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词汇 plant
释义 plant plɑ:nt

a living thing that is smaller than trees

C工厂; 车间

a factory or other place where an industrial process is carried out


heavy machinery, especially used for industrial processes

vt. 种植,栽种

put plants in the ground to grow

vt. 放置,安插

place sth in position firmly or forcefully, cause sb to join a group secretly, especially to spy on its members

buildings for carrying on industrial labor;

they built a large plant to manufacture automobiles

botany a living organism lacking the power of locomotionan actor situated in the audience whose acting is rehearsed but seems spontaneous to the audiencesomething planted secretly for discovery by another;

the police used a plant to trick the thieves

he claimed that the evidence against him was a plant

put or set seeds, seedlings, or plants into the ground;

Let's plant flowers in the garden

fix or set securely or deeply;

He planted a knee in the back of his opponent

The dentist implanted a tooth in the gum

set up or lay the groundwork for;

establish a new department

place into a river;

plant fish

place something or someone in a certain position in order to secretly observe or deceive;

Plant a spy in Moscow

plant bugs in the dissident's apartment

put firmly in the mind;

Plant a thought in the students' minds

plant, crop


crop主要指栽培的“作物”; 而plant则既可指栽培的“作物”,也可指野生的“植物”。例如:

The farmers plant crops in the spring.农民在春季种庄稼。
Trees, grass, flowers, vegetables and fruit are plants.树、草、花、菜、果都是植物。plant, factory, mill, works


factory可指各类工厂,也可指任何制造物品的地方; mill原指把原料加工成粉或浆的磨坊,现在多指轻工业或手工工厂。例如:

There is a wood mill behind our school.我们学校后面有一家锯木厂。


This is a power plant.这是一家发电厂。


The iron works is outside the town.这家铁厂在城外。sow,plant,grow





用作名词 n.
动词+~bed out plant栽种植物cross one plant with another使一种植物和另一种植物杂交cultivate plant培育植物fail in plant长不出,不发芽fertilize plant给植物施肥grow plant种植物kill plant伤害作物miss plant长不出,不发芽nurse plant栽培作物,培育植物pot plant把花草栽在盆里pull plant up by roots把植物连根拔起tend plant照料作物uproot plant将植物连根挖出water plant浇灌植物establish plant建立工厂install plant为工厂安装设备manage plant管理工厂operate plant办工厂run plant办工厂形容词+~annual plant一年生植物beautiful plant美丽的植物climbing plant攀缘植物delicate plant娇嫩的植物evergreen plant常绿植物exotic plant珍奇的植物flowering plant能开花的植物,显花植物flowerless plant无花植物hardy plant耐寒植物higher plant高等植物humble plant含羞草infected plant生病的植物leafy plant阔叶植物living plant活的植物lovely plant可爱的植物medical plant药用植物native plant土生植物non-flowering plant不开花的植物poisonous plant有毒植物rare plant珍奇植物,稀有植物sensitive plant含羞草ugly plant难看的植物automated plant自动化工厂chemical plant化工厂manufacturing plant制造厂heavy plant重型设施physical plant物资设备名词+~ball plant带土秧苗forest plant森林植物garden plant庭园花木,园艺植物hothouse plant温室植物house plant室内植物land plant陆生植物mountain plant山上植物oil plant油料作物seed plant种子植物,幼苗water plant水生植物arms plant兵工厂bicycle plant自行车厂coffee plant咖啡厂machine tool plant机床厂power plant发电厂~+名词plant breeding植物育种plant diseases植物病害plant hire机器租赁plant food植物肥料plant kingdom植物王国plant life植物生存plant man种花者plant pathologist植物病虫害专家plant pathology植物病虫害学plant physiology植物生理学介词+~in plant生长着,活着at the plant该工厂的工人disease of plant植物的疾病growth of plant植物的生长shoots of plant植物新抽的嫩枝~+介词a plant for making…制造…的工厂a plant in栽于…内的植物a plant of this order属于这一类的植物a plant on earth地球上的植物a plant with aromatic seeds结芳香籽的植物用作动词 v.~+名词plant flower种花plant garden在花园中种植花草plant seeds播种,下种plant trees种树plant vegetables种植蔬菜plant explosives埋炸药plant flag插旗plant stake打桩plant colony建立殖民地plant idea灌输某种思想~+副词plant advantageously有效地栽植plant carefully仔细栽植plant characteristically具有特色地栽植plant consciously有意识地栽植plant conventionally常规地栽植plant daily日常地栽植plant densely稠密地栽植plant financially经济栽植plant heavily大量栽植plant incessantly持续不断地栽植plant luxuriously奢侈地栽植plant mechanically机械地栽植plant necessarily有必要地栽植plant sturdily稳稳地栽植plant successfully成功地栽植plant triumphantly成功地栽植plant unconditionally无条件地栽植plant apart栽得稀疏一些plant down放置plant out把植物移植到户外~+介词plant at在…栽植plant for ornament为装饰而栽种plant in在…刺进plant on栽赃…plant round在…周围栽植plant to rice种上水稻plant to wheat种上小麦
plant in v.+prep.

