

单词 pitch darkness
释义 pitch darkness短语⁷⁸³⁹⁵
But many braved the rain to experience the sky turning from light to pitch darkness in minutes.
但是有许多人不畏雨势,去经验天空在几分钟内从光亮变成黑暗。 proxyweb

Forcing my eyes to open wider and drawing aside the mosquito net, I began to search for you in the pitch darkness.
我用力把眼睛睁大,我撩开蚊帐,我在漆黑的空间中找寻你影子。 dioenglish

Lightless on the sea, our ship was enveloped by the pitch darkness.
海上没有灯,浓密的黑暗包围着我们的船。 edu.sina.com.cn

Survivors of the Indonesian ferry disaster in which245 people are still missing told today of their terror as the ship suddenly rolled over, throwing them into the sea in pitch darkness.
印尼渡轮发生倾覆,245人仍然下落不明。灾难的幸存者到今天还恐惧地说,船突然翻了一个个,把我们去全抛进了大海中,顿时眼前一片漆黑。 yeeyan

They are so well adapted that they can hunt even in pitch darkness.
它们适应能力很强以至于在黑暗中也能猎食。 com




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