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词汇 plausibility
释义 plau·si·bil·i·ty AHDˌplȯzəˈbiləd.ē,-ətē,-i 高GCOCA³³³¹⁷BNC²²⁵⁵²iWeb²⁷⁴⁰⁷Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²

apparent validity词根词缀: -plaus-拍手 + -ibility名词词尾plausible似真实合理的…plausibility ordering似真排序
plauS,-ibility能⇒n.似有道理⁷²;能言善辩²⁸近义词 color颜色possibility可能credibility可信likelihood可能性probability可能性reasonableness合理性conceivability想得到acceptability可接受性plausiblenessplausible的名词…反义词 implausibility难信的

用作名词Analysts will still be needed to assess model results and validate theplausibilityof the model predictions.分析家将会仍然被需要估定样板的结果而且使样板预测的似有道理有效。noun.verisimilitude
同义词 believability,soundness,validitychance,color,credibility,credibleness,integrity,likelihood,plausibleness,possibility,probability,prospect,reliability,satisfactoriness,solidity,solidness,tenability,trustworthinesscreditability,creditableness
反义词 improbability,unlikelihood
believabilitynoun verisimilitude
credibilitynoun believeableness
crediblenessnoun believableness
creditabilitynoun believability
creditablenessnoun believability
likelihoodnoun chance of something happening
coin flip,direction,even break,fair shake,fifty-fifty,fighting chance,good chance,liability,likeliness,long shot,outside chance,plausibility,possibility,presumption,probability,prospect,reasonableness,shot at,strong possibility,tendency,toss-up,trend And in order to give this science plausibility, its promulgators have always fastened upon it morality.
为了赋予这门学问近乎真理的面貌,其传播者总是把它同道德绞在一起。 yeeyan

Both have been highly controversial with historians and others who have questioned the reliability of Stone's sources and the plausibility of the conspiracies he appears to embrace.
两片也都受到历史学家、以及其他那些对 Stone所采用的资料的真实性以及他所乐于使用的阴谋论的合理性有所质疑的人的高度诟病。 yeeyan

The plausibility of the Anglo- Saxon model, with its reliance on financial services and light- touch regulation, has been diminished by the credit crisis and recession.
看似合理的盎格鲁-撒克逊模式,以其对金融服务的依赖和轻监管为特征,已经在信用危机和经济衰退的打击下辉煌不再。 ecocn

The elections that brought Mr Yar'Adua to office last month were so badly run and marred by such widespread rigging that they lacked even a pretence of democratic plausibility.
将亚拉杜瓦先生选为总统的选举在上月进行得极不顺利,并有谣言说他们连谈一下伪民主的能力都施展不了。 topsage

The feeling that loving your children more than yourself is hard-wired lends plausibility to the theory of kin selection.
爱你孩子胜过你自己的根深蒂固想法,给亲族选择理论提供了可信性。 yeeyan

A senior official in Hong Kong says that neither HSBC nor StanChart is currently in discussions to move there. But the plausibility of the threats has risen.
香港一高级官员称汇丰银行和渣打银行现在都没有讨论是否要迁往香港,但是这种可能性越来越大。 ecocn

But, today, this promise of infinite future for the results of our work lost any plausibility.
但今天这种对我们工作的结果承诺一个无限的未来已经失去了可信度。 art-ba-ba

But I do want a love story with at least a hint of conviction, plausibility or sexual heat.
但是我认为一个爱情故事至少要具备些许坚定的信念、令人信服的演绎以及性感的热情。 yeeyan

His argument has clear plausibility for some sorts of religious beliefs.
对于某些宗教信仰而言,他的论证存在明显的合理性。 yeeyan

In no more than two pages, aspiring entrepreneurs must convince investors of their own integrity, as well as the plausibility of their plan.
在短短两页纸内,有抱负的企业家必须让投资者相信他们的诚恳,以及计划的合理性。 examw

In this polite revenge saga, the message the author sends to his own side, now in opposition, is that it is pointless seeking office if you have squandered economic plausibility.
在这本客气的复仇记中,作者向自己现在处于反对党地位的同僚传达的信息是:如果你浪费了经济合理性,那么寻求执政就没有意义。 ecocn

It could be even worse, providing a fig leaf of plausibility for Mr Mugabe to carry on his destructive rule.
考虑到穆加贝会用花言巧语来当做遮羞布,以便他继续进行毁灭性的统治,新政府甚至可能会更加糟糕。 ecocn

Like most myths and legends, the plausibility revolved mostly around how well the story was told.
就像大多数的神话传说一样,故事的可信性和它的叙述方式是息息相关的。 yeeyan

New drive asset management capabilities are also available that include Siemens SIMOCODE intelligent drive devices, detailed fault indication and high performance plausibility logic.
新的驱动资产管理能力也具有,包括西门子 SIMOCODE智能驱动设备,详细的故障指示和高性能的可信逻辑。 gkong

Of course, I am describing a remote, worst- case scenario whose plausibility is dismissed by the Pentagon.
当然,我描述的不是一个遥远的,最糟的场景,那种已经被五角大楼驳回的狡辩。 yeeyan

Test input for plausibility and validity.
验证输入的合理性和有效性。 yeeyan

The requirement for biological plausibility should not unduly influence negatively a consideration of causality.
有关生物学依据的要求不应该过度影响阴性因果关系的考虑。 who

These explanations may seem to strain plausibility, given that the oil price fell by79% within five months.
假如油价在5个月内下跌79%,这些解释看上去似乎有些道理。 ecocn

This gives the prospects for this generation of biofuels a plausibility that was missing from its predecessors.
这就给了勘探这一代生物燃料的工作一个理由,而这个理由是上一代所缺失的。 ecocn

Truth, for most men, meant plausibility; to be measured by the number of votes you could get.
对于大部分人而言,真理只是似乎合理而已,以票数多寡来取决。 iciba




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