把…灌输给… cause (sth such as an idea to enter sb's mind)

plant on v.+prep.

给…栽赃 hide (usually stolen goods so that they seem to be in the possession of sb, so as to make him)〔her〕 seem guilty

plant out v.+adv.

移植 plant a plant from one place to another

plant sth ⇔ outWe had to rear it in a nursery and plant it out.我们不得不在苗棚里培育它,然后再把它移植出来。
When will you plant the flowers out in beds?什么时候把这些花移植到外面花床上?
They planted out the young trees in the garden.他们把小树苗移栽到了园子里。
plant with v.+prep.

在…种植… fill (a place such as a garden with plants)

plant sth with sthSince I now have enough vegetables growing,I would like to plant the rest of the garden with flowers.我种的蔬菜已经够吃的了,因此,我把花园其余的地方都种上花。
The farmer plants his field with rice every year.这位农民每年在地里种稻子。
Most of the land is planted with wheat.大部分的土地都种上了小麦。
More areas were planted with bamboo and fruit trees.更多地方种上了竹子和果树。故事记忆蚁窝非常 Giant巨大有只懒惰的 Ant蚂蚁干活总是 Reluctant不愿意瞎说自己 Pregnant怀孕的为了育好 Infant婴儿嘴馋想吃 Eggplant茄子大家非常 Indignant愤怒的罚它把草 Plant种植故事记忆太太效力 Plant工厂下岗以后 Pregnant怀孕了钱就因此 Scant缺乏的买来廉价 Eggplant茄子个个都很 Giant巨大里面却有 Ant蚂蚁感到非常 Indignant愤慨的小学英语速记联想记忆:pl音似:漂亮+ant蚂蚁→漂亮的蚂蚁爬到植物上→植物非常记忆pl跑了〖拼音〗+ant蚂蚁〖熟词〗⇒植物下跑了很多蚂蚁近义词 sowmillseedn. factoryworksv. grow
用作名词n.I was completely frustrated in my search for antiquities and a rare plant.我寻找古物和珍奇植物,但徒劳无功。
Eventually the caterpillar will attach itself to a plant and sin a cocoon.最后这条毛毛虫把自己黏附在一棵植物上结成个茧儿。
There's a new shoot coming up; the plant isn't dead.正在长新芽,这株植物没有枯死。
Many plants have medicinal properties.许多植物含有药性。
These plants have been forced so that they may be in flower by Christmas.这些植物已经过人工促长,到圣诞节就可能开花了。
Hot climate and plentiful rainfall favour the growth of plants.炎热的气候和充足的雨水有助于植物生长。
Don't give those plants too much water; they will damp off.别给这些植物浇太多的水,它们会淹死的。
You must bear in mind that some of those plants are poisonous.你必须记住,那些植物中有些是有毒的。
Warm rains and summer suns develop the plants.和暖的雨水和夏日的阳光促使植物生长。
As all animals and plants breathe air, we can be quite sure there is no life on the moon.动植物都要呼吸空气,所以我们完全可以肯定月球上没有生命。
He decided to cut the plants back, in order to improve their growth later in the season.他决定进行剪枝,以便使作物在季节后期长得更好。
Light, water, air and soil are essential to plant life.阳光、水、空气和土壤对植物生存是不可缺少的。
They set up a new plant.他们开了一家新工厂。
John works for an automobile plant.约翰在汽车厂工作。
A chemical plant is built here.这里建了一座化工厂。
Two hundred more new recruits broke in at the steel plant last year.去年又有二百多名新学徒来到钢铁厂工作。
They've decided on building a power plant there.他们已决定在那里修建一座发电厂。
They could not allow the workers at the plant to go on being hungry day after day.他们不能让全厂工人日复一日地饿着肚子。
Last year these steel plants achieved a ten per cent increase over 1976.去年这些钢铁厂比1976年增产10%。
They are prepared to change the plant over to production of precision instruments.他们准备把这个工厂改为生产精密仪器的工厂。
We're getting some new plant for our factory.我们要为厂里配置一些新的机器设备。
These works are equipped with modern plant.这些工厂配有现代化的机器设备。
The whole plant is on strike.全厂工人在罢工。用作动词v.
S+~+ n./pron.Farmers plant seeds.农民们播种。
They are planting corn.他们正在种玉米。
The county has continued planting both crops and obtained good yields.这个县继续种植这两种作物,并取得了好收成。
Every year we go there to plant flowers.每年我们都去那里种花。
We're planting a small garden.我们正在给一个小花园栽植花草。
They have planted many fruit trees on the slope of the hill.他们在山坡上种了许多果树。
We have planted many trees this year.今年我们栽了很多树。
We planted fruit trees round the house.我们在房子周围种了果树。
They must have planted many explosives there.他们一定在那里埋了很多炸药。
He planted the flag.他树起旗帜。
They planted a colony there.他们在那里建立了殖民地。
When will cotton be planted?什么时候种棉花?
The hillside was planted with trees.山坡上种了树。
Plain-clothes policemen had been planted at all the exits.所有的出口处都布置了便衣警察。Peggplantn.茄子Prush-plantvt.抢种Pplantletn.小植物苗Pbladder-plant泡果芥Pplantablea.可种植的Pplant-hormone植物激素Psemiplant中间试验工厂Pin-plant近距离的局部的Pplantern.种植者耕作者种植机花盆Pplantingn.种植栽培播种人工林花圃苗圃Pplantationn.种植园大农场植树造林新开垦地










