释义 |
planstic film mulch 基本例句 地膜覆盖 Development of planting sugarbeet and covering film techniques were introduced in the cold and drought area of Urad Front Banner in the Inner Mongolia.介绍了内蒙古乌拉特前旗后山冷凉干旱地区开发种植甜菜的情况及地膜覆盖栽培技术等措施。 In contrast, the imperforate film mulching method is a way to cover the topsoil with the film fixed by compacted soil on its ends when the crop is planted beside the film.地膜覆盖无孔种植法,用地膜平铺于表土,边沿用土压紧封闭,将庄稼种在地膜旁边,膜下土壤中的水分和热量不易散失,却容易吸收外界水分,因此,庄稼增产不比传统覆盖法少。 |