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pi·rate 英ˈpaɪərɪt美ˈpaɪrɪtAHDpīʹrĭt ★★☆☆☆高四六研GI宝6八COCA⁶⁹¹²BNC¹⁵²⁷⁰iWeb⁴⁶⁴⁷ 基本双解英英辨析词源搭配记法近义反义句型例句Thesaurus例句 🦜n.海盗⁸⁶;盗版者¹v.盗版⁸;抢劫²;剽窃³形容词piratic副词piratically过去分词pirated现在分词pirating三单pirates 人物偷盗法律船造假诈骗剥夺、霸占
v.动词 vt. 剽窃,非法翻印,侵犯专利copy and sell the work of other people,such as a book,a new invention,etc. without permission or payment,when the copyright belongs to sb else n.名词 C海盗especially formerly a person who sails around stopping and robbing ships at sea C剽窃者,侵犯版权者a person who pirates the work of other people Noun: someone who uses another person's words or ideas as if they were his ownsomeone who robs at sea or plunders the land from the sea without having a commission from any sovereign nationa ship that is manned by pirates Verb: copy illegally; of published materialtake arbitrarily or by force;The Cubans commandeered the plane and flew it to Miami n.名词 pirate, bandit, burglar, gangster, pickpocket, robber, thief这组词的共同意思是指非法占有他人财物的人。其区别是: bandit指成帮结伙占据山林的强盗、土匪,主要抢劫过路行人,也可指在乡间走村串户行窃的贼;burglar指溜门撬锁入室行窃的贼,多夜间作案;gangster主要指犯罪团伙的成员,尤指持械抢劫的歹徒;pickpocket指从人身上扒窃财物的小偷;pirate指有组织的海盗,一般备有快速船只;robber指用威吓、暴力强取他人财物者;thief泛指小偷,即不公开地、非暴力地暗中行窃,一般不与被盗事主发生正面冲突。 robber,thief,burglar,bandit,gangster,pirate这些名词均有“资贼、强盗”之意。 robber指以暴力或威胁等手段强行夺取他人财物的人。 thief普通用词含义广泛,一般专指盗窍者。 burglar指夜间撬窗破门行窃的人。 bandit指在乡间或小林地区结帮活动,使用恐吓或暴力行窃的人。现指有组织或单独进行抢窃的盗匪。 gangster指结伙进行各种非法活动的武装歹徒。 pirate指海盗。 来自拉丁语pirata,水手,海盗,冒险者,来自希腊语peiran,尝试,攻击,来自PIE*per,向前,尝试,词源同forth,expert,peril.pirate radio非法电台pirate ship海盗船air pirate空中劫持者, 空中劫…pirate river袭夺河,夺流河…pirate stream夺流河pirated disc copiers盗版商swear like a pirate大骂 钱博士pir冒险,攻击+a连接字母+te来自希腊语名词后缀-tes,表示行为者→冒险的人,攻击者→海盗,盗版者⇒转做动词做海盗,掠夺;盗版,剽窃 词根pir-尝试,冒险,攻击来自希腊语。它和拉丁词根per-尝试,冒险去做最终都源自原始印欧语词根*per- 3尝试,冒险去做,和原始印欧语词根*per-1向前,在前面词源相关,本意就是“勇往直前”。GRE红宝书pir转, ate吃-在海上转找吃的的人-海盗; 抢劫 empire + ate 帝国吃海盗,海盗很猖獗,常侵扰国民,帝国的国王恨不得生吃了这帮海盗 pir转+ate→在海上转悠的人→海盗故事记忆海鸟在 Migrate迁徙下有个 Pirate海盗脊靠着 Grate壁炉发表着 Orate演说:海鸟是 Immigrate移居入境?还是正 Emigrate迁徙国外?pir冒险,攻击+a连接字母+te来自希腊语名词后缀-tes,表示行为者→冒险的人,攻击者→海盗,盗版者⇒转做动词做海盗,掠夺;盗版,剽窃。非常记忆pi皮〖拼音〗+rate速度〖熟词〗⇒海盗抢到貂皮后飞速逃跑词根记忆pir转+ ate → 在海上转悠的人 ⇒海盗联想记忆和privatea. 私人的;秘密的一起记和privateadj. 私人的,秘密的一起记近义词 sea海wolf狼steal偷rob抢劫thief贼sack袋子pilfer盗thieve偷thug暴徒rape强奸rifle步枪forge锻造usurp篡夺foray突袭strip剥去robber盗贼bandit强盗loot掠夺品pocket口袋hijack劫持copy复制品ravage毁坏maraud抢劫waylay伏击prey牺牲者corsair海盗pillage掠夺rover流浪者plunder掠夺purloin偷窃brigand土匪despoil夺取burglar窃贼raid突然袭击embezzle盗用picaroon歹徒forger伪造者plagiary剽窃sea wolf海盗arrogate冒称infringe违反highjack劫持gangster匪徒buccaneer海盗poacher偷猎者cabbage卷心菜predation掠食footpad拦路贼harry不断骚扰devastate毁坏depredate掠夺sea rover海盗freebooter海盗Viking北欧海盗abductor诱拐者smuggler走私者sea robber海盗runner赛跑的人marauder掠夺者plagiarize抄袭freeboot做海盗kidnapper绑架者depredation掠夺counterfeit膺品ransack彻底搜索expropriate征用skyjack空中劫持adventurer冒险家swashbuckler流氓plagiarist剽窃者appropriate适当的pirate ship海盗船plagiariser剽窃者plagiarizer剽窃者hijacker拦路抢劫者bootlegger造私酒者spoliate抢劫掠夺filibuster妨碍议事privateer私有武装船counterfeiter伪造者rapparee爱尔兰的民兵…filch偷不贵重的东西…contrabandist买卖禁品者shoplift从商店中偷商品…commandeer征募兵役等…peculate挪用尤指公款…highwayman拦路抢劫的强盗…literary pirate侵犯著作权者… 用作动词v. 