These works are equipped with modern plant.这些工作全部配备了现代化的设备。
用作名词Allplantsneed water and light.所有的植物都需要水和阳光。
THeplantwill come into bud in spring.那种植物将在春天发芽。
After that we went on a tour of theplant.然后我们参观了工厂。
We ordered it from aplantin Nanjing.这是我们从南京一家工厂订购的。
The firm has made a huge investment in newplant.该公司投入巨资购置新设备。
The threat comes within days of Pyongyang saying it had begun reprocessing spent fuel rods at its Yongbyon nuclearplant.这个威胁是在朝鲜宣布它已经在宁边的核设施内开始再处理使用过的乏燃料棒之后几天内发出的。用作动词April is the time toplanttrees.四月是种树的时候。
Intel has its company's largest semiconductorplantoutside the U. S. near Dublin.英特尔在美国以外邻近都柏林设立了该公司最大的半导体厂。
Designed to share with other nations the R.O.C.'s expertise in wholeplanttechnology, the R.O.C. booth was one of this fair's special features.设立中华民国馆,将我国各类产业的整厂技术经验及设备与贸易夥伴分享,是本届进步夥伴展的一大特色。
One could build a fine wind or hydroplantwith such a machine.我们可以建立良好的风力或水力发电厂,这样的机器。
Foreign direct investment refers to establishment of aplantor distribution net-work abroad.海外直接投资指在国外建厂或建立销售网络。
The speaker's supporters wereplantedin the audience and applauded loudly.听众中安插了演讲人的支持者,他们使劲给他鼓掌。
He tried toplantthe stolen money on the boy .他企图把偷来的钱栽赃到这个小男孩身上。noun.organism belonging to the vegetable kingdom
同义词 flower,grass,herb,seedling,shrub,tree,vine,weedannual,biennial,bush,creeper,cutting,greenery,perennial,shoot,slip,sproutnoun.factory and its buildings, equipment
同义词 machinery,mill,shopapparatus,forge,foundry,gear,manufactory,works,yardverb.put in the ground for growing
同义词 bury,cover,farm,grow,implant,raise,scatter,sow,transplantpitch,pot,seed,start,stockseed down,set outverb.establish, set
同义词 found,insert,installdeposit,fix,imbed,institute,lodge,park,plank,plop,plunk,root,settle,stationplank down
accessorynoun person peripherally involved in illegal activity
accomplicenoun helper, especially in committing a crime
accomplicesnoun helper, especially in committing a crime
adulterateverb alter or debase, often for profit
alloy,amalgamate,attenuate,blend,cheapen,commingle,contaminate,cook,corrupt,cut,defile,degrade,denature,depreciate,deteriorate,devalue,dilute,dissolve,doctor,doctor up,falsify,impair,infiltrate,intermix,irrigate,lace,make impure,mingle,mix,phony up,plant,pollute,shave,spike,taint,thin,transfuse,vitiate,water down,weaken
anchorverb hold, be held securely
attach,berth,catch,dock,drop,fasten,fix,imbed,make port,moor,plant,secure,stay,tie,tie up
anchoringverb hold, be held securely
attaching,berthing,catching,docking,dropping,fastening,fixing,imbedding,making port,mooring,planting,securing,staying,tying,tying up Go up to an object in the room, like a plant or an armchair, and introduce yourself.
在房间中找出一件东西,比如一颗植物或者一把扶手椅,然后把自己介绍给它们。 yeeyan

