

单词 place upon
释义 place upon短语¹⁰⁶¹⁰⁰⁺
v. 把…放…之上
According to custom, the performance was to take place upon the marble table, which had been prepared for that purpose since the morning.
按照惯例, 圣迹剧应当在那边大理石桌面上表演。一清早便把桌子布置停当了。 iciba

Every eye fastened itself with wondering interest upon Tom as he rose and took his place upon the stand.
当汤姆站起来,走到证人席上的时候,人们都怀着极大的兴趣迷惑不解地盯着他。 chinaorb.com

Hester Prynne, meanwhile, kept her place upon the pedestal of shame, with glazed eyes, and an air of weary indifference.
与此同时,海丝特·白兰始终带着一种疲惫的淡然神情,在她的耻辱台上凝眸端立。 ebigear




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