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Consumption that year rose by3.6 per cent, something officials pinned on cold temperatures. In2009, power usage in Calgary declined by one per cent.
今年,卡尔加里的用电量再度上升了3.6个百分点。对此,一些官员将用电量上升归咎于寒冷的天气。在2009年,卡尔加里的用电量还一度下降一个百分点。 blog.sina.com.cn

The Web—that is, the commercial information Web, with the hopes of all digital businesses pinned on it— turned out to be an adolescent phase of the Internet.
万维网——承载所有数字商业希望的商业信息网络——结果却是互联网的青春期。 cnbeta.com

Yet Britain’s economic fortunes are pinned on small, export- oriented enterprises of this kind, often found in unlikely places.
然而,英国经济的命运依赖于这些规模小,以出口为主的企业;这些企业的地址往往出人意料。 ecocn

Hopes are pinned on a pick- up in exports to China as it rebounds.
随着中国经济反弹,日本开始把希望寄托在对中国上升的出口。 ecocn

It also forecast solid operating profit growth in the U.S., with its hopes pinned on a turnaround at KFC after the national rollout of a grilled chicken product in the second quarter of next year.
同时表示寄希望于肯德基09年第二季度将首度推出的烤鸡产品,其美国本土业务的营业利润也将取得稳定增长。 yeeyan

Now almost all the markets' hopes are pinned on the authorities.
现在市场几乎所有的希望都寄托在当局身上。 ecocn.org

THE blame for rising obesity rates has been pinned on many things, including a more calorific diet, the spread of processed food, a lack of exercise and modern man’s generally more stressful lot.
人们总是把肥胖率的不断上升归咎于很多方面,比如高热量的饮食结构、普及广泛的精制食品、缺乏锻炼和现代人们普遍过大的压力等。 ecocn




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