+ti表示情况、状态+ful…的⇒丰富的,充足的,大量的来自plentyadj. 充足的近义词 ampleabundantinfinite反义词 scantinadequate 用作形容词adj. 用作定语 ~+ n.The camp has a plentiful supply of food.营地食物供应充分。 Their family has a plentiful harvest this year.他们家今年又丰收了。 用作表语 S+be+~Fruit is plentiful this year.今年水果很多。 The dinner was well cooked and plentiful.饭菜烧得很好而且量也多。 形容词99%,名词1% 用作形容词This place hasplentifulmaterial resources.这地方的物质资源是丰富的。 Cellulosic biomass feedstock is inexpensive andplentiful.纤维素生物量的供料是廉价和丰富的。 While full-time jobs may not beplentiful, project work is common.虽然可能没那么多的全职工作,但项目工作是常见的。 Fish are abundant andplentifulin the lake behind my house.我们家后面的湖中有非常多的鱼。 His business was in a narrow compass, and his income was sufficient to aplentifulway of living in a ordinary way.他的营业是很规矩的,他的收入却也足够维持充裕的一般生活。adj.abundant 同义词 ample,bountiful,fertile,generous,productive,prolific,sufficient,unlimitedabounding,appreciable,bounteous,bumper,chock-full,competent,complete,copious,enough,excessive,extravagant,exuberant,flowing,flush,fruitful,full,fulsome,improvident,inexhaustible,infinite,large,lavish,liberal,lousy with,lush,luxuriant,no end,overflowing,plenteous,plenty,prodigal,profuse,replete,rife,superabundant,superfluous,swarming,swimming,teeming,well-provided 反义词 barren,fruitless,impotent,insufficient,lacking,unfruitful,unproductive,wantingmeager,scarce ampleadjective more than necessary, sufficient abounding,abundant,big,bounteous,bountiful,broad,capacious,commodious,copious,enough,expansive,extensive,full,galore,generous,great,heavy,large,lavish,liberal,no end,plenteous,plenty,profuse,rich,roomy,spacious,spare,substantial,unrestricted,voluminous,wide amplestadjective more than necessary, sufficient abounding,abundant,big,bounteous,bountiful,broad,capacious,commodious,copious,enough,expansive,extensive,full,galore,generous,great,heavy,large,lavish,liberal,no end,plenteous,plentiful,plenty,profuse,rich,roomy,spacious,spare,substantial,unrestricted,voluminous,wide bounteousadjective abundant abounding,ample,bountiful,copious,plenitudinous,plenteous,plentiful,profuse,prolific,rich,voluminous bountifuladjective abundant ample,aplenty,bounteous,copious,crawling with,dime a dozen,exuberant,free,galore,generous,handsome,lavish,liberal,luxuriant,magnanimous,munificent,no end of,plenteous,plentiful,plenty,prolific,stink with,unsparing capaciousadjective ample, extensive abundant,broad,comfortable,commodious,comprehensive,dilatable,distensible,expandable,expansive,extended,generous,liberal,plentiful,roomy,sizable,spacious,substantial,vast,voluminous,wide considerableadjective abundant, large ample,appreciable,astronomical,big,bountiful,comfortable,commodious,extensive,goodly,great,hefty,huge,large-scale,lavish,major,marked,much,noticeable,plentiful,pretty,reasonable,respectable,sizable,substantial,tidy,tolerable Stars congregate most tightly at the galaxy's center, so the life- giving heavy elements they create are most plentiful there. 众多恒行最紧密地聚焦在银河系中心,因此它们创造出赋予生命的重元素在那里也最丰富。 yeeyan All the talk was of clouds— vast data centres that provide cheap and plentiful computing capacity accessible via the internet— and how companies can take advantage of them to boost productivity. 会上张口闭口都是云——在网络上提供廉价而充足的计算能力的巨型数据中心——以及各公司如何利用这一技术提高生产力。 ecocn All told, this transition to more plentiful, diverse and widespread reserves in effect makes gas a bit more like coal, and a bit less like oil. 整体来看,这种向着更丰富,更多样及更广泛储备的有效转变使得天然气与煤炭多了一分相同,并与石油少了一分类似。 ecocn As resources become more plentiful, add more of these fiery units at the chokepoints. 