

单词 plays on
释义 plays on短语²⁶¹²⁹
God played on this law of diversity as a person plays on a piano, producing melodies and arranging them in a symphony.
就像一个人弹奏钢琴一样,上帝弹奏着多样性的法则,谱出各种旋律,并将它们组合成一部交响乐。 blog.sina.com.cn

He sings, plays on the violin wonderfully, composes, is mad, and not very sensible.
他唱歌拉小提琴都很棒,但调子有点悲伤,就是人有点不太聪明。 hjenglish

He plays on a team.
他在一个球队。 blog.sina.com.cn

In order to persuade us to buy his product, he appeals to our feelings and plays on our emotions and he does not do this in order to further our welfare or the welfare of any social group.
他这样做不是为了增进我们的福利,也不是为了改善任何社会群体的福利,而是为了增进他自己的利益。 iciba

The unseen dark plays on his flute, and the rhythm of light eddies into stars and suns, into thoughts and dreams.
看不见的黑暗,吹奏他的长笛,而光明的韵律在群星和太阳之间旋转,在思绪和梦中旋转。 blog.sina.com.cn

This paper aims to study the strength of economic ties between major cities in the pan- Triangle delta and analyzes the economic magnetism that the core cities plays on its surroundings.
本文旨在研究泛长三角主要城市间的经济联系强度,分析该区域核心城市对周边城市的经济吸引力。 dictall

This furniture is up to the minute, in that it plays on its contrasts.
这是最新式的家具,因为其反差性对照性很强。 translate.chinadaily.com.cn




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