

单词 Pinus armandii
释义 Pinus armandii
So the kind, quantities and changes of dendrocola fungi on healthy and infectedPinus armandiiare very important to the growth of the mycoparasites.因此,弄清华山松健康植株和感染疱锈病的植株上的树栖真菌种类、数量和动态变化对华山松疱锈生物防治中重寄生菌的定殖相当重要。
Both B.hofmanni and B.hellenicus were new record species in China. They were isolated from new hosts, Armand pine and Yunnan pine, respectively.后 2种为我国新记录种 ;其寄主分别是华山松和云南松 ;为该 2种线虫的世界新寄主记录。
Pinus armandiiand Betula albo-sinensis distributed in all area, and Quercus aliena var. acuteserrat and Pinus tabulaeformis distributed at lower mountain belt.华山松和红桦的分布范围广,且碳储量大小明显高于其它三种类型的;
Pinus armandiiFranch.华山松
Our studies confirm that embryo development stages have a great effect on embryonic callus induction, and we discuss the culture conditions of somatic embryogenesis ofPinus armandii.文章确认了采集的幼胚发育状态对胚性愈伤组织的诱导有重要影响, 并对诱导的培养条件等进行了探讨。
Regeneration and community dynamic ofPinus armandiiare analyzed.The results were as follows: Soil moisture may be one of the most important factors, which effect the seedling number.摘要对秦岭华山松群落的更新及群落动态分析结果表明:在土壤湿度较小时,华山松群落的更新状况较好。




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