

单词 pinpoints
释义 pin·point·s 英'pɪnpɔɪnt美'pɪnpɔɪnt COCA⁴⁴⁸³⁷BNC⁴¹⁰⁵⁸

a very small area or point

vt. 准确地找出或描述

find or describe exactly the nature or cause of sth

vt. 为…准确定位

show the exact position of

A 非常精确的

very exact

a very brief moment;

they were strangers sharing a pinpoint of time together

a very small spot;

the plane was just a speck in the sky

the sharp point of a pin
locate exactly;

can you pinpoint the position of the enemy?

The chemists could not nail the identity of the chromosome

pinpoint pass精确的传球pinpoint program非常详细的程序表…pinpoint navigation定点航行pinpoint attack精确攻击,对点状目标…pinpoint photograph定点照相pinpoint welding点焊pinpoint technique精密技术pinpoint the trouble正确测定故障…pinpoint control精确定位控制,精调…pinpoint accuracy高精确度,高度精确性…pinpoint landing定点着陆pinpoint bombing军准确轰炸…pinpoint target独立目标
近义词 find发现nail钉子speck斑点locate找出identify鉴定pin down确定localize集中isolate使孤立determine决定
用作名词n.There is only a pinpoint of light in the cave .山洞中只能见到一丝光线。用作动词v.
S+ ~+n./pron.It is not possible to pinpoint precisely the time of death.准确地确定死亡时间是不可能的。
Our radar has pinpointed the planes.我们的雷达确定了飞机的精确位置。用作形容词adj.
~+ n.These missles can be fired with pinpoint accuracy.这些导弹可精确地命中目标。
用作动词It's difficult topinpointthe cause of the accident.很难清楚地找到事故发生的原因。
With this device, we canpinpointyour exact location.有了这个仪器,我们可以精确地标出你的位置。
We need topinpointour target market.我们需要明确指出我们的市场目标。
Wepinpointedthe flaws in his argument.我们突出他辩论中的错误。用作名词There is only apinpointof light in the cave.山洞中只能见到一丝光线。
The bomb hit thepinpointat which they aimed.炸弹精确地击中了目标。用作形容词They can control precisely where the nanotube penetrates a cell, for example, and eenpinpointsmaller cell structures, such as the nucleus or mitochondrion.例如他们能精确的控制纳米管插入细胞的位置,甚至能定位到更小的细胞结构如细胞核或线粒体。
He discovered somepinpointparticles in the liquid.他在液体中发现了一些极其微小的细粒。 A portal provides immediate access to all the programs and manuals, and to an alphabetical index that pinpoints the programs and modules to be used for specific purposes.
门户网站提供了可即时获取的所有程序和手册,以及按字母顺序排列的针对各种用途的程序和模块的目录。 epiman

Additional pinpoints, internal graining and surface graining are not shown.
是不是表示我的钻石不太好?表面都有结晶纹。 zbird

Also, JIT pinpoints efficiency of material flow, but leading to lower utilizing of production capability.
JIT重视物流效率,而以生产能力的闲置为代价。 d.wanfangdata.com.cn

The round- trip travel time pinpoints the Earth- Moon distance.
往返的时间间隔精确地算出地月间的距离。 www.9ifly.cn

The dashboard tells the teacher how each student is doing, pinpoints where they’re having trouble, and suggests explanations and exercises to help.
仪表盘告诉教师每个学生做的如何,指出他们哪些地方有问题,给出建议和联系来帮助他们。 yeeyan

The International Monetary Fund pinpoints18 SSA countries that will need additional balance- of- payments and budgetary support in2009.
国际货币基金组织明确了将在2009年需要额外贸易支付差额与预算支持的18个撒哈南的非洲国家。 ecocn

A new study out of Oxford University pinpoints vitamin D deficiency as a culprit in serious illnesses like cancer and autoimmune disorders.
一项出自牛津大学的新研究,突显维他命 D缺乏作为严重疾病如癌症和自身免疫性疾病的罪魁祸首。 nwbbs.com

But you might not see the pinpoints the customers have.
但你可能不知道消费者的观点。 open.163.com

He pinpoints two of them on the map, one in the east and one in the southwest.
他会在地图上标注它们的位置,一个在东边,另一个在西南。 yeeyan

If the problem remains a mystery after analyzing the PMI data, a set of thread dumps of the JVM often pinpoints synchronized methods and other common problems.
如果在评测 PMI数据以后,仍然没有找到问题所在, JVM的一些线程堆经常能定位同步方法和其他常见问题。 ibm

Our research pinpoints a number of traits that recur regularly among top achievers.
我们的研究准确地显示出,在较高成就者身上不断出现的几种性格特征。 login.sina.com.cn

Several stars appear as bright pinpoints against the blackness of space at image top right.
几颗星星在图片右上角黑暗的太空中出现,形成明亮的针点。 yeeyan

She works closely with top designers and stylists and pinpoints the trends of the season in her monthly mission to develop the ultimate look book and shopping guide for stylish women around the globe.
她和顶尖服装设计师、风格设计师们并肩工作,每月都要确定当季的时尚方向,从而为全球时髦女性们打造出有关迷人外表的杂志以及购物指南。 yeeyan

The article also probes into women's perplexity and their coming of age and pinpoints the new qualities conducive to the injection of increased vitality into urban women's speech.
重点探索了女性人物精神上的迷失与成长,并为都市女性话语注入了更具活力的新质。 cnki

The paper briefs on the development of hump yards and humping speed-control system in China and pinpoints the main problems existing in hump construction.
本文阐述了我国铁路驼峰的发展概况,驼峰调速系统及驼峰建设中存在的主要问题; cnki

The study pinpoints triglycerides as the critical indicator.
这项研究将甘油三酯做为关键性指标。 dxy

The third pinpoints methods with a void return type.
第三个用来确定一个空返回类型。 ibm

The secret treasure map of erogenous zones pinpoints all the juiciest spots on the human body!
这张私密的藏宝图为探险者锁定了男女身体所有最敏感冲动的兴奋点! yeeyan




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