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词汇 plantation
释义 plan·ta·tion 英plænˈteɪʃən美plænˈteʃənAHDplăn-tāʹshən


a large piece of land, especially in tropical countries, on which crops such as tea, cotton, sugar, and rubber are grown

an estate where cash crops are grown on a large scale especially in tropical areasa newly established colony especially in the colonization of North America;

the practice of sending convicted criminals to serve on the Plantations was common in the 17th century

garden consisting of a small cultivated wood without undergrowth来自plant,植物,种植。plantation duty大垦殖场税tea plantation茶坊plantation pole长度单位sugar plantation糖料种植园,糖料种植…tree plantation造林区cotton plantation棉花种植园plantation walker种植园步行马…coffee plantation咖啡种植园ex plantation农场交货价格…rubber plantation橡胶园plantation economy种植园经济plantation rubber天然橡胶,种植橡胶…ornamental plantation风景林,观赏林…forest plantation植树造林plantation crop栽培作物
非常记忆plant种植〖熟词〗+ation爱神〖谐音〗⇒种植园负责种植的是爱神蒋争熟词记忆种植plant爱心ation在种植园上 plant + ation名词后缀plant种植+ation动名词后缀→种植行为→种植场所⇒种植园,大农场,苗木场。蒋争熟词记忆plant种植-ation名词后缀⇒种植;种植园方振宇词汇奥秘plant种植+ation名词后缀→种植园,大农场来自plant植物,种植+ation表状态、结果→种植园词根记忆plant+ation=种树,农场近义词 farm农场ranch牧场estate财产grange农场croft小田地grove小树林woodlet果园orchard果园hacienda庄园homestead家园farmery农场的庭园steading农场的建筑物…manor封建领主的领地…farmstead农场及其建筑物…
用作名词n.They work onplantations.他们在种植园工作。
His father-in-law is a plantation manager.他岳父是个种植园经营者。
用作名词There were hundreds of slaves in theplantation.这个种植园里有数百名奴隶。
The flood destroyed the cornplantation.洪水毁掉了玉米种植园。
According to initial plan,a total of 34 million hectares ofplantationwill be built.初步规划,这些治理区的总造林是3400万公顷。
Demands for slaves now depend on the amount ofplantationtypes in the game.对奴隶的需求现在取决于游戏中殖民地类型的数量。noun.large farm
同义词 estate,homestead,orchard,ranchfarmstead,hacienda,vineyard
estatenoun extensive manor and its property
acreage,area,country home,country place,demesne,domain,dominion,farm,finca,freehold,grounds,holdings,lands,parcel,quinta,ranch,residence,rural seat,territory,villa
farmnoun land for agriculture or animal breeding
foundationnoun established institution
foundationsnoun established institution
grangenoun farm
grovenoun cluster of trees
brake,coppice,copse,covert,forest,orchard,plantation,spinney,stand,thicket,wood,woodland He also set himself up as a slaveholder on a modest estate he would build into a major cotton plantation, the Hermitage.
杰克逊自我标榜为一位拥有适度财产的奴隶主,并打算将其打造成为一座规模可观、名为隐士庐的棉花种植园。 yeeyan

In a tale told by Parson Weems, Washington's first biographer, the young George received an axe as a gift with which amused himself for hours on his family's plantation in Stafford, Virginia.
帕森·威姆斯是华盛顿第一版传记的作者。 传记里有这么一个故事。乔治·华盛顿家的种植园坐落于维吉尼亚州斯坦福市。年轻的乔治曾收到一把斧头作为礼物。 yeeyan

The British brought them to Sri Lanka in the19th century as tea and rubber plantation workers, and they remain concentrated in the“ tea country” of south- central Sri Lanka.
英国人在19世纪将他们作为种茶和橡皮种植园工人带到斯里兰卡,而他们仍集中在南方斯里兰卡中部的“茶区”中。 ebigear

The stately Rose Hall Great House rests on a grassy plantation near Montego Bay.
庄严的玫瑰堂大屋靠近蒙特哥湾附近草木茂盛的种植园。 yeeyan

