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词汇 placenta
释义 pla·cen·ta 英pləˈsentə美pləˈsɛntəAHDplə-sĕnʹtə ☆☆☆☆☆高SCOCA³¹³³⁶BNC³⁰²⁴⁵iWeb¹⁴⁶⁸¹

that part of the ovary of a flowering plant where the ovules formthe vascular structure in the uterus of most mammals providing oxygen and nutrients for and transferring wastes from the developing fetus来自现代拉丁语placenta uterina,胎盘。来自placenta,面饼,糕饼。来自原始印欧语*plak,平的。来自原始印欧语*pele,展开,放平,词源同plan, place。因胎盘形如一个平的面饼而得名。 placenta来自现代拉丁语placenta uterina,胎盘。来自placenta,面饼,糕饼。来自原始印欧语*plak,平的。来自原始印欧语*pele,展开,放平,词源同plan, place。因胎盘形如一个平的面饼而得名。 placenta来自现代拉丁语placenta uterina,胎盘。来自placenta,面饼,糕饼。来自原始印欧语*plak,平的。来自原始印欧语*pele,展开,放平,词源同plan, place。因胎盘形如一个平的面饼而得名。 plan来自拉丁语planum,平面。来自原始印欧语*pele,展开,放平,词源同plain, plane。引申诸相关词义。 place来自拉丁语placea,地点,位置。来自platea,庭院,开阔地。来自原始印欧语*plat,铺平,展开。来自原始印欧语*pele,放平,展开,词源同plan, plate。并引申诸多词义。retained placenta胎盘滞留,胎衣滞留,…membranous placenta膜状胎盘discoid placenta盘状胎盘discoidal placenta盘状胎盘accessory placenta副胎盘,附胎盘…marginal placenta有缘胎盘,边缘胎座…axile placenta中轴胎座adherent placenta粘连胎盘,胎盘粘连…annular placenta环形胎盘basal placenta基底胎座deciduous placenta医 蜕膜胎盘…zonular placenta环形胎盘,环状胎盘…uterine placenta母体胎盘,子宫胎盘…fetal placenta胎盘胎儿部,胎儿胎盘…maternal placenta母体胎盘diffuse placenta分散胎盘placenta duplex双叶胎盘allantoic placenta尿囊胎盘cotyledonary placenta子叶状胚盘duplex placenta两叶胎盘
用作名词Earlier studies linked theplacentato the disease.早期的研究认为,该病与胎盘有关。
Methamphetamine passes through theplacentaand is secreted in the breast milk.甲基苯丙胺通过胎盘分泌在母乳中。
Starch grains present in the embryo sac andplacentaare utilized by the embryo.存在于胚囊和胎座中的淀粉粒为胚胎所利用。as in.bag of waters
同义词 afterbirth,amnion,arachnoid membrane,water bagas in.membrane
同义词 sheath,sheetfilm,lamina,leaf,mucosa
bag of watersnoun amniotic sac
afterbirths,amnions,arachnoid membranes,placentas,water bags
membranenoun covering layer
film,lamina,leaf,mucosa,sheath,sheet The mouse babies were oversized because fat consumed by the mother causes the placenta to provide too many nutrients to the fetus, the study said.
研究表明,超大型鼠仔是由于母亲消耗的脂肪促使胎盘提供了过多的营养给胎儿而导致的。 yeeyan

The placenta is fully functional by now, carrying nourishment to the embryo and carrying waste away.
现在胎盘已经完全执行功能了,它把营养带到胚胎,把废物带走。 yeeyan

“ The only place it’s expressed is in the placenta, ” Dr. Heidmann said. To understand its function, he and his colleagues disabled the gene in mice.
“唯一表达合胞体蛋白的地方是胎盘,”海德曼博士说,为了弄清楚它的功能,他及其同事在老鼠上沉默了该基因。 yeeyan

But certain hormones released during exercise do cross the placenta, Dr. May said, and could be stimulating changes in the developing fetus’s heart.
不过梅博士解释说,运动锻炼释放的某些激素确实能通过胎盘传递,而且能够刺激胎儿心脏发育方面的变化。 yeeyan

But doctors were amazed when they did a scan to find Nico, who was healthy with an intact placenta, was lying underneath Kiki.
但让医生感到吃惊的是,他们在扫描时发现,尼克很健康并且胎盘发育完整,她正躺在琪琪的下方。 cri

