

单词 pipe dream
释义 pipe dream 英paɪp driːm美paɪp driːm ☆☆☆☆☆高G短语²⁶⁸⁰²
白日梦; 幻想

a fantastic but vain hope from fantasies induced by the opium pipe;

I have this pipe dream about being emperor of the universe

比喻用法,来自pipe,烟管,吸烟片,dream,梦。近义词 dream梦vapor蒸汽delusion错觉daydream白日梦abstraction抽象
Early retirement is apipe dreamfor many.早退是许多人都有的白日梦。
When I was a child,I used to imagine myself to be a traveler in future,but that was only a day dream of a boy.孩提时代,我总是想长大后要做个旅行家,不过那只是一个孩子的白日梦而已。
Day and night I dream about sex.日日夜夜我都在幻想着性事。
I never dream of getting so much money.我从未幻想过得到这么多钱。as in.pipe dream
同义词 daydream,wishful thinkingair castle,airy hope,castle in the air,castle in the sky,chimera,false hope,fantastic notion,fantasy,fool's paradise,golden dream,pie in the sky,unreal hope
反义词 realityas in.speculate
同义词 contemplate,figure out,guess,hypothesize,read,reflect,ruminate,surmise,weigh,wonderbrainstorm,cerebrate,cogitate,conjecture,consider,deliberate,excogitate,figure,guesstimate,meditate,muse,reason,review,scheme,study,suppose,suspectbeat one's brains,build castles in air,call it,call the turn,chew over,dope out,have a hunch,hazard a guess,head-trip,kick around,psych out,read between lines,run it up flagpole,size up
反义词 disregard,ignore,neglect,dismiss,forget,knowabstain
daydreamverb make up fantasy
build castles in air,conceive,dream,envision,fancy,fantasize,hallucinate,imagine,moon,muse,stargaze,trip out,woolgather
dreamnoun goal
ambition,aspiration,design,desire,flight of fancy,hope,notion,pipe-dream,wish
ponderverb think about seriously
appraise,brood,build castles in air,cerebrate,cogitate,consider,contemplate,daydream,debate,deliberate,dwell,evaluate,examine,excogitate,figure,give thought to,meditate,mind,moon,mull,mull over,muse,noodle around,perpend,pipe-dream,put on thinking cap,puzzle over,reason,reflect,revolve,roll,ruminate,speculate,study,think out,think over,turn over,weigh,woolgather
speculateverb think about deeply and theorize
beat one's brains,brainstorm,build castles in air,call it,call the turn,cerebrate,chew over,cogitate,conjecture,consider,contemplate,deliberate,dope out,excogitate,figure,figure out,guess,guesstimate,have a hunch,hazard a guess,head-trip,hypothesize,kick around,meditate,muse,pipe-dream,psych out,read,read between lines,reason,reflect,review,ruminate,run it up flagpole,scheme,size up,study,suppose,surmise,suspect,weigh,wonder
speculatedverb think about deeply and theorize
beat one's brains,brainstormed,built castles in air,called it,called the turn,cerebrated,chewed over,cogitated,conjectured,considered,contemplated,deliberated,doped,doped out,excogitated,figured,figured out,guessed,guesstimated,had a hunch,hazarded a guess,head trip,hypothesized,kicked around,meditated,mused,pipe-dreamed,psyched out,ran it up flagpole,read,read between lines,reasoned,reflected,reviewed,ruminated,schemed,size up,studied,supposed,surmised,suspected,weighed,wondered Is this a pipe dream?
这只是个白日梦么? yeeyan

It is a pipe dream, according to a leader of Saudi Arabia’s oil industry.
可沙特的一个石油公司老总看来,这是个白日梦。 yeeyan

A mile-high mountain in the flatlands of the Netherlands is no longer just a pipe dream, the idea's main supporter, a newspaper columnist, said this weekend.
一个高海拔的山峰将会在荷兰的平原上出现,这不是白日梦。这个想法的支持者,新闻报的专栏作家周末表示。 yeeyan

But critics say that “ clean coal” is a pipe dream, an oxymoron in terms of the carbon emissions that count most toward climate change.
然而批评者说,“清洁煤”只是一种幻想,由于二氧化碳的排放是引起气候变化的关键,因此“清洁煤”是一个自相矛盾的概念。 yeeyan

Early retirement is a pipe dream for many.
早退是许多人都有的白日梦。 www.oxford.com.cn

Eventually, everyone else will give up on the pipe dream of binary XML and learn to love text but not by the end of2007.
其他所有人最后也只能放弃二进制 XML的空想而尝试钟爱于文本但不是在2007 年底。 ibm

For me, it is just a pipe dream to travel to The Moon.
对我而言,去月球旅行只是白日梦。 hjenglish

From underground to up in the air, our final project is a real pipe dream— at least for now.
从地下到天空,最后一个项目是个真正的白日梦——至少在现在。 yeeyan

He says expecting Chinese spending to save the world from recession is “ a pipe dream.”
他说期望中国的消费拯救世界于衰退是一个白日梦。 blog.sina.com.cn

If not, the MDGs and poverty reduction are a pipe dream.
否则,千年发展目标和减贫将是一场梦幻。 who

In environments like this, requirements are effectively changing all the time and stability of requirements is a pipe dream.
在这样的环境下,需求随时都会发生有影响的更改,需求的稳定只是个白日梦。 ibm

Mr. Obama reminded us that charting a clean energy future is not a pipe dream and that America can reduce its dependence on foreign oil.
奥巴马先生提醒我们,为未来描绘一幅清洁能源的图景并不是一个幻想,美国也是可以减少其对于外国石油的依赖的。 yeeyan

No, I think universal harmony is a pipe dream and it may be more productive to focus on more modest goals, like a ban on yodeling.
不,我认为和谐世界是痴人说梦,倒不如专注于一些比较适度的目标更加有益,比如说禁止变声唱法。 douban

Playing Super Mario on a Nintendo phone will remain a pipe dream.
在任天堂手机上玩玛丽兄弟仍然是一场白日梦。 yeeyan

She couldn't believe that her plan for a movie career had all been merely a pipe dream.
她无法相信她想从事电影业的计划只是空想。 iciba

So long as Afghan women are kept in terrified servitude and poverty, peace for that country is likely to remain a pipe dream, let alone any hope of prosperity.
只要奴役和贫穷阴魂不散地缠绕着阿富汗的女人们,这个国家的和平就如同镜花水月,更别说任何对繁荣的憧憬。 yeeyan

That might be unrealistic as well, we could see some partial form of that kind of data availability. That much is probably just a pipe dream!
但这也不太现实,恐怕只是黄粱一梦而已,因为我们看到的只是数据可用性的片面形式。 yeeyan

This is a pipe dream at best-- but one that we should at least aspire to.
这充其量就是一个白日梦,不过我们至少应该对此怀有渴望。 yeeyan

You can study acting as long as you like, but starring in a Hollywood movie is just a pipe dream.
只要你喜欢你就可以去学表演,但是主演一部好莱坞电影只是白日梦。 cnblogs




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