

单词 plain old
释义 plain old短语³⁵⁴¹²
At the same time, some developers have even done quite well building applications over plain old HTTP.
与此同时,一些开发人员在通过老式 HTTP构建应用程序方面做得相当好。 ibm

But here is not some cloistered tourist playpen but an entire city racing round on visionaryesque electric motorbikes that intermingle with horse and carts, bicycles or plain old cars.
但那并不是用栏杆围起来供游客乘坐的电动车,而是满大街跑着的电动自行车,它们混杂在马匹,大车,自行车和老旧的汽车当中。 yeeyan

For thinkers, plain old localism— devolving power to elected mayors and the like— is boring.
对于学者们,老调的地方主义——下放权利给当选的市长之类——实在无聊。 ecocn.org

If a sales job wants entry- level folks, they know they're not going to pay you much, so best to just go for a plain old salary.
如果一份销售工作需要招新手,他们知道他们是不会给你开高工资,所以最好还是看好基本工资。 edu.sina.com.cn

It filters plain old tap water in and out of a tank, constantly circulating and removing fish waste.
它使用过滤后的普通自来水进出鱼缸,持续循环并除去鱼产生的废物。 yeeyan




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