释义 |
PLANNET 基本例句 n.设计网¹⁰⁰ Calculating the mass of aplannet.计算一个行星的质量。 First of all let us consider the earth as aplannetrevolving round the sun.首先让我们把地球看作是围绕太阳运行的一颗行星。 “The long-term survival of the human race is at risk as long as it is confined to a singleplannet,”he explained.“只要被禁锢在一个单一的星球上;人类的长期生就是存危机四伏的.;” Banks around theplannetare trying to flush the system with money and will take a while to get better, most agree the crisis, the worst in decades, is still at its height.全球银行都在争取投资,但要想状况得到改善还有待时日。多数人认为这场近几十年来最严重的危机仍然没有起色。 error of aplannet行星观测上位置间的误差 |