

单词 pith
释义 pith 英pɪθ美pɪθAHDpĭth ☆☆☆☆☆高四GS宝COCA⁴¹⁰⁷⁷BNC³⁷⁵³⁷iWeb²⁸⁵⁹⁶

soft spongelike central cylinder of the stems of most flowering plantsthe choicest or most essential or most vital part of some idea or experience;

the gist of the prosecutor's argument

the heart and soul of the Republican Party

the nub of the story

remove the pith from a plant来自古英语pitha,树心,木髓,来自West-Germanic*pithan,核,词源同pit.引申词义核心,精髓。pith helmet木髓制的太阳帽…rush pith灯心草fine pith小节距pith ball electroscope球验电器bagasse pith蔗髓pith fleck髓斑tangerine pith橘络pith ray髓射线pith cast髓囊盘被chambered pith分隔髓部stem pith of the rice-paper plant通草mixed pith混合髓pith cavity髓孔the pith and marrow of something某事物的精髓…
GRE红宝书pith读: 劈死-我劈死一棵大树, 取出它的木髓-引申为精华
pit 还有一个意思是果核,pith可能来自于pit 核心;音:皮撕,把皮撕掉就是精髓
GRE难词记忆pith→path n.道路→人生道路的精髓pathn.道路⇒人生道路的精髓近义词 meat肉heart心sum金额core核心soul灵魂gist要点crux关键zest热情nub小肿块nucleus核vigor活力basis基础juice果汁kernel核心spirit精神centre中心marrow骨髓center中心essence精髓content 内容substance实质highlight强调inwardness内质quintessence精华nitty-gritty事实真相heart and soul全心全意

用作名词The stem is hollow withpithcavity.茎中空,具较大的髓腔。
Both the rubber and thepithball are negatively charged.橡胶棒和木髓球两者都带负电荷。
Thepithof that theory is serving for people.那个理论的精髓是为人民服务。
That was thepithof his argument.那就是他论据的要点。noun.core
同义词 center,crux,embodiment,essence,fiber,force,gist,heart,importance,marrow,meat,medulla,nucleus,pulp,significance,soul,strength,substance,vigorcorey,sum and substance
反义词 enervation,exterior,exteriority,insignificance,lethargy,outside,periphery,weakness
bodynoun main part of written work
bottomnoun base, core
basis,bottom line,cause,essence,essentiality,ground,heart,mainspring,marrow,origin,pith,principle,quintessence,root,soul,source,stuff,substance,virtuality
centernoun middle point
axis,bull's-eye,centrality,centriole,centrum,core,cynosure,equidistance,essence,focal point,focus,gist,heart,hotbed,hub,inside,interior,intermediacy,kernel,mainstream,marrow,middle-of-the-road,midpoint,midst,nave,navel,nucleus,omphalos,pith,pivot,place,polestar,quick,radial point,root,seat
centersnoun middle point
capitals,cities,clubs,concourses,crossroads,focal points,focuses,hearts,hubs,malls,marketplaces,markets,marts,meeting places,metropolises,nerve centers,plazas,polestars,shopping centers,social centers,stations,towns,trading centers
central ideanoun the main idea
basic idea,basic principle,basic thought,basis,central principle,central thought,core,crux,essence,gist,heart,keynote,main idea,main point,pith,point,substance
consequencenoun importance, significance
account,concern,exigency,fame,honor,import,interest,magnitude,moment,momentousness,need,note,pith,portent,renown,reputation,repute,signification,value,weight,weightiness A picture of Boxers charging into pith- helmeted foreign soldiers covers a wall of their practice room.
村医演奏室的壁画中,拳民正向带着头盔的外国士兵刺去。 yeeyan

Both rhizome and stem had advanced pith cavity and aerated tissue.
根状茎和茎中均具发达的髓腔和通气组织; cnki

Even oranges. Don't eat the whole peel, but keep the pith, that white, stringy stuff.
不用把全部的果皮都吃掉,只留住中果皮就可以了,就是果皮中白白的那层。 yeeyan

The central cylinder in which the primary vascular tissue is arranged around a pith, as in most seed plants.
一种管状中柱,其中初生脉管组织排列在髓孔周围,存在于大多数种子植物中。 qiongdian

The expansion and radial spread of cortex and pith cells are very strong after the mid- dle stage.
中期以后直至成熟,皮层和髓细胞强烈扩大、径向伸长。 iciba

The pith, the essence of faith lies in this---a casting oneself on the promise.
信仰的核心和本质就在于此——以承诺塑造自我。 yeeyan

The pith of his speech was focused on the importance of education.
他演讲的精髓在于着重阐述了教育的重要性。 loves7

The pith of sunflowers is a kind of natural cellular material.
向日葵髓芯是一种天然的高分子泡沫材料。 dictall

As the pith of Chinese traditional culture heritage, Confucius's learning view is what we should still preserve and develop today.
孔子关于学习的观点作为中国传统文化宝库中的精髓,是我们今天仍需要坚持和发扬光大的。 dictall

Even oranges don't eat the whole peel, but keep the pith, that white stringy stuff; it's packed with flavonoids.
即使是桔子不能整个的连着皮吃,但至少保留精髓,即白色粘性的东西,它也含有黄酮类化合物。 yeeyan

Mr Putin compared the West to a“ strict uncle in a pith helmet” telling other people how to live.
普金将西方比喻为一个“戴着遮阳帽的严肃大叔”告诉别人应该如何生活。 ecocn

Nerval pathological changes has axial mutation sex first, afterwards has pith scabbard denaturation.
神经的病变先有轴突变性,继有髓鞘变性。 iciba

Now using a spoon scoop out the pulp right down to the white pith. Scoop the pulp into a bowl as we will need to reserve1/2 cup of the orange juice.
用勺子将果肉都挖出至白色果皮,将果肉放在碗里备用,我们将用它榨出半杯的橙汁。 hjenglish

Peel the oranges, removing the white pith and slice into4mm slices.
鲜橙剥皮,撕去白色经络,切成4毫米厚片。 hjenglish

Slice the cooked beetroot into4mm thick slices. Peel the oranges, removing the white pith and slice into4mm slices.
甜菜根切成4毫米的厚片。鲜橙剥皮,撕去白色经络,切成4毫米厚片。 hjenglish

They then inserted themselves in between as viceroys, governors and pith- helmeted district commissioners: raised to a form of quasi- aristocracy by their race and education.
然后,王权顶端的人把自己插入其间,成为总督、省长和带着头盔的地区专员,依据他们的种族和教育擢升为一种准贵族。 ecocn

They learn to extract the pith from the spine-defended inedible stem.

Unlike the Europeans, with their perfunctory, pith-helmeted explorations of the interior, the Arabs sought to establish a lasting trade presence in the region.
阿拉伯人不像欧洲人只是对内地敷衍了事地探险,而是寻求在这个地区的贸易能长久做下去。 yeeyan




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