

单词 acceptors
释义 acceptors 英ək'septəz美ək'septəz COCA¹⁴²⁴⁷⁷BNC⁹¹⁵¹⁷⁺
受主杂质¹⁰⁰原型acceptor的复数 And where are the acceptors?
接受体在哪里呢? v.163.com

As the carbohydrate coated particles are independent, flexible and easily detectable, they should be good acceptors for the diverse bioactive studies of carbohydrates.
糖配基微粒材料具有相互独立、操作灵活和便于检测等优点,在各种糖分子的生物活性检测中将有重要应用。 sioc-journal.cn

The results of Energy Spectra show that acceptors Sr are mainly segregated in the grain boundary, which greatly contribute to the form of varistor barrier.
能谱分析表明:受主杂质主要偏析于晶界,这有利于形成具有良好压敏电阻特性的晶界势垒。 cnki

The four factors are moral character factor, attraction factor, in accord with products factor and in accord with acceptors factor in turns.
四个因素依次是品德因素、吸引力因素、与产品一致性因素、与受众一致性因素; cnki

The key of the SBR startup was the nature of the electron acceptors.
电子受体的种类是启动反硝化除磷反应器的关键。 cnki

The main technical parameters were improved, the genotypes of cotton acceptors were widened, and a high efficient system of transformation of four varieties was established.
优化农杆菌介导法转化棉花的主要技术参数,拓宽了棉花基因型范围,建立了四个棉花品种的高效遗传转化体系。 fabiao

The news text, to certain acceptors, could pose three levels of values: one is the superficial value which aims to satisfy acceptors for latest event information;
新闻文本对于一定的接受主体来说,可以实现三个层次的价值:一是表层价值,它的核心在于实现对接受主体对最新事态信息的需求; cnki

Agricultural innovation propagation effects are influenced by propagators, acceptors and propagation skill.
传播者、受传者和传播技巧都影响农业创新的传播效果。 cnki

All the economic agents act not as the acceptors of economic welfare, but as independent economic units who can chase opportunity, acquire economic rights, and enjoy economic freedom.
每个经济主体不是经济福利的被动接受者,而是能动地获取机会、争取权利并进而享有充分的经济自由的经济单位。 cnki

But, we should first drastically reduce the residual donors before solving problems related to the hydrogen passivation of acceptors.
但是,我们首先要大幅度降低钝化受体的剩余供氢之前解决相关的问题。 www.xy17.com

Conclusion: Tetramethylpyrazine, vanillin and chrysophanol can all combine with cardiac muscle membrane acceptors, while ferulic acid can not;
结论:川芎嗪、香兰素、大黄酚均可作用于心肌细胞膜受体,阿魏酸不与心肌细胞膜上的受体作用; cnki

It is found that the transition energy of acceptors increases with the enhancement of quantum confinement.
研究发现,随着量子限制效应的增强,受主跃迁能量会增加。 opticsjournal

So, these are poor electron donors but also a good electron acceptors, and we call these non-metals.
所以这些元素都不易失电子,但是它们是很好的电子受体,我们把这些叫做非金属。 v.163.com

The in- diffused phosphorus and iron atoms occupy indium sites in the lattice, resulting in the formation of P anti- site defects and iron deep acceptors, respectively.
向内扩散的磷原子和铁原子占据晶格中铟位后,分别产生反位缺陷和铁深受主。 cnki

The reduced binding of the toxin to the midgut acceptors.
中肠的吸附位点对毒素蛋白的亲和力下降。 cnki

Under the situation of interests multiplicity, different interests parts could be classified as policy designers and policy acceptors.
在利益多元化格局下,股市中利益各方可分为政策制定者和政策接受者。 cnki

Via re- oxidization, interfacial donor segregation, cation vacancy compensation and combination the surface layer of acceptors, a dielectric shell is formed on the grain surface layer.
通过再氧化、施主离子的表面偏析、正缺位补偿和受主离子的表层结合等作用,而形成了介质壳层。 cnki

You have equal numbers of donors and acceptors.
你有等量的电子给体和受体。 v.163.com




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