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词汇 pittance
释义 pit·tance 英ˈpɪtns美ˈpɪtņsAHDpĭtʹns ☆☆☆☆☆高四GS宝COCA⁴⁰¹³⁴BNC²⁸⁵³⁸iWeb³²¹³⁵Economist¹⁹⁰⁵⁰⁺

an inadequate payment;

they work all day for a mere pittance

来自古法语pitance,可怜,同情,施舍,词源同pity.-ance,名词后缀。引申词义微薄的工资。a mere pittance微薄的报酬,一点点薪…
GRE红宝书原指: 给和尚或穷人的食品施舍, 引申为少量津贴. Pit一小口, tan痰, ce: 朝乞丐的手里吐痰-少量的施舍-少量津贴
pity + ounce 可怜的一盎司,很少,每月只挣一盎司银子
联想记忆给和尚或穷人的食品施舍,引申为少量津贴近义词 mite小虫trifle琐事peanuts花生particle颗粒nothing没有什么small change零钱chicken feed俚语小钱small potatoes微不足道的人…subsistence wage维持最低生活水平的工资…

用作名词We aren't talking apittancehere.这可不是一笔小数目。
She could barely survive on thepittanceshe received as a widow's pension.她靠着极少的孤寡抚恤金仅够糊口.
Lawrence fags away for apittance.劳伦斯为了一点微薄的收入而辛苦地工作。
The widow must live on her slenderpittance.那寡妇只能靠自己微薄的收入过活。noun.small amount
同义词 allowance,bit,dribble,drop,inadequacy,insufficiency,mite,modicum,peanuts,pension,portion,ration,scrap,smidgen,trace,triflechicken feed,drop in the bucket,slave wages
反义词 lot,sufficiency,wholegenerosity,plenty
chicken feednoun small amount of money
Mickey Mouse,chump change,coins,nickels and dimes,paltry sum,peanuts,pin money,pocket money,small amount,small amount of money,small change,small potatoes,spending money
chump changenoun small sum of money
Mickey Mouse,chicken feed,nickels and dimes,paltry sum,peanuts,pittance,pocket money,small amount,small change,small potatoes,spending money
dolenoun allowance, allocation
allotment,alms,apportionment,benefit,charity,dispensation,distribution,division,donation,gift,grant,gratuity,handout,living wage,mite,modicum,parcel,pittance,portion,quota,relief,share,subsistence,trifle
donationnoun gift
a hand,aid,allowance,alms,appropriation,assistance,benefaction,beneficence,bequest,boon,charity,contribution,do one's part,dole,endowment,gifting,grant,gratuity,handout,help,helping hand,lump,offering,philanthropy,pittance,present,presentation,ration,relief,subscription,subsidy,subvention,tax benefit,tax write-off,write-off
donationsnoun gift
a hands,aids,allowances,alms,appropriations,assistance,benefactions,beneficence,bequests,boons,charities,contributions,do one's parts,doles,endowments,giftings,grants,gratuities,handouts,helping hands,helps,lumps,offerings,philanthropies,pittances,presentations,presents,rations,reliefs,subscriptions,subsidies,subventions,write-offs
drop in the bucketnoun small amount
Band-Aid,bit,cosmetic measure,disappointment,drop in the ocean,lick and a promise,miniscule amount,not enough,pittance,small amount,small change,small potatoes,small quantity,speck,spit in the sea,too little too late,trifle,trivial amount And Nomura paid a pittance for the European, Asian and Middle Eastern operations of Lehman Brothers after it went bust.

He found it. His wages in a steel factory in Ohio were fatter and more predictable than the pittance he had earned coaxing cotton out of Mississippi's soil.
功夫不负有心人,最后他在俄亥俄的一家钢铁公司找到了份工作,他之前在密西西比州仅仅靠种玉米赚几个钱,而钢铁公司这份工作不仅薪水高,而且稳定。 ecocn

The cost of providing a children’s form of Viagra would be a pittance compared to the profits that Pfizer would reap.
同 Pfizer从该协议中可获取的利润相比,提供为儿童设计的“伟哥”的成本简直是小额施舍。 yeeyan

The shrewd Hutt kept Barada forever in his debt by paying him a pittance yet charging him room and board.
精明的赫特人给他住处和食物,但只支付微薄的工资,让他永远债台高筑。 starwarschina

