a river in western Thailand; a major tributary of the Chao Phrayaa sharp high-pitched resonant sound as of a sonar echo or a bullet striking metal
hit with a pinging noise;The bugs pinged the lamp shade
sound like a car engine that is firing too early;the car pinged when I put in low-octane gasoline
The car pinked when the ignition was too far retarded
make a short high-pitched sound;the bullet pinged when they struck the car
contact, usually in order to remind of something;I'll ping my accountant--April 15 is nearing
send a message from one computer to another to check whether it is reachable and active;ping your machine in the office
ping-pong diplomacy乒乓球外交pink粉红色的ping砰ping-pong乒乓table tennis乒乓球
近义词 knock敲击pink粉红色的
Many famouspingpang players have defected to other countries.许多有名的乒乓球手都为他国效力了。
He is drippingsweat.他大汗淋漓。 a sonar pings just often enough to maximise the tension.
声纳声波定位仪发出的声音常常刚刚达到张力的最大值。 ecocn
Although internal linking in your own site help navigate user to your posts, but it actually decrease your page rank because of the self pings effect.
An obvious characteristics in ZHANG Pings novels is their strong concern on reality, their life like vividness, and their close-up record of the reality.
张平小说的一个明显的特征是它的强烈的关注现实的情怀、实实在在的生活的“含金量”和近距离的“纪实品格”。 dictall
During your testing, you can use simple pings to ensure that no packet loss occurs.
在测试期间,您可以使用简单的 ping确保不会发生丢失包的情况。 ibm
How to find the proper analytical- functions for conformal map- pings is the key to the problems of this kind.
实现这种“曲化平”处理的关键是要找出合适的保角变换解析函数。 cnki
If your client isn't displaying server pings check to ensure that your firewall isn't blocked.
如果您的客户端不显示服务器坪检查,以确保您的防火墙没有阻塞。 hb-m
In this scenario, the Service consumer pings the registry to find out where the proxy is, perhaps based on where the Service consumer is currently located and with what protocols it can communicate.
在这种场景下,服务消费者查找注册中心得到代理的位置,或许根据服务消费者当前的位置以及它使用的通信协议通信。 infoq
Metal tested to endurance creaks and groans; a sonar pings just often enough to maximise the tension.
检测水压承受力的金属嘎吱作响、发出哀嚎;声纳声波定位仪发出的声音常常刚刚达到张力的最大值。 ecocn
My apartment is only7 pings.
我的公寓只有七坪。 tingroom
Navy team is bringing in high-tech underwater listening devices to detect pings from data recorders.
美国海军人员正利用高科技水下探测仪搜寻“黑匣子”发出的信号。 cnnas
Replies came back from all four short pings and all four long pings.
这些响应来自4 个短的 ping 包和长的 ping 包。 ibm
She ate two shao- pings a day and she cut corners in other way.
她每天吃两个烧饼,并采取其他方法节省开支。 tingclass
The boy pings a knife against a glass.
There is no need to wait for timeout and no risk of node pings getting stuck on a busy network.
这样就不需要等待超时而且也没有在繁忙网络上 ping节点时上当受骗的风险。 infoq
These are just casual, tenuous electronic pings.
这些只是一些随意的、空洞的电子接触而已。 yeeyan