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词汇 plekhanov
释义 plekhanov
Influenced by Plekhanov's theory, Chinese proletariat literary theory displayed the following . distinctive features: praising literary political utility nature;
在他的理论影响下的中国无产阶级文艺理论的鲜明特色是:对文学的政治功利性的推崇; cnki

It mainly discusses the inheritance and development to Marxism, then the impact of Plekhanov's religions thought in the particular historical situation in Russia at that time.
主要论述了在当时俄国特定的社会历史环境下,列宁对马克思恩格斯宗教思想的继承与发展,以及同时期思想家普列汉诺夫宗教思想对他的影响。 fabiao

Since1903, political standpoint of Plekhanov keep on vacillating, but art criticism distinguished achievement.
从1903年开始,普列汉诺夫的政治立场游移不定,但文艺批评却成果卓著。 cnki

Such is not the Marxist outlook on literature but coming from the Russian Literary Theorists of the19th century such as Belinsky and Plekhanov.
这样的文学观并不是马克思主义的,而是来自别林斯基、普列汉诺夫等19世纪俄国文学理论家; cnki

This main defense hands were Plekhanov and Lenin.
这次大讨论主要的辩手是普列汉诺夫和列宁。 cnki

Plekhanov had put forward the essence of literary class nature and social utility nature, applying the principle of literary class nature to literary criticism.
普列汉诺夫文艺思想的一个重要支点是强调文艺的阶级性与社会功利性的本质,将文艺的阶级性原则运用于文艺批评。 cnki

Plekhanov is a controversial theorist in the history of Marxist philosophy.
普列汉诺夫是个马克思主义哲学史上倍受争议的理论家。 fabiao

Plekhanov is a turn point in the history of Marxist philosophy.
在马克思主义哲学史上,普列汉诺夫是一个转折点。 cnki

Plekhanov's theory that art originates from labor was proposed on the basis of materialism.
普列汉诺夫的“文艺起源于劳动”学说是根据唯物主义原理在前人研究的基础上提出来的。 cnki




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