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词汇 Pisa
释义 Pi·sa 英ˈpiːzə, -zɑː美ˈpizə, -zɑAHDpēʹzə, -zä Economist⁸⁹⁹⁷

a city in Tuscany; site of the famous Leaning Tower
用作名词The university had been removed toPisa.大学已经迁到比萨。 A15th century church steeple in Germany has snatched the accolade of the most tilted tower in the world from the Leaning Tower of Pisa, the Guinness Book of World Records confirmed on Thursday.
《吉尼斯世界纪录大全》于上周四确认,德国一座建于15世纪的教堂尖塔“击败”意大利比萨斜塔,赢得“世界最斜塔”的称号。 ebigear

And it is a newcomer to the Programme of International Student Assessment PISA that has taken top spot in each discipline.
在每门学科都名列榜首的是国际学生评估项目 PISA的新晋成员。 ecocn

But China’s schools are not as uniformly good as Shanghai’s miraculous PISA performance suggests.
同上海的学生取得的不可思议的 PISA表现不同的是,中国的学校并非都好。 ecocn

Emiliano Ricciardi, Pietro Pietrini and colleagues at the University of Pisa tackle this issue directly in their recent paper in the Journal of Neuroscience.
比萨大学的埃米利亚诺·里恰尔迪、彼德罗·比德瑞尼和他们的同事在最近一期《神经科学杂志》发表文章涉及了这一问题。 yeeyan

For physics, the largest red circles ended up on Kiev and Moscow, while the largest green ones went to London, Paris, Karlsruhe, Munich, Pisa and Rome.
物理方面,最大的红色圆圈在基辅和莫斯科,而最大的绿色圆圈在伦敦,巴黎,卡尔斯鲁厄,慕尼黑,比萨和罗马。 yeeyan

The Leaning Tower of Pisa may have an interesting history, but as a tourist attraction, there isn't much to say about it. Apart from the fact that it actually leans.
比萨斜塔的历史也许很有趣,但作为一个旅游景点,除了它确实是斜的以外,实在是没什么可说的。 hjenglish

Whereas over a third of students in Singapore meet PISA’s second-to- top maths grade, in Mexico less than 1% do.
新加坡超过三分之一学生数学成绩达到了 PISA排名正数第二,而墨西哥达到的人数不足1%。 ecocn

And from the PISA tests, neither does any other country on earth.
而从 PISA的测试来看,世界上任何其他国家也没做到这一点。 yeeyan

Despite ranking25th and17th on the PISA test, I think the U.S. can actually do math and science, and do it damn well.
尽管在 PISA测试中排名25和17,我想美国可以在数学和科学方面做的很好。 yeeyan

Forced perspective effect is mostly found in photos with the Moon or with the Tower of Pisa.
强迫透视效果在以月亮或比萨斜塔为主题的照片中最为常见。 yeeyan

He says the PISA results are not representative of all of China.
他称 PISA测试结果不代表全中国的水准。 tingvoa

In the2006 PISA science results, Finland's worst students did 80% better than the OECD average for the worst group; its brightest did only50% better than the average for bright students.
从2006年 PISA科学素养方面的测试结果看,在最差组别,80%的芬兰学生得分高于 OECD的平均分;但在最优组别,他们的学生只有50%得分高于平均水平。 yeeyan

In Britain, which has slipped down the PISA rankings in the past few years, examples like these are being studied closely.
过去几年英国在 PISA的排名有所下滑,研究人员正仔细研究这些案例。 ecocn

In Germany, the test became a household name and inspired a prime- time TV quiz show, The PISA Show.
在德国,测试变成了黄金时段一档家喻户晓的智力问答节目—— PISA秀。 yeeyan

It was the first trip to Italy for Hillary and me, and we fell in love with Florence, Siena, Pisa, San Gimignano, and Venice.
这是我和希拉里第一次去意大利,我们爱上了佛罗伦萨、锡耶纳、比萨、圣吉米亚诺和威尼斯。 yeeyan

Mazzini was a dreamily unsuccessful revolutionary, Garibaldi an unscrupulous adventurer whose invasion of Sicily in1860 was illegal and Cavour an old cynic who never travelled south of Pisa.
马志尼是个迷迷糊糊的革命失败者,加里波第是个肆无忌惮的冒险家,在1860年非法入侵西西里岛,而凯沃尔是个上了年纪的犬儒主义者,一生从没去过比萨南部。 ecocn

On the highway to Pisa, I wondered how much longer Chinese tours at this pace might endure.
在去比萨的高速公路上,我不禁思考这般节奏的中国式旅行还能持续多久。 yeeyan

Ranking9th in math and5th in science in the PISA test, their15-year olds certainly performed better than American15-year olds.
在 PISA测试中,日本15岁的孩子表现的确比美国孩子好,他们数学位列第9,科学位列第5。 yeeyan

The gap between Finland's best- and worst-performing schools was the smallest of any country in the PISA testing. The U.S. ranks about average.
芬兰最好和最差学校间的差距在参与 PISA测试的国家中是最小的,美国属于中流水平。 yeeyan

The simulator is expected to enter service in early2010 at Pisa Air Base.

This principle was famously demonstrated by Galileo Galilei some400 years ago when he simultaneously dropped cannon and musket balls, and balls made of gold, silver and wood, from the Tower of Pisa.
这一法则是在大约400年前,由伽利略•伽利雷那个著名的比萨斜塔实验所证明的,当时他在塔顶同时释放球型炮弹和毛瑟枪子弹,以及由金、银、木头制成的小球。 ecocn

Though Brazil is not a member of the OECD he entered it in the Programme for International Student Assessment PISA. Brazil came last.
虽然巴西不是经合组织的成员国,但他决定加入国际学生评量计画 PISA,结果巴西最后一名。 ecocn

Unlike the tower in Pisa, the Capital Gate building has been deliberately engineered to slant.

Why, one time, in the streets of Pisa, we were accosted by a gang of toughs in red stockings.
然而,有一次,在比萨意大利城市的大街上,我们遇上了一帮用红袜子罩着头脸的盗贼。 yeeyan

Yet in this period, according to PISA, standards in both countries slipped.
但是根据 PISA研究结果,这段期间,两个国家的教育水平都有所下滑。 ecocn

Pisa was retaken by the Florentine republic only in 1509, during a military campaign in which Machiavelli played a political role.
仅仅到了1509年比萨才被佛罗伦萨共和政府以武力重新夺回,在这场军事行动中马基雅维里扮演了一个政治上的主要角色。 yeeyan




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