

单词 pirating
释义 pi·rate 英'paɪrət美'paɪrət COCA⁸⁹⁷⁰⁷BNC¹¹⁴⁰²⁴⁺
vt. 剽窃,非法翻印,侵犯专利

copy and sell the work of other people,such as a book,a new invention,etc. without permission or payment,when the copyright belongs to sb else


especially formerly a person who sails around stopping and robbing ships at sea


a person who pirates the work of other people

someone who uses another person's words or ideas as if they were his ownsomeone who robs at sea or plunders the land from the sea without having a commission from any sovereign nationa ship that is manned by pirates
copy illegally; of published materialtake arbitrarily or by force;

The Cubans commandeered the plane and flew it to Miami

pirate, bandit, burglar, gangster, pickpocket, robber, thief











pirate radio非法电台pirate ship海盗船air pirate空中劫持者, 空中劫…pirate river袭夺河,夺流河…pirate stream夺流河pirated disc copiers盗版商swear like a pirate大骂
近义词 sea海wolf狼steal偷rob抢劫thief贼sack袋子pilfer盗thieve偷thug暴徒rape强奸rifle步枪forge锻造usurp篡夺foray突袭strip剥去robber盗贼bandit强盗loot掠夺品pocket口袋hijack劫持copy复制品ravage毁坏maraud抢劫waylay伏击prey牺牲者corsair海盗pillage掠夺rover流浪者plunder掠夺purloin偷窃brigand土匪despoil夺取burglar窃贼raid突然袭击embezzle盗用picaroon歹徒forger伪造者plagiary剽窃sea wolf海盗arrogate冒称infringe违反highjack劫持gangster匪徒buccaneer海盗poacher偷猎者cabbage卷心菜predation掠食footpad拦路贼harry不断骚扰devastate毁坏depredate掠夺sea rover海盗freebooter海盗Viking北欧海盗abductor诱拐者smuggler走私者sea robber海盗runner赛跑的人marauder掠夺者plagiarize抄袭freeboot做海盗kidnapper绑架者depredation掠夺counterfeit膺品ransack彻底搜索expropriate征用skyjack空中劫持adventurer冒险家swashbuckler流氓plagiarist剽窃者appropriate适当的pirate ship海盗船plagiariser剽窃者plagiarizer剽窃者hijacker拦路抢劫者bootlegger造私酒者spoliate抢劫掠夺filibuster妨碍议事privateer私有武装船counterfeiter伪造者rapparee爱尔兰的民兵…filch偷不贵重的东西…contrabandist买卖禁品者shoplift从商店中偷商品…commandeer征募兵役等…peculate挪用尤指公款…highwayman拦路抢劫的强盗…literary pirate侵犯著作权者…
S+ ~+n./pron.In many countries it's not illegal to pirate software.在许多国家盗用软件并不犯法。用作名词n.Pirates buried treasure in the ground.海盗将宝物埋藏在地下。
The publishers should unite to fight against pirates.出版商应联合起来打击盗版者。
用作名词The sailor suddenly saw apiratejumping onto the deck.那水手忽然看到一名海盗跳上了甲板。
Those softwarepirateshave made a great fortune.这些软件的盗版者发了大财。用作动词We will immediately call the police once we find our CDs beingpirated.一旦发现我们的唱片被盗版,我们会立即报警。
A gang of banditspiratedthe cargo ship.一帮土匪抢劫了那艘货船。
The design for the new dress collection waspiratedin the Far East.新式服装的系列设计在远东被非法剽窃了。as in.piracy
同义词 copying,hijacking,infringement,plagiarism,theftbootlegging,buccaneering,rapine,stealing,swashbucklingcommandeering,freebooting,marauding
piracynoun robbery
bootlegging,buccaneering,commandeering,copying,freebooting,hijacking,infringement,marauding,plagiarism,rapine,stealing,swashbuckling,theft The accounting software industry of our country develops on a large scale, but pirating is a big problem, which is caused by imperfect laws and regulations.
我国的会计软件业有了较大发展,但盗版是一大问题,盗版主要是由于法律法规不健全,制裁力度不够及一些经济学上的原因造成的。 cnki

The demand of consumers opens the door for a market of pirating. Price and other non- price factors contribute to the consumers' enthusiasm toward pirated products.
消费者的需求为盗版的运营提供了市场基础,价格因素与非价格因素直接影响消费者对盗版产品的态度和购买积极性。 cnki

The digital watermark is to prevent pirating.
数码水印图案是用来防止盗版的。 websaru

The state copyright administrative department is in charge of the investigation and punishment of Internet copyright infringement and pirating activities.
国家著作权行政管理部门负责查处互联网侵权盗版行为。 www.itrus.com.cn

“It is better to focus on people who are active than people pirating music,” says Heap.
“把这个软件用在进步人士那里比用在那些下盗版音乐的人那里要好得多,”西普说。 blog.sina.com.cn

Eventually Blackbeard even tried to retire from his pirating ways after receiving a pardon, selling his booty, abandoning his crew and settling in the American colonies.
最终黑胡子收到了赦免信后,变卖其战利品,抛弃他的船员,在美国殖民地购置地产,试图金盆洗手,退出海盗这一行。 yeeyan

I mean China has taken rip-offs to a new level, pirating Apple Stores themselves. It speaks to the demand for Apple products throughout China.
我的意思是中国已经把剽窃升级到了一个新的高度:直接盗版苹果商店本身。它满足着整个中国苹果产品的需求。 yeeyan

Indulge software pirating will break down software industry and be unfavorable to national economy development finally.
放纵软件的盗版,将搞垮软件工业,最终将不利于国度经济的发铺。 www.qk114.net

It is services such as these that the music industry feels will help to save it and stop some of the pirating.
正是类似于这样的服务才让唱片公司觉得救星来了,能够帮它们阻止部分侵权行为。 yeeyan

Meanwhile, the recession and online content pirating has wreaked havoc on the smut business, meaning the competition for the remaining jobs is tough.
与此同时,经济萧条以及网络盗版也给这个产业造成了巨大冲击。 在激烈的竞争中保住工作已经实属不易。 yeeyan

Then, how to prevent from software pirating.
那么,如何防止软件被盗版。 www.qk114.net

To combat repeated copyright infringement, group infringement and large-scale pirating activities, relevant government organs have taken a series of administrative actions.
针对反复侵权、群体性侵权以及大规模假冒、盗版等行为,政府有关部门联合开展了一系列管理行动。 www.itrus.com.cn

With the developing of the multimedia technique, and the inventing of the high performance printer and scanner, faking and pirating are rampant.
随着多媒体技术的日益发展,高性能打印机和扫描仪的不断出现,制假、造假、盗版等行为日益猖獗。 cnki

Pirating used to be commonplace in this country.
在这个国家,非法翻印曾经是司空见惯的。 hicoo




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