

单词 pinnacles
释义 pin·na·cle·s 英'pɪnəkl美'pɪnəkl COCA⁵⁰⁴²⁸BNC³¹⁶⁰⁴
architecture a slender upright spire at the top of a buttress of towerthe highest level or degree attainable; the highest stage of development;

his landscapes were deemed the acme of beauty

the artist's gifts are at their acme

at the height of her career

the peak of perfection

summer was at its peak

…catapulted Einstein to the pinnacle of fame

the summit of his ambition

so many highest superlatives achieved by man

at the top of his profession

a lofty peak
surmount with a pinnacle;

pinnacle a pediment

raise on or as if on a pinnacle;

He did not want to be pinnacled

pinnacle nut六角槽顶螺母…pinnacle reef宝塔礁coral pinnacle珊瑚尖峰reef pinnacle礁石塔underwater rock pinnacle水下尖礁
近义词 top顶部ridge脊peak尖端acme顶点apex顶点crown王冠crest浪尖glory光荣summit顶点zenith顶点height高度tiptop绝顶prime最好的terminal末端altitude高度pink粉红色的elevation提升meridian子午线vertex几何顶点superlative最上的spire教堂的尖塔…high point增高齿顶

用作名词I can see the smallpinnaclefrom here.我能从这儿看到那个小尖塔。 The bridge is close under the castle hill, an old, high, narrow bridge with pinnacles along the parapet.
桥紧靠在城堡的山岗下,又高又狭,沿栏杆竖起了几个小尖塔,显得古色古香。 bab

The wide river of ice had retreated more than half a mile, leaving a field of separated ice pinnacles melting into the rocky ground.
宽阔的冰河向后缩短了超过半英里,留下了岩床上几座正在消融的小冰峰。 yeeyan

Three pinnacles in the central tower of the Washington National Cathedral, the highest building in the city, broke off in the quake, a spokesman said.
一位发言人说,在地震发生在华盛顿国家大教堂,在城市最高的建筑,中央塔的尖顶。 ebigear

A sickle-shaped creature was darting toward Chimney Rock, two sandstone pinnacles that cap a long, narrow rock platform.
一只状如镰刀的精灵箭一般地飞向烟囱岩。烟囱岩是两截尖锥形砂岩,如帽子形状盖在一个狭长的岩石台基上。 blog.sina.com.cn

Along the beach where the Cook Glacier once calved great pinnacles of ice into the sea, the rookery now calves flotillas of king penguins.
沿着库克冰川曾经把冰崖探进海面的这条海滩,繁殖地现在探进海面的是一队队王企鹅舰队。 yeeyan

Although the solstices represent the pinnacles of summer and winter with respect to the intensity of the sun’s rays, they do not represent the warmest or coldest days.
虽然夏至和冬至分别代表了太阳光线强度在夏季和冬季的顶峰,他们却并不代表最热的或最冷的日子。 yeeyan

And those pinnacles seem to get the rarer, the older we get.

Basalt Pinnacles, Scotland: On Skye's Trotternish Peninsula, basalt pinnacles loom over the Sound of Raasay.
苏格兰:玄武岩尖塔,在斯开岛的特洛登尼许半岛,玄武岩尖塔俯瞰着拉塞海峡。 wallcoo

Big features, crazy formations, caves, pinnacles, whatever; up close and pulling hard, rock is rock.
巨大的岩壁、疯狂的结构、大洞、顶峰,不论怎样,接近顶点努力攀爬,岩壁就是岩壁。 yeeyan

But Ian's answer reminded me that when we think about happiness, we usually think of something extraordinary, a pinnacle of sheer delight. And those pinnacles seem to get rarer the older we get.
但是伊恩的话启发了我,当我们考虑幸福的时候,我们通常想到一些不同寻常的事情和愉快无比的时刻,而随着年龄的增长,这种时刻是越来越少。 hjenglish

Five stone pinnacles stand tall and magnificent.
五座石峰雄伟挺拔。 blog.sina.com.cn

From between the arcades, the eye glanced up to a bit of blue sky or a passing cloud; and beheld the sun-gilt pinnacles of the abbey towering into the azure heaven.
从拱廊之间向上望去,可以瞥见一抹蓝天,或一朵游云,还有那镀着阳光,伸向碧空的寺顶尖塔,也巍然在目。 putclub

From our point of view the success of this particular event is not a pinnacle but a major milestone that will lead to pinnacles beyond your ability to currently perceive.
从我们的观念来讲,这份特殊的事件的成功译者:应该是指公开宣布不是一个顶峰,但会是一个主要的里程碑将通向最终的顶峰,远远超过你们现在能够察觉的能力。 humanreborn

The Native Americans who lived in the area many years ago called the mountains Teewinot, meaning“ many pinnacles.”
很多年前生活在此的土著印第安人称这片山脉为“ Teewinot”,意思是“许多山尖”。 yeeyan

The pinnacles are said to have been formed about60 million years ago. They offer beauty of a different kind!
而这些尖峰石阵据说形成有六千万年了,很与众不同的美。 yeeyan

This section of the river makes a unique traditional Chinese painting with its clear water and clusters of pinnacles.
这一段河流风光绮丽,碧水萦回,石峰林立,构成一幅锦绣画卷。 jukuu

We took a side trip to a geological wonder called the Stone Forest, a natural forest of strangely shaped stone pinnacles.
途中我们顺便参观了地质奇观“石林”,那是由各种奇形怪状的尖形石头构成的天然地貌。 fortunechina

You may have the pinnacles if you have enough blood to pay.
只要你有血可付,你尽可得到顶巅的能力。 ebigear

You might even say it's one of the pinnacles of human civilization.
你甚至会说,这是人类文明的重要结晶。 yeeyan




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