The oil can come from animal fat or plant sources like avocado, coconut or sunflower.
油可以来自动物脂肪或者植物来源,比如鳄梨椰子或者向日葵。 kekenet

At the moment, they are not allowed to plant other grapes, but these are questions people are asking.
目前,还不允许他们种植其它品种葡萄,而这些都是人们质疑的问题。 yeeyan

Biofuels from corn and plant waste came right at the bottom of the list, along with nuclear power and“ clean” coal.
而来自于玉米和植物废料的生物燃料则排名垫底,另外表现最差的还有核能和“清洁”煤。 yeeyan

But farmers love them because they eat aphids and other plant- eating pests.
而农民喜爱他们是因为它们吃蚜虫和其他吃植物的害虫。 yeeyan

Do you respect plant life?
你尊重植物的生命吗? hxen

He knew every plant and stone in it, and he could swim across it easily.
他知道在它每一株植物和石头,他可以轻松地越过它游泳。 ebigear

Her mother and step-father retired from this plant.
她的母亲和继父都从这家工厂退休。 yeeyan

I could not recognize any of the splintery plant life here.
此外我没有发现这里有任何细碎的植物生命。 yeeyan

I delivered on all but one, and he kept the plant open.
除了一件,我遵守了所有其它的条件,结果,他没有关闭工厂。 yeeyan

If someone says the word factory, most people think of a vague place. I think in detail of every factory I ever saw, like the John Deere plant in Moline.
如果有人说“工厂”这个词,大多数人想到一个模糊的场所而我会想到每个我看到的工厂的细节,比如风车式的约翰迪工厂。 yeeyan

In taking the fruit, we help the plant sow its seeds.
通过食用水果,我们帮助植物散播它们的种子。 yeeyan

In that case, your ornamental plant might not be so ornamental.
这样的话,你的观赏植物可能就不那么具有观赏价值了。 tingvoa

It is expanding its footprint slowly, opening one plant in Romania and another in Switzerland.
它慢慢地扩展它的疆土,在罗马尼亚和瑞士分别开设了一家工厂。 yeeyan

Not surprisingly, he often longs to be a flower or some other plant.
不必惊讶,人时常渴望自己是一朵花或是某种其他的植物。 yeeyan

She moistenend the soil round the plant.

The plant loves shade.

Therefore, an ideal bioenergy plant would produce lots of aboveground biomass for fuel as well as have an extensive root system.
因此,一种理想的生物能植物应能生产大量的地上部生物量燃料并有丰富的根系。 yeeyan

These are new products from our plant.

This map shows the layout of the plant.

Water passed through bottom discharges of the plant.
水流通过电厂底部的泄水孔排出。 yeeyan

Which means the robot, or some version of it, is more likely to show up in a GM plant before leaving the planet.
这意味着这些机器人或者它的一些变体,在离开地球进入太空之前,更可能出现在通用公司的工厂里。 yeeyan




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