

单词 plaguing
释义 plaguing 英pleɪɡ美pleɪɡ COCA³⁷³⁹⁸BNC⁵⁸³⁰⁰Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
vt. 烦扰

annoy especially with repeated requests or questions

vt. 给…造成麻烦或困难

cause trouble or difficult to sb/sth

a serious sometimes fatal infection of rodents caused by Yersinia pestis and accidentally transmitted to humans by the bite of a flea that has bitten an infected animalany epidemic disease with a high death ratea swarm of insects that attack plants;

a plague of grasshoppers

any large scale calamity especially when thought to be sent by Godan annoyance;

those children are a damn plague

cause to suffer a blight;

Too much rain may blight the garden with mold

annoy continually or chronically;

He is known to harry his staff when he is overworked

This man harasses his female co-workers

用作动词 v.
~+名词plague a construction schedule阻碍工程进度plague the system造成系统出问题~+介词plague by sb's everlasting begging因某人不停地乞求而厌烦plague into doing sth烦得只好做某事plague with因…困扰plague with doubts and fears为疑虑和恐惧所困扰
近义词 dog狗ride骑badger獾wave波浪cancer癌pest害虫curse诅咒vex使恼怒worry撕咬beset包围pester纠缠bother烦扰pursue追求molest骚扰infest侵扰pestis鼠疫chivvy催促hassle困难disease疾病trouble困难scourge灾难annoy使恼怒torment苦痛torture拷问provoke激怒blight枯萎病outbreak爆发harass使疲乏afflict使苦恼beleaguer围攻chivy打猎叫喊harry不断骚扰pestilence瘟疫epidemic流行病affliction痛苦haunt常到的地方chevy打猎时的叫喊…infestation(鼠等)侵扰…
S+~+ n./pron.Don't always plague your mother.不要总是缠着你母亲。
That mistake plagued him for years.那个错误使他痛苦了许多年。
She has been plaguing me with silly questions all day.她整天用愚蠢的问题烦扰我。
Why am I plagued with bad luck?我为什么老是倒霉?
She was plagued with arthritis.她患关节炎十分痛苦。
The system is still plagued by technical faults.这种系统仍为技术故障所困扰。
The construction schedule was plagued by the bad weather.天气恶劣使工程进度受阻。



A greatplaguewas then raging in the city.那时一场大瘟疫正在该城肆虐。
He's been avoiding me like theplaguesince our quarrel.我们吵架以後,他一直如避蛇蝎似的躲著我。
Aplagueof locusts affected the harvest a lot this year.蝗灾大大影响了今年的丰收。用作及物动词A demon or spirit once was thought toplaguesleeping people.梦魔被认为折磨睡觉的人的魔鬼或灵魂
He alwaysplaguesme to help him.他总是烦我去帮助他。
Telemarketersplagueour lives.电话销售员给我们生活带来了很多麻烦。as in.galling
同义词 aggravating,annoying,bitter,exasperating,harassing,humiliating,irritating,provoking,rankling,vexingacid,afflictive,bothersome,distasteful,grievous,irksome,nettlesome,painful,unpalatable,vexatious
反义词 agreeable,pleasantcheering,comforting,pleasing,satisfying,soothing,wonderfulas in.teasing
同义词 irritating,joking,mockingbadgering,bothering,disturbing,exasperating,harassing,kidding,provoking,ribbing,taunting,tickling,tormenting,vexing
反义词 comforting,praising,regalingas in.torturous
同义词 agonizing,distressing,excruciating,harrowing,tryinganguishing,bothersomeharryingpunishing,troubling,vexing
反义词 pleasant,pleasingas in.ribbing
同义词 banter,taunt,tauntingbadgering,badinage,bothering,chaff,disturbing,exasperating,harassing,irritating,joking,kidding,mocking,provoking,raillery,tickling,tormenting,vexing
gallingadjective very upsetting
ribbingnoun teasing
teasingadjective pestering
torturousadjective tormenting
agonizing,anguishing,bothersome,distressing,excruciating,harrowingharryingplaguing,punishing,troubling,trying,vexing As costly as they can be, sags are not the only power- quality problem plaguing users of automation. Power surges, the more famous relatives of sags, can be outright destructive.
骤降不是影响自动化用户的电源质量的唯一问题,它更加有名的近亲——浪涌,能造成彻底的破坏,造成的代价同骤降一样高昂。 blog.sina.com.cn

The goal is to uncover and neutralize the emotional memories that are plaguing one’s behavior.
目的在于揭示并抵消那些正在折磨着此人的情绪记忆。 yeeyan

The professor found as soon as we hear words like“ tormenting”, “ gruelling” or “ plaguing”, the exact areas in the brain that deal with pain are activated.
教授还发现,只要我们听到类似“痛苦的”、“折磨人的”、“苦恼的”的词汇,大脑中的这个相关区域就立刻被激活。 ebigear

To summarize, there are three important causes of the consumption imbalances that are plaguing long-term growth prospects in the Chinese economy.
概括地说,困扰中国经济长期增长前景的消费失衡有三个重要原因。 yeeyan

With the exceptions of South Korea and India, Asia has so far been spared the financial dislocations that are plaguing the West.
除了韩国和印度,亚洲迄今幸免于目前困扰着西方国家的金融混乱。 ecocn

Yet these nightmares keep plaguing me.
然而,这些恶梦继续困扰着我。 zh.lyricgogo.altervista.org

Another problem plaguing the industry is the migration of talent.
另一个困扰此行业的问题就是有很多人才流失。 blog.sina.com.cn

But a severe drought plaguing the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River has now shrunk the immortal waterfall to a thin stream.
而如今,长江中下游的持续干旱使得曾经蔚为壮观的大瀑布“瘦”成了一条细带。 renren

But according to adult star Kristina Rose, the fears plaguing the industry began before the shutdown of AIM.
但是根据成人明星 Kristina Rose的说法,在 AIM关闭前,恐惧就已经在折磨这个产业了。 yeeyan

Each of these Purify acronyms shows the kinds of memory errors plaguing the application.
每个这种 Purify的缩写都表示一种应用程序中出现的内存错误。 ibm

He has been plaguing me with silly questions.
他老是拿些愚蠢的问题来烦我。 iciba

He tossed the reins of his horse to a small pickaninny standing near and started up the steps. He had already forgotten Scarlett’s heartbreak and his mind was only on plaguing his valet.
他把缰绳扔给站在旁边的一个黑小子,然后大步走上台阶,他已经忘记了思嘉的伤心事,一心想去捉弄他的管家。 kekenet

I shall attempt to summarise in a few sentences what I believe to be the problems plaguing the present global economy.
我将尝试以几句话简要概括地阐明我认为困扰着目前全球经济的问题。 iccd.jsdpc.gov.cn

My brother has been plaguing me all weekend.
我哥哥整个周末都在烦我。 english-bbs

One can pray to Google by doing a search for whatever question or problem is plaguing them.
一个人可以通过搜索请求谷歌回答任何折磨他们的疑问和问题。 yeeyan

Since the establishment of China's securities market, the CEO pay issue has been plaguing the decision-making and academia.
我国自建立证券市场以来,上市公司高管人员的薪酬问题一直是困扰着决策层及学术界的难题。 fabiao

This problem has been plaguing the industry, organic cotton products are also difficult to sell in the market, a serious problem.
这个问题一直以来困扰着业内人士,也是目前有机棉产品很难在市场上销售的一个严重问题。 hrh562003.blog.tianya.cn




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