

单词 plague
释义 plague 英pleɪg美plegAHDplāg ★★☆☆☆高四六研GIMST宝6八COCA⁹⁵⁸⁹BNC¹⁰⁵⁶⁰iWeb⁸⁴⁶⁵Economist⁹²⁰⁵

vt. 烦扰

annoy especially with repeated requests or questions

vt. 给…造成麻烦或困难

cause trouble or difficult to sb/sth

a serious sometimes fatal infection of rodents caused by Yersinia pestis and accidentally transmitted to humans by the bite of a flea that has bitten an infected animalany epidemic disease with a high death ratea swarm of insects that attack plants;

a plague of grasshoppers

any large scale calamity especially when thought to be sent by Godan annoyance;

those children are a damn plague

cause to suffer a blight;

Too much rain may blight the garden with mold

annoy continually or chronically;

He is known to harry his staff when he is overworked

This man harasses his female co-workers

用作动词 v.
~+名词plague a construction schedule阻碍工程进度plague the system造成系统出问题~+介词plague by sb's everlasting begging因某人不停地乞求而厌烦plague into doing sth烦得只好做某事plague with因…困扰plague with doubts and fears为疑虑和恐惧所困扰
plag打击+ue名词后缀→对人类的打击→瘟疫,灾祸;比喻麻烦的事⇒转作动词折磨,使困扰。联想记忆plaPLA:人民解放军的缩写+gue看作go→解放军走后灾祸就来了→灾难,祸患GRE红宝书play + 音:鸽,玩鸽子小心得禽的瘟疫;plug堵塞住瘟疫非常记忆pla普拉+gue孤儿⇒瘟疫过后普拉成为孤儿近义词 dog狗ride骑badger獾wave波浪cancer癌pest害虫curse诅咒vex使恼怒worry撕咬beset包围pester纠缠bother烦扰pursue追求molest骚扰infest侵扰pestis鼠疫chivvy催促hassle困难disease疾病trouble困难scourge灾难annoy使恼怒torment苦痛torture拷问provoke激怒blight枯萎病outbreak爆发harass使疲乏afflict使苦恼beleaguer围攻chivy打猎叫喊harry不断骚扰pestilence瘟疫epidemic流行病affliction痛苦haunt常到的地方chevy打猎时的叫喊…infestation(鼠等)侵扰…
S+~+ n./pron.Don't always plague your mother.不要总是缠着你母亲。
That mistake plagued him for years.那个错误使他痛苦了许多年。
She has been plaguing me with silly questions all day.她整天用愚蠢的问题烦扰我。
Why am I plagued with bad luck?我为什么老是倒霉?
She was plagued with arthritis.她患关节炎十分痛苦。
The system is still plagued by technical faults.这种系统仍为技术故障所困扰。
The construction schedule was plagued by the bad weather.天气恶劣使工程进度受阻。Pantiplague抗鼠疫的Pplagueya.ad.令人烦恼的/地Pplaguesomea.讨厌的瘟疫的麻烦的




A greatplaguewas then raging in the city.那时一场大瘟疫正在该城肆虐。
He's been avoiding me like theplaguesince our quarrel.我们吵架以後,他一直如避蛇蝎似的躲著我。
Aplagueof locusts affected the harvest a lot this year.蝗灾大大影响了今年的丰收。用作及物动词A demon or spirit once was thought toplaguesleeping people.梦魔被认为折磨睡觉的人的魔鬼或灵魂
He alwaysplaguesme to help him.他总是烦我去帮助他。
Telemarketersplagueour lives.电话销售员给我们生活带来了很多麻烦。noun.disease that is widespread
同义词 contagion,curse,epidemic,infection,infestation,influenza,invasion,outbreak,pandemic,scourgeaffliction,hydra,pestilence,rash,ravage
反义词 advantage,good fortune,good lucknoun.annoyance, curse
同义词 blight,calamity,Cancer,pest,scourgeaffliction,aggravation,bane,blast,bother,botheration,evil,exasperation,hydra,irritant,nuisance,pain,problem,torment,trial,vexationbesetment,thorn in side
反义词 advantage,blessing,boon,pleasuregood fortune,good luckverb.annoy, disturb
同义词 afflict,bedevil,beleaguer,bother,haunt,hound,infest,torment,trouble,worrybadger,chafe,fret,gall,gnaw,harass,harry,hassle,hector,irk,molest,pain,persecute,pester,pursue,ride,tease,torture,vex
反义词 aid,help,make happy,please,assist,cheer,comfort,delight,soothe,support
abominationnoun object of extreme dislike, hate
afflictverb cause or become hurt
afflictionnoun hurt condition;something that causes hurt
afflictsverb cause or become hurt
annoyverb irritate, upset
T-off,abrade,agitate,ask for it,badger,be at,be on the back of,bedevil,beleaguer,bore,bother,break,bug,burn up,chafe,displease,distress,disturb,egg on,exasperate,fire up,gall,get,gnaw,harass,harry,heat up,henpeck,hit where one lives,irk,madden,make waves,miff,nag,needle,nettle,nudge,peeve,perturb,pester,plague,provoke,push button,ride,rile,ruffle,tease,tick off,trouble,turn off,vex,work on,worry
annoysverb irritate, upset
T-offs,abrades,agitates,asks for it,badgers,bears,bedevils,beleaguers,bothers,breaks,bugs,burns up,chafes,displeases,distresses,disturbs,egg on,exasperates,fires up,galls,gets,gnaws,harasses,harries,heats up,henpecks,hits where one lives,irks,is at,is on the back of,maddens,makes waves,miffs,nags,needles,nettles,nudges,peeves,perturbs,pesters,plagues,provokes,pushes button,rides,riles,ruffles,teases,ticks off,troubles,turns off,vexes,works on,worries Given all the evidence above it appears that there were benefits from the plague but these were only slight compensations for a gross mass of human life from a tragic disease.
通过上述的论据,好像那场瘟疫也有好处,但是对饮这场悲剧性的疾病所丧生的生命而言,那些仅仅是轻微的补偿。 yeeyan

