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pith·y 英ˈpɪθiː美ˈpɪθiAHDpĭthʹē ☆☆☆☆☆高四GS宝COCA³⁷⁹¹⁵BNC³³⁷⁹²iWeb²⁸⁵⁴⁰Economist²⁶⁷⁷⁸⁺⁵ 基本英英词源记法近义反义例句Thesaurus例句 adj.简练的⁴⁰;有髓的⁶⁰亦作topee副词pithily比较级pithier最高级pithiest名词pithiness 会面与会谈简洁
Adjective: concise and full of meaning;welcomed her pithy comments the peculiarly sardonic and sententious style in which Don Luis composed his epigrams 来自pith,核心,精髓。引申词义简练的,精辟的。pith-y的⇒adj.简练的⁴⁰;有髓的⁶⁰adj.精辟的;有气力的;说话或文章等有力的;简洁扼要的;含蓄的;精练的GRE红宝书源于pith劈死n 木髓, 精华 pith 精髓近义词 terse简洁的brief短暂的sharp锋利的witty机智的acute严重的cutting切断summary摘要concise简明的laconic简洁的succinct简洁的forceful有力的to the point切题aphoristic警句的expressive表达的significant重要的sententious说教的epigrammatic警句的curt言语简短失礼的…
形容词100% 用作形容词This article is short andpithy.这篇文章短小精悍。 Hispithycomments knocked the bottom out of my argument.他精辟的评论驳倒了我的论点。 I enjoy reading his essays because they are compact andpithy.他的文章简洁而精辟, 我很喜欢读。adj.brief, to the point 同义词 cogent,concise,laconic,succinct,terse,trenchantcompact,crisp,curt,down to brass tacks,effective,epigrammatic,expressive,honed,meaningful,meaty,pointed,short,short-and-sweet,significant 反义词 impotent,lengthy,long-winded,weak,wordyverbose briefadjective short, compressed abrupt,bluff,blunt,boiled down,breviloquent,brusque,compendiary,compendious,concise,crisp,curt,hasty,laconic,limited,little,sharp,short and sweet,skimpy,small,snippy,succinct,surly,terse,to the point causticadjective sarcastic acerb,acerbic,acrimonious,bitter,cutting,harsh,incisive,pithy,pungent,rough,salty,satiric,scathing,severe,sharp,stinging,trenchant,virulent compactadjective short, brief boiled down,compendious,concise,epigrammatic,in a nutshell,laconic,make a long story short,marrowy,meaty,pithy,pointed,short and sweet,succinct,terse,to the point conciseadjective short, to the point abridged,boiled down,breviloquent,brief,compact,compendiary,compendious,compressed,condensed,curt,epigrammatic,in a nutshell,laconic,lean,marrowy,meaty,pithy,short and sweet,succinct,summary,synoptic,terse crispadjective short, curt in presentation abrupt,biting,brief,brusque,clear,clear-cut,cutting,incisive,penetrating,piquing,pithy,provoking,stimulating,succinct,tart,terse curtadjective abrupt, rude blunt,breviloquent,brief,brusque,churlish,compendiary,compendious,concise,crusty,gruff,imperious,laconic,offhand,peremptory,pithy,sharp,short,short and sweet,snappish,snippety,snippy,succinct,summary,tart,terse,unceremonious,uncivil,ungracious Indeed, it seems fair to say that if you have the quick wit and the pithy turn of phrase traditionally needed to succeed as a public intellectual, then you are one of nature’s bloggers. 平心而论,如果你拥有传统公共知识分子所需要的敏锐的才思和锋利的言辞,那么你就已经是一名好的博客作家了。 ecocn The first half of her book is devoted to a pithy history of Yemen, in its various forms, until2000. 克拉克的书中前半部分,简要地对也门历史的各个方面进行了描述,叙述时间一直到2000年。 ecocn The site deep links to the correct page of the relevant tour operator to save you scrapping around a second website, and there’s a pithy editors’ verdict supplied for each entry. 网站通往相关旅游运营商的确切页面的链接,让你无需花时间见浏览另外的网站,而且每个搜索结果都配有编辑简单的意见。 yeeyan There are all sorts of rhetorical stratagems and devices that attract writers who hope to be pithy, but most of them are simply bothersome. 各种各样的修辞法和修辞术吸引着那些想把文章写简练的作家,可是其中绝大部分只能带来麻烦。 