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词汇 pins
释义 pins.
abbr.=person in need of supervision 需要监督的人

名词 pin:
a piece of jewelry that is pinned onto the wearer's garmentwhen a wrestler's shoulders are forced to the matsmall markers inserted into a surface to mark scores or define locations etc.a number you choose and use to gain access to various accountsinformal terms for the legaxis consisting of a short shaft that supports something that turnscylindrical tumblers consisting of two parts that are held in place by springs; when they are aligned with a key the bolt can be thrownflagpole used to mark the position of the hole on a golf greena small slender often pointed piece of wood or metal used to support or fasten or attach thingsa holder attached to the gunwale of a boat that holds the oar in place and acts as a fulcrum for rowinga club-shaped wooden object used in bowling; set up in triangular groups of ten as the target
动词 pin:
to hold fast or prevent from movingattach or fasten with pins or as if with pins. pin the blame on the innocent manpierce with a pinimmobilize a piece用作名词He's a bit unsteady on hispins.他的两腿还有点站不稳。
She'd been sitting so long that she feltpinsand needles in her legs.她坐得太久,腿都麻了。
Don't stickpinsinto the chair.不要把别针插入椅子了里。
In a casual manner, I strolled in and inquired aboutpins.我装作若无其事的样子踱入店内询问别针的行情。 An activity frame represents current activity and allows adding activity parameters by using input or output pins.
活动框架代表了当前的状态,并通过使用输入和输出针脚来允许添加活动参数。 ibm

And Hillary Clinton's strong performance in the final weeks of her campaign suggests that it is possible to pop Mr Obama's balloon provided that you use the right pins.

And we'll also be putting the fuel pins in the same zircaloy cladding tubes.

As you go, apply slightly more pressure with the wrench until you have all the pins lifted up.
过程中,要不断略微增加在扳手上的力量直到你将所有的针脚都挑起来。 yeeyan

By running an electrical current through the cell, using an ordinary battery charger, the copper in the anode and in the pins dissolves and is deposited on the lead cathode.
要想让电流通过电解池,你需要一个普通的电池充电器。阳极和针脚里的铜溶解之后会聚集在阴极上。 yeeyan

The walls are made of tightly packed straw bales held together with bamboo pins and covered with fishing nets.
墙壁是一块块密实的草捆,用竹针结合在一起,上面盖着渔网。 ecocn

Wearable art such as pins and earrings pays the bills, but larger works are Seaman's passion, she said.
身上的饰品,比如说胸针和耳环可以创造收入,但是大件的作品才是希曼的热情所在,她说。 yeeyan

As usual, he and his executives wore red, white and blue Bank of America pins on their lapels.
像往常一样,他和他的经理们都在衣领上戴着着美国银行红白蓝相间的别针。 yeeyan

Because there are no side pins to secure the watch straps in place, the watch looks like a clean and beautiful single entity.
由于没有用于固定表带的侧插脚,这款手表看起来如同一块整体,干净而漂亮。 yeeyan

Bush administration staff have handed in their security passes, Blackberries and cell phones and coded lapel pins.
布什政府的工作人员都上交了安全通行证、移动手机和有识别码的衣领别针。 yeeyan

Doctors had fixed it in place with metal pins.
医生用金属别针将它安了回去。 yeeyan

Four pins means you can have four sensors, say two temperature sensors, one for ambient and the other for panel temperature, a light sensor, and a wind speed sensor.
四个插脚意味着可以有四个传感器,比如两个温度传感器一个用于外界温度,一个用于面板温度、一个光传感器和一个风速传感器。 ibm

If your port contains all the pins, however, it can support the max resolution with no problem.
如果你的端口包括所有的针,它支持最大分辨率毫无问题。 yeeyan

In a Launch Facilities Down scenario, security teams are required to travel to every affected missile and insert safety pins that physically prevent the missiles from being armed and launched.
在“发射设施失控”的状况下,安全系统必须赶到每个受影响的导弹那里,插入用物理方式阻止导弹被武装和发射的安全别针。 yeeyan

In general, they all work the same: the connector contains pins that go into ports on your video output device which transmit video, audio, and more over the wires in the middle.
在一般情况下,它们是构造是一样的:含有针的插头连接到传输视频音频输出端口,中间部分是线缆。 yeeyan

It was still moving about so I reached down and touched it on the wing causing one of the pins to fall out.
它仍在舞动,所以我伸手去抓住它,触摸舞动着的它,而使一个直针脱落了下来。 yeeyan

Now you saw some of these slides where pellets go into pins which are then made into assemblies.

Obviously, taking some of the pins out and putting new ones in it does not affect our ability to say that, overall, we have“the same thing” over the changes.
显然,如果取去了某些插脚和放进了一些新的插脚,可以说并不会全部地影响它们的功能。 在插脚变化以后,我们仍然有着“同样”的东西。 yeeyan

Over his career, his35 broken bones made the Guinness Book of Records; his body rattled with pins and plates, and it seemed preposterous that he should have died in his bed, of pulmonary fibrosis.
在克尼维尔的飞车生涯中,他最终能登上吉尼斯记录是用他35根断骨换来的;他的身上布满了嘎嘎作响的别针与金属板,而且有人说他本该因肺部纤维症而死在自己的床上,这听起来实在荒谬。 ecocn

She multiplied clasps and pins where no one would have dreamed of looking.
她在那些谁也不会想到要去看一下的地方添上无数的钩扣和别针。 ebigear

So, the first stage of the experiment is to recover all these pins and connectors.
所以我们的第一步就是拆下所有的针脚和连接器。 yeeyan

Some DVI cables or ports may include fewer pins if they are designed for lower resolution devices, so you'll need to watch for this.
一些 DVI线缆或者端口,为低分辨率设备设计的时候可以少几针,所以你要仔细查看针数。360doc

The pins on the mouse take the role of these bumps.
鼠标上的感应针可充当凸起的角色。 ecocn

Usually it's as simple as plugging into your home computer, dropping a couple of pins in Google Maps, and clicking Save.
通常,他简单到只需要把它插到你家里的电脑上,在谷歌地图上插几个大头针,再点击保存就搞定了。 yeeyan




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