

单词 playing card
释义 play·ing card 英ˈpleɪɪŋ美ˈpleɪŋAHDplāʹĭng ☆☆☆☆☆短语²⁷⁵⁶⁶

one of a pack of cards that are used to play card games用作名词No one understood how I did the card trick.谁也没有看出来我是怎样玩纸牌戏法的。
She devoted too much time to playing cards.她太多的时间都用在玩纸牌上了。
The children areplaying cardin the living room.孩子们在客厅玩扑克牌。
Good playing cards send the sign procedure, C-C.一个不错的扑克牌的发牌程序。 A piece of rubber the size of a playing card has been ripped from the tire.
一块扑克牌大小的橡胶从轮胎上完全脱落了。 yeeyan

Here's what I mean: They can only tell that a playing card is a number eight by counting the number of objects on the card.
下面我举一个例子:给他们一张数字是8的卡片,只有通过查卡上物体的数量,他们才能知道这张卡代表8 。 yeeyan

Most of the time, the two tectonic plates are stuck together, and the North American plate is squeezed, much like a playing card held between the thumb and forefinger.
大部分时间,这两个地址板块卡在一起,北美板块被挤压,很像一个扑克牌夹在大拇指和食指之间。 yeeyan

My father likes playing Card, because it is exciting.
我爸爸喜欢打牌,因为它是刺激的。 xxt

Products in the shape of a playing card, lottery ticket, credit card, gift certificate and others, or bearing pictures or phrases indicating such, which are likely to encourage speculative mind;
外形为扑克牌、彩票、信用卡、礼券及其它,或带有显示这些的图片或措词,可能鼓励投机意识的产品; std.spsp.gov.cn

The device is an advanced solar cell, no bigger than a typical playing card, which is left floating in a pool of water.
这种器件就是一个很先进的太阳能电池,大小和扑克牌差不多,把它丢到水池里它可以浮在水面上。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn

You ask your spectator to think of any playing card, this done they are given a piece of paper and a pen and are asked to write down the card they are only thinking of.
你问您的观众认为任何扑克牌,这做了给予他们一张纸和一支笔,并要求写下来,卡,他们只是思想。 kekenet

She spins a wheel and listens to the clicking sound of a playing card smacking the spokes.
她摇动了车轮,用一张扑克牌卡在轮幅处,倾听扑克牌和轮幅相碰发出的滴答声。 yeeyan




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