The plantation clearings and miles of cotton fields smiled up to a warm sun, placid , complacent .
尚待种植的空地和绵延数英里的棉花田微笑着袒露在阳光之中。 kekenet

We began the year in foreign policy with Warren Christopher hosting talks between the Israelis and Syrians at Wye River Plantation in Maryland.
新年刚开始,在外交领域,沃伦·克里斯托弗在马里兰州的怀依河种植园主持了以色列和叙利亚的会谈。 yeeyan

When you buy a piece of plywood, you are buying potentially bad logging practices: plantation forestry where a whole area is clear cut and then replanted to look like a shopping mall.
买一块胶合板,你就是潜在地为糟糕的伐木活动埋单:森林种植园,把一整块地都砍伐掉,然后再植树,看起来像购物广场一样。 yeeyan

Yet the Berkeley Plantation along the James River in Virginia calls itself the site of the first official Thanksgiving in America.
在弗吉尼亚沿詹姆斯河畔的伯克利种植园称自己是美国首次正式感恩节的所在地。 ebigear

An hour later, after nightfall, he repassed the plantation, going northward in the direction from which he had come.
一个小时之后,夜幕降临,这名骑兵再一次路过种植园,朝着北边——他来时的方向而去。 yeeyan

Flashbacks of life in a sugar plantation are everywhere, and an almost Edenic coastal place juxtaposed with grittiness, in the context of colonialism and changing spaces.
小说中,关于糖料种植园生活的倒叙比比皆是。在殖民主义及不断变更的空间背景之下,伊甸园般的海边乐园与砂砾之地并置。 yeeyan

He says deforestation is often undertaken by wealthy ranchers and plantation owners and poor households can carve productive farmlands out of the forest.
他说,森林砍伐通常由富有的农场主和人工林所有者进行,而贫困农户只能在林区中开辟肥沃的农田。 worldbank

He was transferred to a field hospital at a nearby plantation to recover.
他被转送到种植园附近一家战地医院里康复。 yeeyan

Indonesia’s National Council on Climate Change puts the opportunity cost of forgoing an oil-palm plantation at $30 a tonne.
如印度尼西亚全国气候变化委员会认为,放弃建设油棕榈树种植园的机会成本是30美元/吨。 ecocn

One such film explores whether a sugar plantation in Kenya will lead to opportunity or disaster.
有一部影片探究的是肯尼亚糖料种植园会带来机遇还是灾难。 yeeyan

President for only14 months before dying of a sudden stomach ailment in 1850, Taylor hailed from a plantation family that owned thousands of acres and hundreds of slaves in Kentucky.
1850年,泰勒总统上台仅14个月就死于突发性胃病。 这位总统出身于一个经营种植园的家庭,在肯塔基州拥有数千英亩土地,和数百名奴隶。 yeeyan

The Britisher established an indigo plantation in Shahabpur, but soon sold the property to Mr Singh’s great- grandfather, who ruled a vast neighbouring estate, consisting of over 700 villages.
查普曼上尉在沙哈普尔建了一座靛青种植园,但他很快就把这份产业卖给了辛格的曾祖父,其曾祖父管理着一大片邻近的产业,包含700多个村子。 ecocn

The biofuel was derived from jatropha, an inedible plant grown by PetroChina, a state-owned oil company, on a plantation in southwest China and refined by Honeywell.
此种生物燃料来自麻风树,是一种不可食用的植物,由中石油在中国西南部的一个种植园中种植,并由霍尼韦尔公司进行加工提炼。 forbeschina

The trees growing on it are harvested and the land is either abandoned or converted to a plantation.

They also own about40 hectares of coffee plantation.
同时,他们也拥有约40公顷的咖啡种植园。 worldbank

Thousands of Zambians depended on the semifeudal Shiwa plantation for their existence but Gore- Browne became known over time for his advocacy of African self-rule.
有数千名赞比亚人依靠这座半封建的种植园生活,但是随着时间的推移,戈尔-布朗却因宣扬非洲自治出了名。 yeeyan




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