

单词 Pinney
释义 Pinney.
His goal, Mr. Pretor- Pinney said in an interview, is to help readers escape the tyranny of“blue sky thinking” and to understand and appreciate the beauty of a cloudy day.
该书的作者平尼在一次采访中表示,他的目标是帮助读者摆脱“天马行空式思维”的束缚,去理解和欣赏多云天气的美丽。 yeeyan

Gavin Pretor- Pinney, president of the UK-based Cloud Appreciation Society, has a theory: “It's warmer, moister air above and colder, drier air below, with an abrupt boundary in between.”
英国云鉴定学会主席 Gavin Pretor- Pinney有他的理论:上部的空气温暖而潮湿,下部的空气寒冷而干燥,两者间的界限有些突兀。 yeeyan




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