作为资源变得更加丰满,增加更多的此类炽热的单位在敌军的阻塞点。 yeeyan But many humans now live in environments in which food is cheap, plentiful, and cleverly manufactured to be maximally flavorful. 然而,许多人现在生活的环境是:食物廉价、充足、而且还可以被精巧地制成最可口的味道。 yeeyan But put wind turbines just offshore, in the water, and you can take advantage of plentiful space and stronger winds. 但是,如果把风力涡轮机放在靠近海岸的海面上就可以利用丰富的空间和更强的风。 yeeyan But we can all remind ourselves that the richness of this country was not born in the resources of the earth, though they be plentiful, but in the men that took its measure. 但是我们都能提醒自己:这个国家的富有并非来自于地球上的资源,尽管他们应该很丰富,而是来自于利用了它的人类。72liyu Diagnostics should be clear, informative, and plentiful in the event of problems. 在发生问题时,诊断信息应该清楚、明确、内容丰富。 ibm Earth has everything we need to thrive: a breathable atmosphere, a plentiful water supply and a temperate climate. 地球有我们兴旺发展的一切条件:可供呼吸的大气,充足的水源,以及温和的气候。 yeeyan Households often opt to stay put rather than default, leaving them trapped in places with high unemployment and unable to move to where jobs are plentiful. 为了避免违约,家庭通常选择留在原地不动,困在失业率高的地方,而不能搬到就业机会丰富的地方。 ecocn If a fisherman sold the squid processors a proportion of his expected catch a year ahead and squid turned out to be plentiful, he would do well. 如果一个渔民出售了鱿鱼加工机,他下一年的预期捕获物比例和捕获鱿鱼将是丰富的,他将做的很好。 yeeyan In the Bottom of the Pyramid there is plentiful labor but often unskilled. 而在金字塔底座上,有着大量丰富的劳工,但往往毫无技能。 yeeyan In the thick forests of central and west Africa, troops find plentiful food for their vegetarian diet. They eat roots, shoots, fruit, wild celery, and tree bark and pulp. 部落一般在中部和西部非洲的密林这些植被丰富的地方,找寻适合自己的食物:他们吃植物的根,竹笋,水果,野生芹菜,树皮和果肉。 hjenglish It's a striking irony that to extract its plentiful uranium, Namibia must use quantities of a very scarce resource: water. 极其讽刺的是,为了提炼出存量丰富的铀矿,纳米比亚必须大量使用一种稀罕的资源——水。 yeeyan Its resources, while plentiful, are stretched to the limit. 这里资源虽然丰富,但已经到了极限。 yeeyan Labour is cheap and plentiful; offices can be rented from$8 a square metre per month. 劳动力便宜而且充足;办公楼从8美元每月每平方米的地方租到。 ecocn Like cod, eels used to be so plentiful that nobody believed they could be in trouble. 和鳕鱼一样,鳗鱼曾经是那么丰富,没有人相信它们会有麻烦。 ecocn Perhaps because of this plentiful supply of fish and food, farming took a long time to establish itself in Japan, compared to the rest of the world. 也许也就是因为这些资源丰富的鱼类与充足的其他食品供应,,与世界其他地区相比,农业在日本的建立时间是相当之缓慢。 yeeyan Population growth in Africa has long been a source of concern, as food and fresh water supplies are strained, but Kent argues that Africa's plentiful young may actually be viewed as its strength. 长久以来,随着紧张的食物和淡水供应,非洲的人口增长就是关注的源泉,但肯特坚决主张:实际上许多年轻人可以看做非洲的优点。 yeeyan Quick and plentiful aid to the states is one of the best. 对各州迅速而充足的援助是最好的财政方案。 iciba So why not replace it with something cheap and plentiful that has no practical value anyplace else? 那么,为什么不能用既便宜又丰富,而且在其他领域还不怎么值钱的东西来代替呢? yeeyan That such a relatively poor and developing country ranks third in the EPI is testament to the natural endowments of Costa Rica, with dense forests, plentiful water and abundant wildlife. 这样一个相对贫穷的发展中国家能排名第三,证明了哥斯达黎加的自然优势,茂密的森林,充足的水资源和丰富的野生动植物。 yeeyan The researchers from Arizona State University and the University of California, Santa Cruz, found that there were large amounts of hydrocarbons but also plentiful supplies of ammonia. 亚利桑那州立大学和加州大学的圣克鲁斯分校经过研究,发现该岩石中含有大量的碳氢化合物和丰富的氨。 yeeyan The pigs battened on the plentiful fodder. 那些猪饲料充足,吃得膘肥体壮。《21世纪大英汉词典》 Plentiful candy and spectacular fireworks ensure that Diwali is South Asia's most popular festival. 丰富的糖果和壮观的烟火使排灯节成为南亚最受欢迎的节日。 daqi |