用作及物动词 S+ ~+n./pron.In many countries it's not illegal to pirate software.在许多国家盗用软件并不犯法。用作名词n.Pirates buried treasure in the ground.海盗将宝物埋藏在地下。 The publishers should unite to fight againstpirates.出版商应联合起来打击盗版者。 名词93%,动词7% 用作名词The sailor suddenly saw apiratejumping onto the deck.那水手忽然看到一名海盗跳上了甲板。 Those softwarepirateshave made a great fortune.这些软件的盗版者发了大财。用作动词We will immediately call the police once we find our CDs beingpirated.一旦发现我们的唱片被盗版,我们会立即报警。 A gang of banditspiratedthe cargo ship.一帮土匪抢劫了那艘货船。 The design for the new dress collection waspiratedin the Far East.新式服装的系列设计在远东被非法剽窃了。noun.buccaneer 同义词 raidercorsair,filibuster,freebooter,marauder,privateer,roverpicaroon,sea rover adventurernoun person who takes risks charlatan,daredevil,entrepreneur,explorer,fortune-hunter,gambler,globetrotter,hero,heroine,madcap,mercenary,opportunist,pioneer,romantic,speculator,stunt person,swashbuckler,traveler,venturer,voyager,wanderer banditnoun thief brigand,criminal,crook,desperado,forager,gangster,gunperson,highwayperson,hijacker,holdup person,hooligan,marauder,mobster,outlaw,pillager,pirate,plunderer,racketeer,raider,ravager,robber,villain banditsnoun thief brigands,criminals,crooks,desperadoes,foragers,gangsters,gunpersons,highwaypersons,hijackers,holdup persons,hooligans,marauders,mobsters,outlaws,pillagers,pirates,plunderers,racketeers,raiders,ravagers,robbers,villains black marketverb sell illegally bootleg,pirate,run contraband,smuggle,traffic borrowverb adopt from another source;appropriate acquire,adopt,assume,copy,filch,imitate,make one's own,obtain,pilfer,pirate,plagiarize,simulate,steal,take,use,usurp brigandnoun hoodlum bandit,desperado,footpad,freebooter,highwayman,marauder,outlaw,pillager,pirate,robber,soldier,thief Chen is also a witness to another dissuasive factor behind the lack of innovation in China– the ease with which rivals can pirate new technology without being prosecuted. 中国缺乏创新的背后还有另一个重要的阻碍因素,那就是竞争对手能轻易地剽窃他人的新技术并逃脱法律的制裁。 ecocn The mission includes international patrols to try and stop pirate attacks in one of the world's busiest sea lanes. 计划包括国际巡逻,试图阻止海盗在这个世界上最繁忙的海上航道之一发动袭击。 ebigear The Swedish Pirate Party proposes to abolish software patents, and if that is done, this issue would go away. 瑞典海盗党建议废除软件专利权,如果真的这样了,这个问题便不再是问题。 yeeyan The Pirate Bay founders have consistently said their actions are legal under Swedish law because they offer a service that can be used in both a legal and illegal manner. 海盗湾的创始人一直都称在瑞典的法律下他们的行为是合法的,因为他们所提供的服务即可以合法利用也可以非法利用。 yeeyan An island was never bought, but The Pirate Bay does have an official anthem now. 小岛从来没有买到,但是海盗湾现在确实有正式的国歌了。 yeeyan As other file- sharing websites were felled by threats and lawsuits from industry heavyweights like the Recording Industry Association of America RIAA, the Pirate Bay held its ground. 另外一些文件共享网站由于受到产业大鳄例如美国唱片工业协会 RIAA的威胁和起诉而倒闭,但是海盗湾却稳住阵脚。 yeeyan But both sides have indicated that they would appeal any decision against them, and the Pirate Bay has said that it could keep operating the service from another country. 不过,控辩双方都已指出,他们对不利自己的判决都会提起上诉。海盗湾还表示,其可在另一个国家继续运营该项服务。 