

单词 playing on
释义 playing on短语⁹⁵⁶⁹
Children as young as six are risking heart problems in later life because they are allowed to spend too much time watching TV or playing on computers, scientists warn.
科学家们警告,就算只是六岁的小孩,但如果每天看电视玩电脑的时间没有节制的话,在他们长大成人之后,患上心脏病的几率将提高。 ebigear

Experienced liars often do this deliberately, playing on people believing the myth.
有经验的说谎者经常故意这样做,玩弄人们相信这个谣言。 yeeyan

He said extremists are playing on their differences, and are killing people in many countries of many faiths.
他说,极端主义分子利用人们之间的分歧,在很多国家杀害信仰不同的平民。 kekenet

In addition, boys were five times more likely, and girls30 times more likely, to describe their health as fair or poor when they were not playing on a sports team.
另外,约5倍的男生和30倍的女生在离开体育队伍后都感到身体状况一般或变差。 yeeyan

Looking you straight in the eye does not mean the person is telling the truth. Experienced liars often do this deliberately, playing on people believing the myth.
直接看着你的眼睛并不意味着这个人在说实话。有经验的说谎者经常故意这样做,玩弄人们相信这个谣言。 yeeyan

Now politicians are playing on these fears.
如今,政客们都在利用这种恐惧大做文章。 ecocn

Playing on fears of foreign involvement is an old trick.
打害怕外国的卷入的牌不过是一个陈年伎俩。 ecocn




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