

单词 pities
释义 pit·y 英'pɪti美'pɪti COCA¹¹³⁵⁸³BNC¹⁰⁴⁵⁸⁴⁺

sympathy and solo for sb's suffering or unhappiness


a sad, unfortunate, inconvenient state of affairs; shame

vt. 同情; 怜悯

feel pity for sb/sth

vt. 觉得…可鄙

feel contempt for sb

a feeling of sympathy and sorrow for the misfortunes of others;

the blind are too often objects of pity

an unfortunate development;

it's a pity he couldn't do it

the humane quality of understanding the suffering of others and wanting to do something about it
share the suffering of

❌ She is always filled with a pity for poor people.

✔️ She is always filled with pity for poor people.


❌ It's pity that you can't accept my invitation.

✔️ It's a pity that you can't accept my invitation.


❌ What pity you were not with us!

✔️ What a pity you were not with us!



❌ He took a pity on the homeless animal.

✔️ He took pity on the homeless animal.

have〔take〕 pity on是固定短语, pity 前无冠词。


❌ What a pity girl she was!

✔️ What a piteous girl she was!


pity, compassion, mercy, sympathy

这组词都有“同情”或“可怜”的意思。其区别在于:pity通常只表示内心感到难过或同情,少给予帮助; sympathy指“同情心”或“恻隐之心”,强调共同分担,进而对某种经历或遭遇引起共鸣; compassion指“同情心”,强调由于理解而同情,并主动给予帮助,常常指通过自身痛苦或不幸而同情别人; mercy指“仁慈”或“怜悯”,含有主动救助别人脱离苦难之义。例如:

It is a pity that such an ability as him should be employed about such trifle matters.真可惜,像他这样有才能的人竟然被用来做这类琐事。
Her own experiences had taught her to have compassion for misunderstood children.她自身的遭遇使她认识到应对那些受到误解的孩子予以同情。
The criminal pleaded with the jury for mercy.犯人恳求陪审团宽恕他。
He was moved with sympathy.他动了恻隐之心。pity,mercy,sympathy,compassion






用作名词 n.
动词+~arouse pity引起同情feel pity感到同情have pity on〔upon〕怜悯…,同情…show pity表示同情take pity on〔upon〕同情…,怜悯…形容词+~deep pity深切的同情false pity假同情great pity极大的遗憾profound pity深切的同情real pity真诚的同情介词+~in pity of因为可怜sense of pity怜悯之情out of pity出于同情with pity怀着同情之心without pity毫无同情之心~+介词pity for对…的同情pity for the poor对穷人的同情用作动词 v.~+名词pity the poor sailors同情倒霉的水手pity the survivors of the disaster同情灾难的幸存者~+副词pity sincerely真诚地同情
用作名词n.for pity's sake

请发发慈悲吧 please be merciful

more's the pity

〈非正〉不幸地,遗憾地 unfortunately

out of pity

出于同情 helping sb because one feels pity

pity in v.+prep.

可怜…,同情… feel pity for sb/sth

pity sb in sthPity us in our distress.可怜可怜我们的苦难吧。
The fellow doesn't pity anyone in their distress.这家伙不同情任何人的苦难。近义词 crimemercyshamepardonforgivekindnessmisfortunen. charitysinv. absolvesympathize with反义词 scornn. cruelty
用作名词n.I feel no pity for you at all.我一点也不同情你。
They even showed their enemies pity and kindness.他们竟对他们的敌人表示怜悯。
The beggar's story excited my pity.这乞丐的经历激起我的怜悯。
We watched her with sadness and enormous pity.我们怀着悲伤和极大的同情看着她。
A pang of pity moved her heart.她心中突然萌生怜悯之情。
She needs help, not pity.她需要帮助,不是怜悯。
It's a pity that he can't come.很遗憾他不能来。
It was a great pity that she gave up her own happiness and married a fortune.真令人遗憾,她竟牺牲了个人的幸福与一位富人结婚了。
It's a pity that he should be so ill.他竟然病得这么厉害,真是太遗憾了。
It's a thousand pities that you can't go with us.你不能和我们一起去真是万分遗憾。
Pity he has never been there.他从未去过那里真是件憾事。
What a pity that you did not arrive by the midnight.你在午夜前没有到达,多可惜呀!
What a pity that she isn't here!她不在这里,真遗憾!用作动词v.
S+~+ n./pron.Why do you pity her?你为什么同情她?
We pity those unfortunate villagers very much.我们非常同情那些不幸的村民。
I pity the flood victims.我同情遭水灾的人。
I sincerely pity these unfortunate beings.我真诚地同情这些不幸的人。
I pity you if you think this is an acceptable way to behave.你要是认为这种行为可以接受,那你就太可鄙了。
He does not want to be pitied.他不想要人家可怜他。
The lonely old man was much to be pitied by all of us.那位孤独的老人应该得到我们大家的同情。
The cold and hungry children were much to be pitied.那些饥寒交迫的孩子们十分可怜。
I think it better to be envied than to be pitied.我认为被人怜悯还不如被人妒忌。
Such a man as he is not to be pitied.像他这种人不值得同情。


