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attendants 基本例句 从业人员 And, in order to avoid a similar fate this year, the city hired deck attendants for its public pools to make sure people shower and take bathroom breaks. 今年,为了防止此类事件再度发生,人们雇佣了岸上服务员,以确保每位游泳者都能进行淋浴; hjenglish Some of the nicer public restrooms today offer attendants, carpeted waiting areas and refreshments. 今天,一些好的公共厕所提供服务人员、有地毯的等候区域和便餐。 yeeyan The AFACWA's objection to in- flight calling seems to be that it will make it harder for flight attendants to keep order. 空乘协会反对飞行中使用手机打电话的原因似乎是因为那会使乘务员更难以维持秩序。 ecocn The flight attendants are now pointing out the emergency exits. 航班服务员们正在指示紧急出口的位置。 ecocn But aviation industry analyst and consultant Robert Mann said it remains unclear how aggressively flight attendants will implement it. 但航空业分析师兼顾问罗伯特·曼说,目前还不清楚乘务员执行此项规定时积极性有多大。 yeeyan Celebrity designers crafted flight attendants' uniforms in colorful silks, psychedelic patterns and fitted dresses that sported hems as high as the times. 名流设计师用彩色的丝绸面料设计乘务员的制服,产生迷幻效果的样式和合体的连衣裙,带着夸张的炫耀褶边。 yeeyan Changing time zones, biorhythm disorder, vibration and air pressure fluctuation may disrupt the development of pregnancy in flight attendants, often resulting in miscarriage. 时区转换、生物钟混乱、振动和气压波动可能会扰乱空乘人员的怀孕进程,通常会导致流产。 iciba Chinese airline companies are increasingly recruiting pilots and flight attendants as the industry experiences rapid expansion. 中国航空公司正在增加飞行人员和空乘人员,以此应对日益增长的航空业务。 yeeyan Flight attendants for United Airlines wore pins modeled after the airplane's wings. 联合航空公司的乘务员佩戴仿照飞机尾翼制作的翼型章。 yeeyan Given the way the Ambani brothers are acting, their grandchildren might end up working as gas station attendants, just like their great-grandfather. 考虑到安巴尼兄弟的行为,他们的孙子们最后可能会沦为加油站服务员,就像他们的曾祖父一样。 edu.sina.com.cn I headed out for a walk, on the way passing two female hotel attendants who gave me a city map and some basic information in broken English. 在出去的路上,我遇到了两个女服务员,操着生硬英语的她们送给我一副城市地图。 yeeyan I immediately rang the flight attendant call button and asked for assistance from the other flight attendants. 我马上拨通这次航班服务人员的呼叫电话按钮,寻求从其他航班服务人员处获得帮助。 ebigear If you get lost, there are always subway attendants that can help you find your way. 如果你走丢了,总会有地铁服务员帮你找到正确的路线。 kekenet In their free time they do thefts, work as illegal parking attendants, sell things, work as porters. 闲暇时间,他们还会选择偷窃、做非法停车服务员、贩售商品或做搬运工来取得收入。 yeeyan LABOUR is cheap in India: signage is painted by hand; bricks are piled nine-high on the crowns of construction workers; shops are more crowded with attendants than customers. 印度的劳动力很便宜:标志是手工绘制的,砖块在建筑工人的头顶上摞了好几层,商店里云集的是服务员而不是消费者。 ecocn Most flight attendants and pilots are trained for those instances and taught self- defense as well as how to detect certain behaviors. 大部分乘务员和飞行员都为此受过自我防卫和侦查可疑行为的训练。 yeeyan Nearby were the names Jennifer Lewis and Kenneth Lewis, flight attendants who always flew together. 旁边是乘务员詹妮弗•刘易斯和肯尼斯•刘易斯,他们经常一起飞。 yeeyan Now flight attendants are on board primarily for the safety of passengers. 如今,机组乘务员的主要职责,就是确保乘客们的安全。 cri Pets about50 on each flight will be escorted to the plane by attendants that will check on the animals every15 minutes during flight. 乘务员将会护送每次航班大约50只宠物到飞机上,并在飞行期间每隔15分钟察看一下动物乘客。 www.chinadaily.com.cn They think of the flight attendants as their own personal babysitters. 这些人觉得飞机上的乘务员是个人保姆。 yeeyan Whole families were violet as were teachers, movie stars, doctors, nurses, gas station attendants, the Queen of England, the President of Mozambique, taxi- drivers, everybody. 家家户户,莫不如此:老师、电影明星、医生、护士、加油站服务员、英格兰女王、莫桑比克总统、出租车司机,无人例外。 putclub |