

单词 Pitts
释义 Pitts.
Female bees returning to the altered homes“ became hesitant and confused,” Pitts- Singer says.
回到变了样的家的雌蜂“变得犹豫不决和迷惑不解,”彼茨-辛格说。 yeeyan

With the pitts muffler attached, the engine installation is complete.
消声器的皮兹重视,发动机安装完成。 tech-domain

“ Nest-making female bees dragged their abdomens along the tubes when they were on their way out,” says Pitts- Singer.
“当筑巢的雌蜂出去时,它们沿着玻璃管拖着自己的肚子,”彼茨-辛格说。 yeeyan

“ No matter how you doctor it or tailor it, ” said Representative Joe Pitts, Republican of Pennsylvania, “ it is a tax.”
“不管你是医生也好,裁缝也好,”宾夕法尼亚州共和党代表乔·皮特说,“就是谁都要交税。” yeeyan

“ These batteries have many of the same attributes as thin- film batteries, but can be packaged in large formats, ” says Roland Pitts, a senior scientist at NREL who has agreed to join the company.
“这些电池的许多特性同薄膜电池相当,但可以组成大号的电池,”国家可再生能源实验室的资深科学家罗兰皮茨说道。他已经同意加入平面能源公司。 yeeyan

“ These batteries have many of the same attributes as thin- film batteries, but can be packaged in large formats, ” says Roland Pitts, a senior scientist at NREL who has agreed to join the company.
“这些电池的许多特性同薄膜电池相当,但可以组成大号的电池,”国家可再生能源实验室的资深科学家罗兰皮茨说道。他已经同意加入平面能源公司。 yeeyan

“ We want to leapfrog current technologies and push onto something better, ” says Pitts of Planar's goals.
“我们想要将现在的技术向更加理想跃进,”皮茨谈及平面能源的目标时说道。 yeeyan

“ We want to leapfrog current technologies and push onto something better, ” says Pitts of Planar's goals.
“我们想要将现在的技术向更加理想跃进,”皮茨谈及平面能源的目标时说道。 yeeyan

After Pitts January split from Jennifer Aniston, the couple were snapped on vacation in April, with Pitt helping Maddox build sand castles.
去年一月皮特和詹妮弗。安妮斯顿分手后,四月他们在度假,皮特棒马多克斯建造了一个沙滩城堡。 wswire

Think about the possibilities: a whole basketball team of Michael Jordans, a scientific panel of Albert Einsteins, a movie starring and co-starring Brad Pitts.
请考虑这些可能性:一支全由迈克尔·乔丹组成的篮球队,一组全由阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦组成的科学家,或者一部主配角全是布拉德·皮特的电影。 tingclass

To learn more about how bees recognize their nests, Pitts- Singer’s team cut the glass tubes into three sections, then replaced the outer section, the middle section, or both, with clean tubing.
为了更多地了解蜜蜂怎样识别自己的巢穴,彼茨-辛格的研究小组把玻璃管切割成三部分,然后用干净的管材调换了外面部分,中间部分,或者把二者都换掉。 yeeyan




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