

单词 play off
释义 play off pleiɔf 短语³⁷⁶⁷⁵
利用; 挑拨; 比赛平局后加赛以决胜负

set into opposition or rivalry;

let them match their best athletes against ours

pit a chess player against the Russian champion

He plays his two children off against each other

play one person off against another在两人之间挑拨离间…play off a match重赛以决胜负…play off and on with一会戴上一会摘下…play one person off against the other在两人之间挑拨离间(…play off a tie平局后重赛以决胜负…play off a draw再赛以决胜负…
近义词 pit坑match对手oppose反对
Comedies also play on words to create fun.喜剧也利用双关语制造笑料。
Use discrimination and play hard to get.充分利用辨别能力努力去争取。
The practice of playing off one great power against another is not new.挑拨一个强国对抗另一个强国并不是什么新的手法。
Let's not let him play both ends against the middle by starting a fight between you and me.别让他挑拨我与你相争而他从中得利。as in.(counter
同义词 counteract,foil,offset,oppose,resist,respond,retaliate,ward offbacktalk,beat,bilk,buck,circumvent,contravene,cross,dash,disappoint,frustrate,hinder,match,meet,parry,pit,return,ruin,viecounterwork,fly in the face of,have bone to pick,hit back,take on,thumbs-down
反义词 aid,assist,help,support,agree,allow,divide,encourage,facilitate,permit,separateas in.thwart
同义词 circumvent,counter,curb,defeat,foil,frustrate,hinder,impede,obstruct,oppose,prevent,stop,stymiebaffle,balk,beat,bilk,check,confuse,cramp,cross,dash,disappoint,ditch,dodge,duck,outwit,pit,queer,restrain,ruin,trammel,upsetdead-end,foul up,give the slip,hold up,take down,take the wind out ofone'ssails,upset the apple cart
反义词 abet,aid,allow,assist,encourage,facilitate,help,support,clear up,free,hasten,let go,multiplyforwardas in.vie
同义词 contend,strivebuck,challenge,contest,counter,match,oppose,pit,play,push,rival,struggle,sweatbe rivals,go for,go for broke,go for the gold,go for the jugular,jockey for position,scramble for
反义词 agree,aid,assist,help,support
counterverb answer, respond in retaliation
backtalk,beat,bilk,buck,circumvent,contravene,counteract,counterwork,cross,dash,disappoint,fly in the face of,foil,frustrate,have bone to pick,hinder,hit back,match,meet,offset,oppose,parry,pit,resist,respond,retaliate,return,ruin,take on,thumbs-down,vie,ward off
counteredverb answer, respond in retaliation
backtalked,beat,bilked,bucked,circumvented,contravened,counteracted,counterworked,crossed,dashed,disappointed,flew in the face of,foiled,frustrated,had bone to picked,hindered,hit back,matched,met,offset,opposed,parried,pitted,played off,resisted,responded,retaliated,returned,ruined,thumbed down,took on,vied,warded off
thwartverb stop, hinder
baffle,balk,beat,bilk,check,circumvent,confuse,counter,cramp,cross,curb,dash,dead-end,defeat,disappoint,ditch,dodge,duck,foil,foul up,frustrate,give the slip,hinder,hold up,impede,obstruct,oppose,outwit,pit,play off,prevent,queer,restrain,ruin,stop,stymie,take down,take the wind out ofone'ssails,trammel,upset,upset the apple cart
thwartsverb stop, hinder
baffles,balks,beats,bilks,checks,circumvents,confuses,counters,crabs,cramps,crimps,crosses,curbs,dashes,defeats,disappoints,ditches,dodges,double-crosses,ducks,foils,foul up,frustrates,gives the slip,holds up,impedes,louses up,matches,obstructs,opposes,outwits,pits,plays off,prevents,queers,restrains,ruins,scotches,skins,snafus,stymies,takes down,takes wind out of,trammels,upsetsupsets one's apple cart
vieverb compete
be rivals,buck,challenge,contend,contest,counter,go for,go for broke,go for the gold,go for the jugular,jockey for position,match,oppose,pit,play,play off,push,rival,scramble for,strive,struggle,sweat
viedverb compete
bucked,challenged,contended,contested,countered,jockey for position,matched,opposed,pitted,played,played off,pushed,rivaled,scrambled for,strove,struggled,sweated,was rivals,went for,went for broke,went for the gold,went for the jugular But his nose for offensive rebounds and ability to play off ball have offset these issues.
但是他关于防御篮板的嗅觉和他的无球跑位都补偿这些题目。 emm3

However, when the topic gets electric while the tone stays respectful, contribute as a peer rather than a manager and let your community members play off the topic's charge.
不过,在引出主题之后仍然保持谦虚,以社区成员而不是管理者的身份参与社区能够让社区成员更乐意为该主题做贡献。 ibm

I also know that the Triangle Offense is designed to allow players to play off of Kobe Bryant, and that depends on him being a lethal scoring threat.
我也知道三角进攻就是为像科比那样的人设计的,这取决于他那致命的得分威胁。 kaoyan

Smith and Peters will play off next week.
史密斯和彼得斯下周举行平分决赛。 hotdic

Teaming up for the big venture makes sense for both sides, given how African governments have often tried to play off Western mining giants against resource- hungry Chinese firms.
着手筹建大型联合企业对双方都有好处,让非洲国家能在西方的矿业巨人和原材料饥渴的中国之间从容起舞,正像他们一直以来试图实现的那样。 yeeyan

Their decorations and materiality play off the colors and reference various parts of the world and times of year with different light conditions.
这些房间在玩转色彩时,参考了世界各地和不同季节的照明条件。 yeeyan

This is classic wedge politics, designed to create camps of “ us” and“ them”, to play off those who have done or are doing well by the system against those protesters who are said not to be.
这是经典的分裂政治学,目的在于创造出“我们”与“他们”两个阵营,以便体制评判哪些人做得好,哪些人抗议者做得不好。 yeeyan

Use splashes of red in accessories to offset darker greens, and use bright whites to play off darker shades of blue.
你在装饰品中可以用喷溅的红色来作为深绿色的补充色,也可以用亮白色来搭配深色调的蓝色。 yeeyan

Watts is convinced that chimpanzees notice and predict the actions of others, that they play off each other and may appear to coordinate their actions.
瓦茨确信黑猩猩留心并预测别人的举动,它们交相辉映,似乎在配合彼此的行动。 yeeyan

We just play off of that.
我们就是这么打球的。 blog.sina.com.cn




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