During subsequent pregnancies the mother's placenta may deliver the antibodies to the fetus, possibly affecting its development.
在以后的怀孕中,这种抗体可能会随着胎盘传到胎儿体内,从而对胎儿的成长产生影响。 yeeyan

From human placenta and snail secretion to bird poo, people were ready to put anything and everything on their faces in the name of beauty.
从人的胎盘和蜗牛分泌物到鸟屎,为了寻求美丽,人们随时准备好将任何东西涂在脸上。 hjenglish

He and the placenta are equal in size now and fat is beginning to form under his skin.
他和胎盘的尺寸现在大体相等,脂肪已经在他的皮下累积了。 yeeyan

Here in the UK it is usually only newly delivered earth mothers who, pausing briefly to dance around the birthing pool, tuck into their own, warm placenta.
但在英国,通常只有刚生完孩子的大地母亲们会大口吞下自己那个余热未褪的胎盘,吃前,她们会绕着诞生池跳上一会儿舞。 yeeyan

If you kept pulling, a little stuffed umbilical cord with a little stuffed placenta followed.
如果你继续向外拉,会牵出一条填充好的细小脐带,后面连着一块填充好的小胎盘。 yeeyan

If your doctor leaves pieces of the baby, placenta, umbilical cord, or amniotic sac in your body, you may develop pain, bleeding, or a low grade fever.
如果医生将胎儿、胎盘、脐带、或羊膜的碎片滞留在你的身体里,你会发生疼痛、出血,或者低烧。 yeeyan

In sheep, though, the gene seems to be involved in establishing the placenta that nourishes the embryo.
而在绵羊体内,这一基因似乎与滋养胚胎的胎盘的建立有关。 ecocn

More commonly, lost twins are discovered as tiny mummified attachments to the placenta of the live twin, after it is born.
更常见的是死去的孪生儿变成了微小的干尸,当存活婴儿出生的时候,附在其胎盘上。 ecocn

Mothers’ diet while pregnant affects their children’s health as adults because of how nutrients and toxic compounds pass through the placenta.
母本在怀孕期间的饮食像影响成人一样的影响胎儿健康因为营养和毒物通过胎盘传给下一代。 yeeyan

One part will become the placenta, the other the embryo.
一部分将变成胎盘,另一部分则变成胚胎。 yeeyan

Part of this adaptation is a response by the embryo to the nutrition it receives through the placenta.
这种适应部分是这种适应是胚胎通过胎盘吸收营养的一种反应。 ecocn

Scientists agree that DHA, naturally transmitted to a fetus through the placenta in the last half of pregnancy, is important, probably to visual and brain development.
科学家们同意 DHA在怀孕的后半期会自然地通过胎盘传输给胎儿,可能对视力和大脑发育有好处。 yeeyan

Scientists know that many chemicals including PAHs can cross the placenta, but they don’t understand how they may interfere with a fetus’ developing brain.
科学家知道许多化学物质包括多环芳烃能通过胎盘,但是他们不理解的是这些物质是如何渗入到胎儿发育的大脑中的。 yeeyan

She is vague about her methods but I know she massages you using fluid from a placenta.
她没有透露具体的治疗方法,不过我知道她会用胎盘中的液体给人按摩。 yeeyan

Sometimes, an abortionist fails to evacuate the placenta from the uterus.
通常,流产者在从子宫中娩出胎盘时会失败。 yeeyan

The heavier the placenta during pregnancy, the greater a woman's risk of breast cancer before menopause, a new Swedish study suggests.
瑞典一项最新研究结果显示,女性在怀孕期间,胎盘越重,其在更年期之前患上乳腺癌的危险就越大。 cri

The woman had probably been listening to her own pulse or blood flowing through the placenta, the doctors say.
医生说,这位妇女大概测听到的是自己的脉搏,或是胎盘中的血流,误以为胎儿一切正常。 yeeyan

The use of saccharin is strongly discouraged during pregnancy because it can cross the placenta and may remain in fetal tissues.
怀孕期间要强烈阻止糖精的食用,因为它可以穿过胎盘并可以积聚在胎儿的体内。 yeeyan

They can also suffer potentially fatal placenta problems.
孕妇还可能遇到致命的胎盘问题。 iciba

When mammals captured the gene, they used it in the placenta to create a layer of fused cells through which mothers can send nutrients to their embryos.
当哺乳动物捕获这个基因,利用它在胎盘产生一层融合细胞,通过这层细胞母亲能够将营养物质输送给她们的胚胎。 yeeyan




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