yeeyan You've probably gathered from that pithy review that a lot of XML transformation is simply about input and output. 通过简单的回顾可能已经了解到,许多 XML转换只是关于输入和输出的。 ibm A few Google searches, some quick clicks on hyperlinks, and I’ve got the telltale fact or pithy quote I was after. 只消用 Google搜几次,迅速点几次超链接,我想要的那些颇具说服力的事实和简练的引用就到手了。 yeeyan Annual reports are normally dull stuff, but Berkshire Hathaway’s publishings are collectors’items, thanks to Mr Buffett’s pithy prose polished by Carol Loomis, a renowned Fortune journalist. 公司年报的内容通常枯燥乏味,但 Berkshire Hathaway的年报却堪比收藏品,而这得归功于巴菲特精练的文章并由财富杂志的著名记者 Carol Loomis为其润饰。 ecocn He carried out deep research and presented pithy discussions on the nature of education, the general laws of school education and reform in higher normal university. 他对教育的本质,对学校教育的一般规律,对高等师范教育改革等问题,都有深入的研究和精辟的论述。 cnki HeR.L.G. has the journalist's knack for the pithy and memorable line, combined with an admirable respect for the messy and endlessly disputed nature of the human world. 他R.L.G.文笔言简意赅,令人难忘,外加上对人类世界混乱,永远存在争议的人类世界的敬重,有记者一样的习惯。 ecocn His analysis of management and marketing issues always was pithy and to the point. 他对管理和营销的分析总是精练并且切中要点。 shuiziliu.com Low- cost South African airline Kulula Air got a lot of press when it rolled out Flying101, a Boeing737 scribbled with pithy comments and instructions for use. 南非低成本航空公司 Kulula推出“飞行入门” Flying101彩绘后,曾引起新闻界广泛报道。这是一架画满精辟评论和使用说明的波音737飞机。 yeeyan Malan flower only blossoms for diligent people. Wolf demon read the pithy formula while nothing happened but thunderstorm. 马兰花只为善良勤劳的人而开花,老狼拿着马兰花念口诀,电闪雷鸣、什么也没有变出来。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn Should you write infrequent but long posts, or frequent but pithy ones, or something in between? 你必须写罕见的但是很长,或者常见的但是精炼,或者其他介于这两者之间的文章吗? yeeyan The allies won because“ our German scientists were better than their German scientists”, was the pithy summary of the war’s outcome by one of Churchill’s closest aides, Sir Ian Jacob. 而盟军之所以能战胜,丘吉尔最亲近的助手之一伊恩·雅各布先生关于战争结果有如下精辟的总结:因为“我们麾下的德国科学家比他们的要优秀些”。 ecocn The third law is rather pithy and should be familiar to you: For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. 牛顿第三运动定律极为简练,应当为人所熟知:任意作用力必有其反作用力。 yeeyan The wisdom of nations lies in their proverbs which are brief and pithy. 民族之智慧蕴藏于其简短而有力的谚语中。 edu.sina.com.cn The quote attributed to Sayre is less pithy, so perhaps he came up with the idea and Mr Kissinger refined it. 归到塞尔名下的那句名言不及这句简练精辟,所以或许这个想法是他的,而基辛格对语言进行了加工。 bbs.fesco.com.cn This was a pithy summary of a mountain of reports from congressional committees, scientific panels and business groups. 上述评论提炼出了国会委员会、科学小组和商业团体得出的众多报告的实质内容。 ecocn TO ERR is human; to forgive, divine, was the pithy view of Alexander Pope. 是人就会犯错,是神就会宽恕,这是亚历山大蒲柏观点的精髓。 ecocn When asked by a reporter why he’d made such a foolhardy flight, Walters was ready with a pithy reply: “A man can’t just sit around.” 当 Walters被一名记者问及为什么进行这次莽撞的飞行时,他胸有成竹,回答得十分精炼:“人不能无所事事。” yeeyan Writing pithy and informative titles is an art form. 写出简练而带有情报性的标题是一种艺术形式。 yeeyan You can't necessarily reduce a scientific theory to a pithy statement or equation, but it does represent something fundamental about how nature works. 科学理论无法简化成表达式或方程式,但它确实代表了自然运作的一些规律。 yeeyan |