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词汇 playstation
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The PLAYSTATION3 is unusual for a gaming console for two reasons.
PLAYSTATION3是一款不同凡响的游戏机,原因有二。 ibm

“As you may be aware, some customers have been unable to connect to the PlayStation Network today, ” said Sony in a statement.
“可能你们已经知道了,现在有一些用户不能够连接到索尼的游戏网络平台” ,索尼官方声明中说。 yeeyan

Before Playstation Move fans get their blue balls in a bunch, the Kinect for Xbox360 makes this list because it is a revolutionary device in the world of gaming.
在 Playstation Move体感设备粉们开始集体意淫之前, Xbox360 Kinect体感系统就已荣登此榜,因为它是游戏世界中的一款革命性的设备。 yeeyan

Even the hack of Sony’s Playstation Network last month is believed to have exposed tens of millions of credit card numbers.
就连上个月发生的索尼 Playstation网络被黑事件都被认为泄露了数千万信用卡号码。 forbeschina

However, IGN can now confirm that the re- released version of Assassin's Creed won't pack PlayStation Network Trophies.
然而 IGN已发布确切的消息:再次推出的刺客信条版本将不会设置游戏站网络荣誉。 yeeyan

If Sony wants to target teenage PlayStation3 owners in Southern California with a special promotion on flatscreen TVs, who do you think they are going to call?
如果索尼公司想要向南加利福尼亚州的年龄在十几岁的 PlayStation3玩家们进行一个平板电视的推广,你认为他们会打给谁呢? yeeyan

In the Playstation one generation Sony had massive global domination, nobody came anywhere near them.
在 Playstation一代的时代索尼占有全球市场的大量份额,别人都被远远的抛在了身后。 yeeyan

Its gadgets like PlayStation already allow users in different parts of the world to interact and play games with other.
索尼公司的产品游戏站已经允许世界各地的玩家相互交流和对战。 yeeyan

Seven years later, in2006, Sony launched the PlayStation3.
七年后的2006年,索尼公司向市场投放“玩家3”。 yeeyan

Some benefactors engage in what is known as“ PlayStation politics” in which they attempt, as in video games, to control affairs in their homeland remotely.
有些捐赠者搞什么“政治游戏”,象在视频游戏中一样,他们试图在彼端的本国远程控制索马里事务。 ecocn

Sony is betting that the PS3's advanced technology will sustain the company for a decade by extending the PlayStation franchise beyond gaming.
索尼笃定 PS3所包含的尖端技术将使得PS的功能范围不再局限于游戏,今后十年都将是公司的“顶梁柱”。 ecocn

Sony made PlayStation3 a big part of its pitch, promising lots of 3- D game content. But despite all the hype, some say that mass market3-D gaming remains a long way off.
索尼许诺在 PS3会添加更多3D游戏来拉大这一差距,尽管这些商家炒作的沸沸扬扬,但是一些人士仍表明3D游戏的市场还有很长一段路要走。 yeeyan

Sony, maker of the PlayStation videogame and the Walkman music players, said the investment is part of a drive to nearly double monthly output of the cells within two years.
索尼称,这项投资是公司为实现在两年内将电池月产量提高近一倍这一目标所作努力的一部分。 ebigear

Sony launched the first Playstation.
索尼公司推出首款 Playstation。

Sony said a bug with the console clock was responsible for the serious technical glitch, which has left thousands of PS3 owners unable to connect to the PlayStation Network.
索尼解释说,这次严重的技术故障是由于控制台时钟失灵导致的,故障已经导致了数千 PS3玩家无法连接到索尼的游戏网络平台。 yeeyan

The next logical step for the Stanford team was to adapt their software for the hugely powerful Cell processor used in Sony's PlayStation3 games console.
斯坦福团队所采取的下一步合理动作则是,改编他们的程序,在索尼的 PlayStation3游戏机的细胞处理器上运行。 ecocn

The Wii remained the top-selling console, followed by Microsoft's Xbox360 and Sony's Playstation3.
Wii仍然是最畅销的游戏机,接着是微软的 Xbox360和索尼的 PlayStation3。 yeeyan

This article covered some of the main concepts of assembly language programming on the Cell BE processor of the PLAYSTATION3 under Linux.
本文涵盖了在安装了 Linux的 PLAYSTATION3的 Cell BE处理器上进行汇编语言编程的一些主要概念。 ibm

This is an important distinction between Kinect and Sony's Playstation Eye camera, which only detects images in2D, and relies on the Playstation Move motion controller to track3D movement.
这是 kinect和索尼的 Playstation Eye摄像头之间一个重要的区别,后者只能探测二维的图像,并依赖于 Playstation Move的运动控制器追踪三维运动。 yeeyan

We speculate about Sony's next steps forward with the Playstation4 and what it will take for the PS4 to beat out Microsoft and Nintendo from launch.
我们将对索尼关于 Playstation4游戏机的下一步前进方向以及 Playstation4究竟凭什么来击败微软和任天堂进行推测。 yeeyan

You can even call it the flagship game of the first generation Playstation.
你甚至可以把它看做角色扮演游戏中的领头羊。 kekenet

You'll have Sky TV and a PlayStation.
那里有星空卫视和游戏机。 yeeyan




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