

单词 planners
释义 planners 英p'lænəz美p'lænəz 高ICOCA⁸⁸³⁰BNC⁶⁷²⁶Economist⁶³⁴¹
名词 planner:
a person who makes plansa notebook for recording appointments and things to be done, etc.Planners of tunnels can now be bold and visionary.因此,隧道规划师不但要果敢而且还要富有远见。
Planners seem a little uncomfortable with the current government guidelines.规划师似乎不太接受现行的政府指道方针。 But he said that it was a focus of policy planners.
但是他说,这是政策计划人员考虑的一个重点。 yeeyan

But he writes about topics of interest only to other financial planners.
但是他写的是其他财务规划师才感兴趣的主题。 yeeyan

But who are these planners?
但这些城市规划者是指谁? yeeyan

Demand planners need a system that gathers data from different departments and sources.
需求计划人员需要一个能从各部门收集数据的系统。 yeeyan

Diplomats are interested in what they think states intend to do, but military planners have to work with what they think states can do.
外交官们对它国打算做的事情感兴趣,但军方的规划者们必须从他们认为它国能够做到的事情着手。 ecocn

I designed an ad that looked like an invitation; it was aimed at corporations and trade show planners, among others.
我设计了一种看起来像邀请函的广告,主要针对对象为合作与贸易展览策划者。 yeeyan

If their progress is any guide, then the next generation of planners and policymakers will benefit from increasingly accurate predictions of climate.
如果他们的进展具有任何指导意义,那么下一代的规划者和决策者将从准确度持续提高的气象预测中获益。 ecocn

In Japan, he said, planners put quick- charge stations on the edge of town, but motorists went out of their way to use them because their location was well- known.
在日本,他说,规划人员在城镇的边缘安置了快速充电站,但是驾车者会专程赶过来充电因为这些位置被人们熟知。 yeeyan

Perhaps China does not mean ever to use its weapons aggressively. But American defence planners cannot rely on that, so they must respond.
也许中国从来没有想要带攻击性地运用武器,但是美国的防御策划者不能完全相信,他们必须做出回应。 yeeyan

The findings are likely to be welcomed by city planners and environmentalists who are tasked with findings ways for crows and humans to live harmoniously in urban environments.
该项研究受到城市规划人员和环保人士欢迎。他们苦于为乌鸦与人类在城市环境下创建和谐共处找到新方法。 yeeyan

The challenge for disaster- readiness planners is to figure out what information the public needs and how to get people to understand and act on that information at the right time.
对于灾难准备的策划者的挑战是解决公众需要什么信息,如何让人们理解并且在适当的时候针对这些信息采取行动。 yeeyan

These larger models are causing headaches for global transportation planners. They cannot decide whether to embrace them as a green form of transportation, or ban them as a safety hazard.
这些逐渐变大的规模让全球交通规划者很头痛,他们无法做出决定:是鼓励这种绿色环保的交通方式还是出于安全考虑而禁止。 yeeyan

This article is intended for the architects and planners of the operations center.
本文针对的读者是操作中心的架构师和规划人员。 ibm

This one should inspire urban planners and event organizers worldwide, as well as artful entrepreneurs who can no doubt come up with variations on this theme.
这个创意将会影响到世界各地的城市规划者和活动组织者。狡猾的企业家们无疑也会受此影响,对这个主题进行一番变奏。 yeeyan

This is also the time to see whether your portfolio requires rebalancing to your target asset allocations, which many planners recommend doing at least annually.
这个时候还需要考虑你的投资组合是否要求重整资产配置以达到目标,许多规划师建议至少每年都做一次检查。 yeeyan

When planning for high volume sites, planners must consider the impact of invalidation traffic on network bandwidth and plan accordingly.
在规划一个高容量网站时,策划者必须考虑无效流量对网络带宽的影响,相应作出规划。 ibm




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