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Pinus radiata 基本英英例句 辐射松
Noun: tall California pine with long needles in bunches of 3, a dense crown, and dark brown deeply fissured barkFrom Chile, the success stays more in the side ofPinus radiatapulp, although Eucalyptus also shows an important growth in the country.智利的硫酸盐商品浆的成功更多的要归功于辐射松制浆,其桉木浆发展也较快。 An Inspection ofPinus radiatain Australia澳大利亚辐射松考察报告 An inspection report on forest health ofPinus radiatain Australia澳大利亚辐射松森林健康考察报告 Research on biomass and productivity ofPinus radiataplantations辐射松人工幼林生物量和生产力研究 Discussion on Feasibility of IntroducingPinus radiatainto Hubei Province湖北省辐射松引种可行性探讨 |