

单词 piss off
释义 piss off pisɔf ★★☆☆☆高短语⁶³⁰⁴
The Wall Street guys are keeping their bonuses, and Obama isn't going to make any reforms unless he's prepared to piss off Wall Street.
华尔街的家伙仍然保持着他们的红利,奥巴马没有进行改革,除非他被华尔街气疯。 mtime

He told me to piss off, or he'd clobber me.

How do you piss off vegans the world over and maybe piss off non- vegans as well?
你要怎样做才能激怒全世界的素食主义者,或非素食主义者呢? yeeyan

Not a smart move to piss off Britney fans, even if it wasn't your intent!
不是一个聪明的移动走开布兰妮的球迷,即使这并不是你的意愿。 blog.sina.com.cn

The girls weren't in a good mood and the last thing that he wanted to do was to piss off The Trio.
这些女孩子的心情不太好,他可不想惹恼三人组。 blogcn

What's the best way to piss off Steven Spielberg?
惹恼斯蒂文•斯皮尔伯格的最佳方式是什么? yappr

Would it piss off handset partners?
这会恶化微软与手机制造商的伙伴关系吗? forbeschina

Piss off, you mongrels!
滚开,你们这群杂种! engxue




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