This reserve is earning“a pittance,” he says. “ But we sleep well.”
他说,这笔储备赚钱很少,但保证“我们睡的安稳”。 yeeyan

According to late reports on Sunday, JPMorgan Chase will buy Bear for a pittance.
根据周日的最新报道,摩根大通准备低价买入贝尔斯登。 yeeyan

According to Prof Mathews, these illegal workers carry the economy of Chungking Mansions as they are willing to work for a pittance.
麦登高表示,这些非法劳工撑起了重庆大厦的经济,他们愿以微薄的薪水干活。 cjzg

Although many of the poorest now get some kind of government support, it is only a pittance.
虽然现在许多最贫穷的人得到政府的一些帮助,但是那仅仅是小小的施舍。 yeeyan

But together they owned a mere1.2 percent of the company, a pittance given the size of those investment companies.
但是这两家合计仅拥有其1.2%的股份,考虑到这两家投资公司的规模,这点持有量实在少得多可怜。 yeeyan

Cutting civil- service pay seems unfair to officials who earn a pittance.
减少社会服务方面的支出对于那些收入微薄的公务员来说似乎不公平。 ecocn

Footballers were paid a pittance, but at least they were paid on time.
当然,那时球员们拿到的薪水很微薄,但起码还能按时拿到工资呢。 yeeyan

For the world’s second-largest economy, it is a pittance.
作为世界第二大经济体来说,这些交易量算是少的可怜了。 ecocn

Fund managers, who allocated a pittance to commodities a few years ago, now put up to5% of their cash into them.
同几年前的九牛一毛相比,现如今,基金经理将高达5%的现金都投入商品期货市场。 ecocn

Gilbert should be thanking him too-- the salary he doled out to James was a pittance compared to the victories and money that rolled in during his Cleveland reign.
吉尔伯特也应该感谢他,因为相对于詹姆斯为克利夫兰带来的胜利和金钱而言,吉尔伯特付给他的薪水可谓微薄至极。 forbeschina

In some regions, such as Africa, the exploitation—the extraction of natural resources and the rape of the environment, all in return for a pittance— was obvious.
在非洲的一些地区,开采自然资源、破坏自然环境仅给当地带来了微薄的回报,这就是赤裸裸的剥削。 yeeyan

It is evident, therefore, that if both girls had married, this beauty would have had a mere pittance, while even one of them would cripple him to a very serious extent.
所以很明显,如果两个女孩都结婚了,这好人就只剩下很少的薪俸了,而且其中一个就可能把他推到严重的境地。 jukuu

Neither set of lenders was paid more than a pittance.
所有的债权人谁都不比谁多得到一个子儿。 ecocn

Rodrigo, an engineer in a small town in central Cuba surrounded by cane fields, says there is no point in practising his profession for a pittance.
罗德里格是一位居住在古巴中部一个四处是甘蔗地的小镇上的工程师,他讲道,他从事着自己职业获取那么一丁点薪俸没有任何意义。 ecocn

Some evicted civilians were then forced back by soldiers to mine the diamonds for a pittance.
一些被驱逐的本地人后来又被士兵强迫回来以微薄的工资开采钻矿。 ecocn

The first job that I ever had was delivering newspapers before work but it paid a pittance.
我所做的第一份工作是赶在上班时间之前送报纸,但它只付给我很微薄的报酬。 xianzai

The only consolation is that tight restrictions on both political contributions and spending mean that general elections cost a pittance compared with those next door.
唯一值得庆幸的是,加拿大严格限制政治献金以及选举开销,这意味者加拿大的选举花费与他们的邻居相比,仅仅是九牛一毛。 yeeyan

The widow must live on her slender pittance.
那寡妇只能靠自己微薄的收入过活。 kuenglish

They typically park that money overnight at the Fed for a pittance, or invest it in ultra- safe securities, like bonds backed by the government.
他们主要是将钱存放于美联储获取微薄收入,或者投资于极端安全的有价证券,像政府债券。 yeeyan

True, it was a pittance next to a budget deficit already soaring towards $2 trillion and12% of GDP, a post-war record.
当然,与国会2万亿美元的预算赤字比起来,这只是凤毛麟角;现在的赤字已达 GDP的12%,也是战后以来的最高水平。 ecocn




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