The temptation is to see this as a plague visited on the region from outside, which its governments are powerless to resist or cure.
它们更愿意将自身受到的伤害看成是外来的瘟疫,由于发源地的政府抵御或治疗不力而传播开来。 ecocn

The answer lies in one of those paradoxes that plague our economy right now.
问题的关键在于那一系列困扰当前经济复苏的经济学悖论。 yeeyan

The report links warmer temperatures to the spread of dengue fever, yellow fever, malaria and even human plague in Europe.
报告认为登革热、黄热病、疟疾,甚至人间鼠疫在欧洲的传播与气温升高有关。 yeeyan

The same thing is true of other well- studied bugs, such as those that cause typhus and plague, and is likely to be true of most bacteria.
同样的事在其他研究成熟的病毒中也是一样的,如引起斑疹伤寒和鼠疫的病毒中,而且可能大部分细菌都是这样。 ecocn

The plague is fairly easy to suppress with antibiotics and pesticides.
用抗生素和杀虫剂就能相当容易地控制鼠疫。 yeeyan

The plague struck the whole of Europe.

A terrible plague hit the whole Europe.

Depending on the presentation of the form on plague: bubo aspirates, blood, and sputum are the most appropriate specimens for rapid testing and culture.
根据鼠疫的表现形式:腹股沟淋巴结炎吸入物、血液和痰是用于快速检测和培养的最适宜的标本。 who

Diagnosis and confirmation of plague requires laboratory testing.
鼠疫的诊断和确认需要实验室检测。 who

Effective treatment methods enable almost all plague patients to be cured if diagnosed in time.
如果得到及时诊断,有效的治疗方法几乎可使所有鼠疫患者得到治愈。 who

Half of the population was wiped out by the plague.

He tended to his wife with the wary compassion of a plague nurse.
他带着一个受折磨的护士般的小心谨慎的怜悯之心照顾着他的妻子。 yeeyan

I smile and inwardly curse that “ circus skills” have spread across this planet quicker than plague.
我微笑着在心里诅咒,看来“马戏技艺”在这个星球上传播得比瘟疫还快。 yeeyan

In 1666 the English parliament cited his atheism as the probably cause of the plague and the fire of London.

In other places, such as Australia, Spain and Namibia, the plague brings a different form of simple, invertebrate life, the jellyfish.
在其它地方,例如澳洲、西班牙和纳米比亚,这场“瘟疫”带来另一种结构简单的无脊椎生物——水母。 ecocn

Medical opinion had it that such exposure to hot water could open up the skin and let the plague, or other ills, in.
医学界的观点认为这种暴露于热水中的行为将会导致皮肤孔的打开,并使瘟疫或其他病菌进入。 tianya

That means he is either on an airplane, or he’s avoiding me like the plague.
这表明,他要么在飞机上,要么是故意躲开我,避免麻烦。 yeeyan

That plague is thought by historians to have peaked in the14th century and killed up to a third of the population of Europe.
历史学家认为,这次瘟疫在14世纪达到了顶峰,并且导致当时欧洲高达三分之一的人口死亡。 dict

The authors argue the version of the disease that caused the medieval plague is likely extinct, but suggest that further study could reveal how it may have evolved into a less virulent strain.
作者们称引起中世纪瘟疫的品种可能已经灭绝了,但是他们认为进一步的研究可以揭示它是如何进化到一种没那么致命的类型。 yeeyan

The third plague in each set has no forewarning and no introduction.

The population was decimated by a plague.




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