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词汇 pleas
释义 pleas pli:z COCA¹⁷⁶⁰¹BNC¹²⁸¹⁰Economist¹²²³⁷
n.借口plea的名词复数;被告或被告律师的抗辩;法庭中的理由;请愿原型plea的复数 On January12th, such an investment was at last revealed— but not by any of the governments to which the pleas had been addressed.
1月12日,尽管一项在此领域内的投资最终揭晓---但是出资方却没有一个是接收到出资请求的政府。 ecocn

With that observation, the dollar- a- day concept was born, to appear in countless declarations, laments and pleas ever since.
这个观察报告出台后,“一天一美元”的概念便诞生了,并从此不断出现在无数的宣言,哀诗和请愿书中。 ecocn

“ I can't save you, ” she would calmly state in answer to my pleas to bow out of the lessons.
“我救不了你,”她总会用平静的语调加以说明,以此来应对我退出游泳课的恳求。 yeeyan

But the soldiers refused protesters’ pleas to open fire on the security police.
但是士兵拒绝抗议者的向秘密警察开火的恳求。 yeeyan

But Lehman could not— despite what Mr. Paulson described as personal pleas to other firms to buy some of Lehman’s toxic assets and efforts to persuade another bank to acquire Lehman.
但是雷曼已不具备这样的能力——尽管保尔森说,他曾亲自请求其他公司购买一部分雷曼的不良资产,并且努力劝说另一家银行收购雷曼。 yeeyan

But Russia, for all its assertion of a sphere of “ privileged interests” looks impotent in Kyrgyzstan after rejecting pleas to send troops to stop the carnage.
俄罗斯虽然坚持在这一地区拥有“特殊利益”,但在拒绝了派兵制止屠杀的请求后对吉尔吉斯斯坦的现状无能为力。 ecocn

But their pleas were dismissed as overwrought and inappropriate.
但他们的请求被驳回因为胃口太大且不妥。 yeeyan

Despite pleas for calm, residents rushed to shops in Tokyo to stock up on supplies. Many stores sold out of radios, flashlights, candles and sleeping bags.
尽管政府请求人们保持冷静,但人们还是冲到东京的商店购买日用品,很多商店的收音机、手电筒、蜡烛和睡袋被抢购一空。 yeeyan

Europe is at its chaotic worst. France and Britain want a no-fly zone, but Germany, deaf to the pleas of Libyans, sees only risks and entanglement.
欧洲乱成一锅粥,法国和英国想设立一个禁飞区,但德国眼里只见风险和牵累,而对利比亚人的恳求充耳不闻。 ecocn

France and Britain want a no-fly zone, but Germany, deaf to the pleas of Libyans, sees only risks and entanglement.
法国和英国要求设立禁飞区;但德国却对利比亚人民的请求装聋作哑,他们看到的只是风险和受牵连。 ecocn

He has spent years trying to get government officials to his pleas for better research and more truthful food labeling.
他花了几年时间去尝试让政府官员认识到这点,为了能够更好的研究和更加真实的食物标记的请求。 yeeyan

Kim and Janet follow Rogow into a warehouse and Kim pleas for help in finding a phone.
金姆和珍妮特尾随着罗高来到了一间仓库,金姆向他请求帮忙找到一台电话。 yeeyan

Kim and Janet follow Rogow into a warehouse, and Kim pleas for help in finding a phone. Rogow throws them out.
金姆和珍妮特尾随着罗高来到了一间仓库,金姆向他请求帮忙找到一台电话。罗高将她们赶了出来。 yeeyan

Mark and Delia urged government ministers and game- management officials to protect the animals, but their pleas were rejected.
马克和迪丽娅敦促政府部长们和狩猎管理官员保护野生动物,但是他们的呼吁遭到拒绝。 yeeyan

On health, he is making ever- louder pleas to his Republican foes to bail him out.
在健保上,他正不断拉高他的音量来恳求他共和党的对手们来拯救他。 ecocn

Peres resisted the pleas of his supporters to answer the ads until the very end of the campaign, and by then it was too late.
直到竞选临近尾声时,佩雷斯一直拒绝他的支持者让他对这些宣传广告作出回应的恳求,而那时一切都太迟了。 yeeyan

Since questioning works in other cases, how could it be changed to prevent false guilty pleas while still prodding at suspects guilty of committing crimes?
既然讯问也存在于其他案例中,但是怎样才能在促使嫌疑人承认犯罪的同时又能避免嫌疑人谎称认罪呢? yeeyan

The Kremlin has not responded to the pleas, but the international community thinks it may yet do so at the hearing next week.
克里姆林宫并没有回应这些请求,但是国际上认为他还是会在下星期的听众会上这么做。 yeeyan

The one thing certain about the next crisis is that it will feature the same crushing panic, pleas from banks and huge political pressure to stabilise the system, whatever the cost.
但是有一件事是可以肯定的,下次危机一定会造成不可颠覆的骚乱。 多家银行以及巨大的政治压力会请求不管以任何代价都要稳定这个金融系统。 ecocn

The other day, I found three different pleas floating around on the screen.
某天,我又发现三个不同的更新请求在满屏幕的晃荡。 yeeyan

The pope is also accused of ignoring pleas for the removal of an American priest, who allegedly molested200 deaf boys.
教皇还被指责无视人们对一个美国主教进行撤职的请求,这个主教猥亵了200个耳聋男孩。 ecocn

Those include shooting civilians who tried to escape the city and ignoring the pleas of mothers holding aloft starving children on the other side of the barbed-wire barricades.
这些细节包括射杀逃离城市的平民,对刺铁丝网路障另一侧高举着饥饿的孩子的母亲们的恳求坐视不顾。 yeeyan

Pleas let us have your best quotation by tomorrow, together with the appropriate time of shipment.
请在明天告诉我方贵方的最优惠价格以及大概的装运期。 examw

Pleas quote us your best price and let us know the minimum quantity for each order.
请报最优惠的价格,并告诉我们每一张订单必需的最少订购单。 examw

Pleas quote us your most competitive prices in order to consummate business.
请报出你方最具有竞争力的价格,以便达成交易。 examw




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