释义 |
planned ahead. 基本例句 计划未来 It's a good idea to have a condom readily available because they're a good birth control choice for people who haven't planned ahead. 把避孕套放在随时都能拿到的地方是个好主意。因为当人们起先没有任何避孕计划的时候,避孕套是个很好的防止怀孕措施。 icxo “ Your husband always planned ahead, he left nothing to chance”. 你的丈夫总喜欢提前计划,不希望有任何侥幸的变故。 tianya Before I made another trip to Taiwan, we planned ahead, making sure that she was not going to travel and I was to stay for more days. 在我又一次去台湾之前,我事先打了电话,以确信她没有外出,同时我也准备多呆几天。 blog.sina.com.cn I know. I planned ahead and brought my umbrella. 我知道。我未雨绸缪。把雨伞带来了。 blog.sina.com.cn If you planned ahead, your have done it better. 如果你早做打算的话,你会做得更好。 iciba The flowers that you received today were paid for in advance. your husband always planned ahead, he left nothing to chance. 您今天收到的那些花是提前定购的,您丈夫总是提前计划,他以前总把事情做得四平八稳。 kuxii |