释义 |
Pinus kesiya 基本例句 n.思茅松 On the basis of the data collected from the measurement of the sample plots of the cutting plantation and seedling plantation ofPinus kesiyavar.依据相同立地条件下同龄人工林样地调查数据,分析比较思茅松扦插苗与实生苗造林效果的差异。 By using traditional chemical analysis and HPLC, the author has studied the extract ofPinus kesiyavar. langbianensis. samples before and after drying.摘要采用传统的化学分析和高效液相色谱分析方法,研究思茅松木材干燥前后抽提物成分的变化情况。 tracheids ofPinus kesiyavar. langbianensis思茅松管胞 Pinus kesiyaRoyle ex Gordon var.langbianensis思茅松 Pinus kesiyavar. I angbianensis思茅松 Pinus kesiyavar. langbianensis plantation思茅松人工林 |