

单词 plantains
释义 plantains ˈplæntinz COCA⁴²⁸³³BNC¹¹⁴⁰²⁴⁺Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
n.车前草;香蕉之一种plantain的名词复数原型plantain的复数 The price of beans, plantains, sweet potatoes and other staples has soared in private markets.
豆类、芭蕉、甘薯和其他主要粮食在私人市场上的价格飙升。 tianya

Bananas, including plantains, fresh or dried.
鲜或干的香蕉,包括芭蕉。 china-customs

Dates, plantains and total grapes are also included in the total fruit figures, while olives are excluded.
枣、大蕉和全部的葡萄也包括在水果总量数据中,但油橄榄除外。 njcdtjx

Some foods, such as unripe bananas, raw potatoes, and plantains, have a type of starch which our digestive enzymes can't break down.
像未成熟的香蕉,生肉马铃薯和车前草这样的一些食物,有我们的消化酵素不能故障的一个淀粉的类型。 tnbz

There stood beautiful palm-trees, oaks, and plantains;
那儿还有许多美丽的棕榈树、栎树和梧桐树; www.englishok.com.cn

Today, bananas and their close relatives, the starchy plantains, grow in a number of different varieties or cultivars.
如今,香蕉和它们的近亲——富含淀粉的大蕉,有着一大串不同的原生或者是杂交品种。 yeeyan

Uganda, for example, recently opened a laboratory dedicated to the scientific improvement of plantains, another important food crop.
例如,乌干达最近设立了一个实验室,专门对车前草----另一种重要的食用农作物进行科学改良。 ecocn

When the people left their huts he would steal in and make off with their plantains or fish.
当人们离开小屋,它就会悄悄地进来,偷走芭蕉或是鱼肉。 hxen




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