yeeyan Cutting down on pirate attacks may not be among them. 打击海盗袭击将可能不会有他们的身影。 ecocn I listened to all the stuff being played on the pirate radio stations and that's what started influencing me to start making music. 所有在海盗电台播放的那种音乐我都会听,而且它们对我的影响让我开始产生了做音乐的念头。 yeeyan In addition it should be remembered that most pirate booty did not consist of gold and silver bars, but saleable goods such as silks and other fabrics, tobacco, spices, and slaves. 此外,不要忘了,绝大多数海盗的战利品里根本没有金条和银条,而是一些可供交换的商品,例如丝织品和其他的纺织品、烟草、香料和奴隶。 yeeyan In the past few weeks pirate gangs using“ mother ships” have moved into previously safe waters. 在过去几周中,海盗团伙利用“母舰”已经进入过早前安全的海域。 yeeyan It says that pirate groups have“well-placed informers” in London who are in regular contact with control centres in Somalia where decisions on which vessels to attack are made. 据说,海盗团伙在伦敦有着消息灵通的情报员,这些情报员和索海赶时髦的控制中心定期联系,控制中心对攻击哪些船只做出决定。 yeeyan On our last day, the hotel manager gave me a map of the island, marking the old church, the lighthouse and a pirate cemetery. 在我们离开的那天,酒店的经理送给我们一张地图,上面标注了这里古老的教堂、灯塔和海盗公墓。 yeeyan Russian, Indian and British frigates have recently defended ships under pirate attack and Denmark and the US also have provided assistance in the gulf. 最近俄罗斯、印度、英国的护航舰成功保卫了受海盗侵袭的船只。丹麦和美国也向此海湾给予支援。 yeeyan She said the manufacture of pirate DVDs, most of which are sold on street corners and in pubs across the UK, was not a victimless crime. 她同时指出,制造盗版 DVD——其中大部分 DVD是在英国各地的街角和酒吧进行贩卖——并不是一个没有受害人的犯罪行为。 yeeyan Talk Like A Pirate Day is an honored family tradition. 过“像海盗一样说话”节是你家的光荣传统。 yeeyan The case for the defence was that no copyright material is actually stored on the Pirate Bay’s servers and no swapping of files takes place there. 该案件的被告认为并没有任何版权文件实际储存在海盗湾的服务器上,也没有在该网站上进行任何文件交换。 yeeyan The key difference with the Pirate Bay trial is only that it was heard in a criminal court, not a civil one. 针对海盗湾的审讯是在刑事法庭听取的而非民事法庭,这就是其关键性的不同之处。 yeeyan There was no hijacking, and he is not a pirate. 既没有发生过劫船事件,他也不是什么海盗。 yeeyan There were at least50 recorded pirate attacks in it last year; some go unreported after ransoms have been paid. 去年,记录在案的海盗袭击事件至少有50起,部分船只在支付赎金后未有报料。 ecocn They have simply moved on from pirate DVDs to illegal streaming. 对他们来说,“盗版”只是从 DVD转向了非法视频流。 ecocn This was a mistake because they all discovered how easy it was to be a pirate and became one. 这是一个错误,因为他们都发现做一个海盗是何等的简单,并且都成的海盗。 yeeyan Unlike many of the other pirate- radio operators, who were in it mostly for money or adventure, Smedley saw his broadcasts as part of a wider moral crusade. 许多海盗电台经营者常常都是为了金钱或冒险而入行,斯梅德利却与之不同,他将其广播事业视为广泛道德运动的一部分。 ecocn With the Pirate Bay facing its strongest challenge yet, its administrators have not stopped rattling their cutlasses. 当海盗湾正面临着它有史以来最大的挑战时,它的管理员并不打算束手就擒。 yeeyan Ya know, matey, anyone could be a pirate, all ya needed was a proper disrespect for authority and a willingness to be seasick months at a time. 你要知道,伙计,任何人都能成为一个海盗,你需要做的是恰当的不尊重权势,并且心甘情愿的经历每次几个月的晕船过程。 yeeyan You catch a pirate— now what? 你抓住了一个海盗,接着呢? yeeyan Pirate Bay is an easy way to share information. 海盗湾是一个共享信息的简单的方法。 ecocn |