pity也可作“可惜的事,令人遗憾的事”解,为可数名词,但往往只用于单数形式,前面常加不定冠词a,常用于“It is/was a pity…”结构,其后可接动词不定式,也可接that从句。在口语中that可以省略, that从句中有时可用虚拟语气。有时还可以把it is省去,直接用pity作为句子的开头。

pity也常用于“What a pity”结构中,其后可接动词不定式或that从句。





用作名词The old lady often takespityon small animals.那位老太太常常怜悯小动物。
He remained unmoved by her entreaties forpity.他未因她恳求怜悯而动心。
We tookpityon the homeless girl and took her into our house.我们同情这个无家可归的女孩,让她住进了我们的屋子里。
I helped her out of love, not out ofpity.我帮助她是出于爱,而不是出于同情。
It's apityI have to get back to the grindstone.遗憾的是我不得不回去工作。
It's apitythat you can't come to the party.你不能来参加这次聚会,真可惜。用作动词Ipityanyone who has to feed a family on such a low income.我同情任何需要以如此微薄的收入养活全家的人。
He lay helpless in the street under thepityinggaze of the bystanders.他零零地躺在路边,旁观的人都投以怜悯的目光。 He is a friend who helps you, but not pities you.
真正的朋友是帮助你而不是怜悯你。 blog.sina.com.cn

It is thousand pities that he missed the chance.
他错过了那次机会真是太可惜了。 hotdic

It was a thousand pities, indeed;
的确是万分的可怜; hjenglish

The rule of absolution for taking pities on destitution was related to relieving the disaster and reducing farm taxes and excising taxes.
蠲恤则例是指救灾扶荒与蠲减税赋方面的法规或准则。 dictall

There are both achievements and pities in this proces, and it also gives us a way to understanding the society on that time as well as a mirror for today's construction of public hygiene.
这一过程中,既取得了诸多成绩,也留下了许多遗憾,为我们理解当时的社会全貌提供了一个视角,也为我们当前的公共卫生建设提供了借鉴。 qfpaper

As a father has compassion on his children, so the Lord pities those who fear him.
就如父亲怎样怜爱自己儿女们,上主也怎样怜爱敬畏自己的人们。 ccreadbible

But since you have renounced all these things we have become strangers, and it seems a thousand pities that we are walking on different paths.
但是自从你宣布放弃所有这些东西,我们就变成了陌生人,我们现在走在不同的道路上,这似乎太遗憾了。 www.jkrishnamurti.org.cn

He pities Oliver, takes him home and tries to reform him.
他同情奥立弗,把他带回家,并试图去改造他。 czst

Her friend is quite upset to hear her speaking so; he pities her at heart, but dearly longs to go.
听到这些话,她的朋友很不平静,虽内心怜悯她,但离开的心更迫切。 paedu

I wonder who pities whom.
我想到底是谁在可怜谁。 huaxia-ng

Let God be praised, Who pities them that fear Him, and never forgets His humble people.
愿神是应当称颂的、因他怜悯敬畏他的人,从来不会忘记他的谦卑的人。 qz828

Life is full of pities.
人生充满了遗憾。 ebigear

Life is a process full of pities, owing to which life itself becomes so delicately colorful and wonderful.
人生是一个遗憾的过程,正因为有了无数个遗憾,我们的人生才变得如此精彩如此美丽。 ebigear

Our diet custom pities the tree top olive to change can affect metabolism efficiency.
我们的饮食习悯梢橄有所改变都会影响新陈代谢效率。 guahaozhan

Somebody pities poor animals for sitting in cages, but actors are also having a real rough.
有的人会可怜那些被关在笼子里的动物。但其实演员们才是最辛苦的。 yeeyan

'This is a thousand pities, ' he said gallantly, to two or three of the girls nearest him, as soon as there was a pause in the dance.
“真是万分的遗憾,”跳舞剧一停顿,他就对离他最近的两三个姑娘大献殷勤说。 hjenglish




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